really like what you did, some of the changes were taking it too far
found some bugs/minor issues
you can stand here (on the window and on the edge of the roof a bit higher) not on the other side
standing in he middle of the X thing is kinda weird, you just slide forth and back
the clipping on the right shouldn't be here
there should be clipping, you can get stuck in the little corner
can hide stickies in this thing being invisible from one side and still able to deal damage
same here
same in the bottom of this lamp
same in this gutter pipe (not mirrored, stickies are way more visible on blu side)
you can hide stickies on the edge from inside and they can damage people outside of the door
stickies deal damage through thisalsoi don't necessary think all of these are problems (some of them are really cool) but some of them should be mirrored to be usable on both sides