Account Details
SteamID64 76561198032914094
SteamID3 [U:1:72648366]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:36324183
Country United States
Signed Up September 7, 2012
Last Posted December 7, 2024 at 6:26 AM
Posts 694 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity .5 w/ mouse accel
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
120hz lightboost
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse repaired g400, thanks megawac
Keyboard filco ninja browns
Mousepad artisan hien
Headphones samson sr850
Monitor asus vg248qe
1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 46
#8 PC not detecting new HDD in Hardware

Do you have any other sata controllers or different computers to try the disk?

Did you purchase new or refurbished btw?

Is the disk larger than 2tb?

What motherboard do you have?

posted about 11 years ago
#247 EVO 2013 - Fighting Game Championship in Esports


posted about 11 years ago
#11 update didn't like our servers in Q/A Help
OCTANEwell i only have ftp and rcon access there isn't any web panel for me :(

You're fucked.


Install the latest sourcemod and then ask your server administrator to restart it.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 update didn't like our servers in Q/A Help

restart server
Go check the latest snapshots for sourcemod (1.5/1.6)
-Here's a head up...Sourcemod dev's are fucking fast and will have a build that works with the latest game update within 5 hours -- if on weekdays. The last one was ready in 1-2 hours.

Check your server logs

posted about 11 years ago
#64 What's Your Favourite Sport? (Not Video Games) in Off Topic
lynaTricking :D
People doing flips and shit, what is there not to love!

:D me too!

I love the kicks too.

One of my favorite sampler.

it's so risky though...

posted about 11 years ago
#220 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion
conductorthere are new sourcemod snapshots out if you want to update your scrim servers, all of the iT servers should be working now

they're still being built........

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Move those votes up! in TF2 General Discussion
We're working on a mandatory update for TF2. We've released the dedicated server files early so you can download them ahead of the client update. The new version is 1828124.

The notes for the update will be coming later.


Update soon :O

posted about 11 years ago
#55 not just map tweaks, weapons too in TF2 General Discussion

HP buffs on weapons...



posted about 11 years ago
#25 cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

uh... So the map wasn't in the final version?

There's going to be some version and file name problems....

posted about 11 years ago
#6 mumble problem? :o in Off Topic
liasI had the same problem. I kept trying new names until it worked. It was a ridiculous and long name.

Did the mumble server have lots of people connect over time? I feel like however mumble creates self-signed certs it eventually causes duplicates.

maybe OP can make a new self-signed cert.

configure->Certificate Wizard->Create New cert->[enter whatever you want]->next next till it finishes.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 mumble problem? :o in Off Topic

Don't SSL certs have to be signed by CA's like verisign/this to be trusted?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Making my PC capable of streaming. Upgrades needed in Hardware

No to amd, Go with intel.

The AMD has the advantage in x264 encoding (encoder for obs) but it's going to lose out in pushing out the frames for tf2. You can make up for the small advantage that the AMD has over the intel with some parameters to the x264 encoder.

But the gap between the Intel and AMD for Tf2 is too large for a simple/advanced fps cfg to fix.

Intel is more expensive but I think its performance justifies its cost. If you went with the AMD, i doubt you'd experience much gains in the single threaded apps.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 FPS problems? (FX 8350 + GTX 680) in Hardware

Here's something you can try...I don't think it will help much though...
-threads 8 into launch options

replace/add to your autoexec
mat_queue_mode 2
threadpool_affinity 8
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1

close applications like music players and internet browsers. Disable/stop services that's not in use.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 frame stuttering when turning in Q/A Help

I notice behavior as if frame blending was enabled whenever I turn with the mouse, strafing is fine though.

random example of frame blending...

Only limited to source games, QL and other games are fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 FPS problems? (FX 8350 + GTX 680) in Hardware

holy shit @ above posts (and that image)...

IMO, Modern AMD's have no single threaded performance (in many applications it rivals intels from 2/3 generations ago). AMD's design philosophy since the release of the first phenoms is in the direction of highly threaded applications. Look where they have gone with their entire prosumer desktop CPU line. 8 core CPU's for flipping cheap.

Tf2 is a single threaded application. Even with mat_queue_mode, there's only a few things being ran in parallel. So I don't think it's a surprise that your FPS is pretty low. You're trying to run a single threaded application on a CPU that's specialized only for multithreaded applications.

I don't know how the modules are represented but every 2 modules are split parts of what a 'core' would be. Integer calculations in one and floating point stuff in the other. (I totally don't understand, read up more @here) That's why there's a bunch of issues with scheduling and power management.

Here's two fixes for Windows 7

Windows 8 is suppose to have built in support for the amd architecture. Though I'd still look for updates/hotfixes.

I would recommend increasing your turbo limit or just straight up overclocking.

posted about 11 years ago
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