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Last Posted April 10, 2024 at 5:04 PM
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#478 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

I'll edit this post and provide pictures in a sec, but if you build a sentry on the boxes at last and plan to upgrade it from that position, when jumping at the box, you can get stuck in the clipping a bit

EDIT: I forgot about this but yeah

ignore the audio, was watching a stream

posted about 9 years ago
#37 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

I'd feel bad making another thread after like 3 days :D

changelog (probably missing stuff as always because me and fubar are bad at this)

swapped the mid point prop back from the new box and applied blockbullet liberally to it

some hiding spots have had shadow bleed entirely fixed to minimise fps cfg disadvantage (eg: the one giraffe asked about removing the metal sheet from before)

stickies no longer poke through the metal sheet at china

the hidden room was removed (YOU DID THIS)

texture-seaming on cliff has been significantly improved (much less ugly lighting)

lighting indoors has been slightly (probably not very noticably) improved

as always, lots of clipping, map holes etc have been fixed

the rocks behind either side of point have had 'hitbox' improvements

known bugs (we can't fix them before release as fubar is gone for a while and there's no point postponing this as it's still a 'clearly' better version)

pixelwalk near cliff still exists

clipping on box near point kinda sucks atm

outside background detail that benroads suggested (can't be done with major changes but I'll note it anyways)

part of the cliff texture disappears where clipping was fixed if jumping

prop draw distance is wrong
tiger mafia:
tiger mafia:
posted about 9 years ago
#27 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

it'd be cool if people could give feedback on giraffe's points - a lot of them I can understand, but it comes down to whether people think they are necessary, namely:

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I'm not sure if the purpose of that metal sheet was to make hiding their more awkward or not, but I think it would be nice if it was removed. Would make hiding in that already risky spot slightly better.

does it really make hiding there more awkward? I think it can make the spot even harder to scout people being there for one, and even if that isn't the case I'm unsure on whether it's a big deal - I don't think all props should be removed if it doesn't have a positive impact on the map (coming from a 'declutter' freak)

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I would personally like to see both of those ceilings cleaned/covered up so that it is flat/less cluttered.

this is one I can understand more but once again it comes down to what people think, I don't really want everything 'visual' removed from the map for the sake of purity

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Inconsistent with the other boards/platforms recently changed. Would be nice if it was solid as well so projectiles don't fly under there.

fubar didn't want this for his own reasons and I didn't think it mattered enough to make a big deal about it, so it's up to him

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I think you should replace the short wooden fence by extending the taller metal fence. It would make the splash damage and visuals of that area more consistent.

I can understand it, but too much of that grey fence will make the map really ugly looking I think, so it comes down to whether people consider it a big deal once again

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You should move some of the small boxes in the spawn yard in order to block this sightline. It's used pretty often by soldiers to spam the spawn but also snipers can just fully charge body shot a medic fairly easily from there. Blocking it would make pushing out against a forward hold slightly easier.
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I'm not sure if the heightened bullet block was added in rc4 or rc5 but I don't agree with it. It gave demos the option of going for a VERY difficult krit sticky to their spawn, or soldiers jumping high up from china to try and finish off a scout running to resupply. It's just a small thing that makes the map more dynamic in my opinion. It's similar to shooting over the badlands house from diagonal to mid or vice versa.

thoughts guys?

posted about 9 years ago
#22 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

before and after of the rock hitbox for next version

posted about 9 years ago
#14 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
GiraffeI don't understand why you spent time adding secret rooms with a frog as intel that can be captured in the enemy team's basketball hoop rather than fixing actual problems with the map. Yes there is actually a random basketball net on both sides of the map now.
Edit: i'll post pics later

it's not like we didn't fix literally every suggestion made on the pro5 thread

posted about 9 years ago
#8 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
pamphlethave you talked to an esea admin about getting this in next season?

I could I guess, or someone could on my behalf if they want who already has an admin on steam friends

a potential solution to the fence thing in the future is to add some 'diagonal' blockbullet from the tip of the boards that stick out to the panel itself, which would mean you couldn't stick stickies in the very corner, but could stick them to the panel - the whole change could be reverted if necessary, but it's not really optimal

posted about 9 years ago
#6 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

well, seems there are already some 'big' bugs found, so there's a good chance we'll push out a new version very quickly

if anyone has extra feedback, that would be great

current bugs:
clipping on the rock is kinda messed up for some reason
random hole
remove this box

EDIT: apparently the rock bug was around in pro5 regardless, so this is still a direct improvement, and not much can be done about it unfortunately...

posted about 9 years ago
#3 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion
omnificThis map has come so fucking far, good job bubble

main guy to thank is fubar - I mostly just gather feedback/screen suggestions/come up with ideas/poke fubar, he's the one who does the actual work

posted about 9 years ago
#1 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

mostly a lot of minor bugfixes, and some visual stuff (lighting, retextures, some prop stuff etc)

balance changes I can come up with (very minor)

- white fence behind point is shortened, it doesn't DRASTICALLY nerf the spot for sniper, but it's something
- some props have been swapped out for boxes to reduce splashbugs, they should still be very comparable shapes and the ones that you couldn't build on before, you still can't now etc
- skybox was raised

this will very likely be the last version before we push to final with the bugs that are reported here

posted about 9 years ago
#49 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

probably what we'll go with

posted about 9 years ago
#29 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

so, I've asked more than 10 top players from 6s + HL now, and this has turned out to be an INCREDIBLY divisive request - half think it's a good thing, useful for dodging etc, the other half think it's not (because of it being either annoying or OP, both being good reasons of course), so at the moment I'm unsure on how to proceed.

one 'compromise' option is to chop it down as suggested by comanglia - maybe making it a tad shorter as well as taking a little off of either side or something like that. Making it shorter is very likely to have the unintended side effect of giving him even more cover though...

there's a picture if anyone wants to have a go at MS paint mockups or something

posted about 9 years ago
#24 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion
ComangliaGiraffeRemoving the white fence ( behind both of the big middle rocks would go a long way in making sniper more balanced on the map. Probably not used as much in 6s as in highlander, but in hl most snipers are able to sit on the white fence looking over the rock, have great cover, quickly change sight lines to see every entrance to point and be protected by his whole team. The majority if not all of the other sight lines on viaduct force the sniper to be either more isolated and/or more visible. The fence serves no other purpose but making sniper even stronger and would be great to have it gone.
Don't forget the beast that is Heavy that abuses the fuck out of that too.


I'd hate seeing the entire white fence go, I understand it makes sniper horrible to play against though, maybe compromise by shortening the white fence so snipers can only see either left or right not both.

not happening I think, not convinced that it's really needed, but if everyone speaks out strongly about it, it can be done

posted about 9 years ago
#21 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

the map is already getting very close to finish with all of the changes listed in this thread (and some that fubar initially dismissed as implausible)

quick teaser image showing the team coloured houses and the fixed lighting on china among other things (I play with bad settings so this probably will look more pretty for others)

posted about 9 years ago
#19 koth_viaduct_pro5 release in Map Discussion

hey, so

we'll be pushing out the (probably final?) version of viaduct very soon hopefully - if anyone has any bugs that weren't reported in this thread already with the current version, or if anyone has any suggestions on how to make the map better visually (something else we'll try to do with this version), please let us know

posted about 9 years ago
#1 pl_barnblitz_pro6 in Map Discussion

changelog (includes some pro4 -> 5 changes as pro5 wasn't really played in any leagues etc)
very likely to be missing some stuff because me and fubar are both too lazy to remember to make lists of things that are changed as they're done


note: if your version varies from the version on serveme, or on this download link, you will need to redownload - there was a mistake with leaving an incomplete version public that got circulated through tf2center a bit

posted about 10 years ago
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