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Last Posted March 13, 2025 at 2:01 PM
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#146 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
zfnI'm curious how you "find" launch options. Were these just added recently, or have they been there since release but no one has stumbled upon them yet? Is there a full list of launch options somewhere?

Also for the other launch options you list such as -nojoy, -useforcedmparms, -noforcemaccel and -noforcemspd, why did Chris tell us they don't work here?

They've been there since release. I just looked through the source code to find them.

I don't know why Chris claimed this because I can verify even without source code that nojoy does affect the game's behavior. TF2 outputs "Did not detect any valid joysticks" to stdout when nojoy is not present. Not sure about the mouse acceleration commands since I haven't used Windows in years. But from my memory, I remember them affecting mouse acceleration.

stabbyI'd still be interested in knowing what the ideal value is.

I would definitely recommend cl_SetupAllBones 0. Also any reason why you didn't use -nops2b?

joshuawnmastercoms states in her config that disabling the violence_hgibs convar forces sillygibs (which, due to what i assume are other convars that aren't explicitly related to gibs, still hides them from view). i'm not sure if these hidden sillygibs still cause a performance loss versus regular gibs.

also, i just realized that the major visual discrepancy that threw me off was violence_hblood. and since mastercoms verified that blood can be safely disabled, i'm satisfied as is. it has been so long since i used a config that enabled blood that it completely threw me off.

After looking at the code again, I think setting any of the violence_ cvars to 0 enables low violence mode/silly gibs, but I'm pretty sure the code I'm looking at is outdated so I'll have to test in game. The best way to disable gibs is through the prop break max pieces commands, I believe. Not sure about blood, how was this done traditionally?

Found a few more launch options, though I haven't fully investigated them yet

-mat_softwaretl : forces software vertex processing, might be useful for bad GPUs
-limitvsconst : limits hardware vertex shader constants to 256, don't think this one will be too useful
-primarysound : uses a single sound buffer, not sure what the real impact of this is
-snoforceformat : skips force setting of sound buffer format, not sure what the real impact of this is
-reuse : allow network sockets to be reused when busy (sets SO_REUSEADDR), not sure about this one but i tested it earlier and i didn't have any bad results with it, maybe someone with a better feel for net settings can test this
-usetcp : allows usage of TCP, probably useless because I'm not sure where TCP would be used in TF2, I'll have to investigate further

Some more kinda useless ones:
-shadersondemand : initialize shaders on use, though it still seems to allocate memory for the shaders, so don't see any use case for this...
-random_invariant : use the same seed for local RNG every launch, don't see a use besides debugging
-small : allow resolutions smaller than 640x480
-filmgrain : may enable a film grain effect, crashed on my PC when I entered a game

posted about 7 years ago
#136 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
I switched to 90

edit: -nosrgb works fine on 80

So benchmarks soon then?

SetsulIt's stabby, the guy who recommended launch options that don't exist.
You can't even afford the amount of salt you need to take his advice with.

He's trying his best, and admits when he is unsure about things.

posted about 7 years ago
#131 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
JackStanleySorry for kinda spamming, but these launch options seems really "buggy"
Show Content

You know which launch option causes this? Most likely -nouserclip

Also are you still using dx8?

posted about 7 years ago
#129 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
JackStanleyAlso @stabby mentioned before that cl_SetupAllBones 0 causes hitreg issues

Eh, unlikely. Most likely placebo.

posted about 7 years ago
#125 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I've found some launch options that you peeps might want to test:

-nosrgb : disables SRGB (limits variety of colors) results in flatter/smoother colors, and brighter lighting
-nouserclip : disables user clip planes and enables fast clipping (I experienced a fps boost with this)
-nops2b : uses pixel shaders 2.0 instead of 2.0b, reduces fps impact of some shaders
-softparticlesdefaultoff : disable depth blending for particles and sprites

posted about 7 years ago
#124 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
JackStanleyMax frames very essentials

Please don't use these settings with my config. I already set these to optimal values in my main config and maxframes.cfg.

Main offenders: r_lod 2 (sets all models lod 2, even if they can go down to a lower lod, use r_rootlod 2 instead and set r_lod to -1), blink_duration 0 (doesn't do anything except divide by zero and possibly cause some errors/memory leaks), g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0 (this is the rate at which the ragdoll fades out, if it is 0 then it just takes up memory trying to do the impossible fade task per frame, though this might have been fixed in Tough Break), and I thought violence_hgibs 0 enabled low violence mode, which is worse for performance.

It is better to remove any extra configs you have for graphics and just suggest values to me. They might be ruining performance.

posted about 7 years ago
#122 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
knsumeidk how u made a graphics config without knowing how to remove gibs and ragdolls but its a series of console commands (u can find them in most toaster configs)

I know, but most ragdolls disabling configs get a value wrong and cause a memory leak (possibly fixed in Tough Break). I wanted to make sure what values they were using.

posted about 7 years ago
#120 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
JackStanleySo I ran myself a benchmark and it seems there are almost no FPS difference between Comanglia's and Mastercoms' (stabillity/maxframes) configs for me. Keep in mind I had my Opera browser opened with power save mode + I use LOD Tweak, dxlevel 80 + removed gibs, ragdolls and ect. for both of them.

How did you remove gibs and ragdolls?

What is LOD tweak?

And I recommend using the highest dxlevel supported by your card. But it comes down to what the benchmarks say, and personal preference. There are some things in dx8 that hurt performance depending on your specs. It makes up for it by disabling some effects not supported by it, but I think most of the important effects can be disabled in dx9 anyway.


Hm, so I guess it comes down to benchmarking it with some perf tool.

posted about 7 years ago
#116 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Yeah, it was frustrating, but I'm glad it was sorted out. Sorry about that whole social drama thing in #111, I was just kind of frustrated from our conversation.

Anyway, the thing I was asking was the StackOverflow post's claim about fast clears, saying that glClear actually saves write and read time, on any GPU, not just Maxwell and Pascal.

posted about 7 years ago
#114 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Oh ok, sorry. I see. You're right then. I'd like to thank you for walking me through it. I was missing the deferred vs immediate mode bit and why it would matter.

Could you explain this too?

MouldConfig mains smh

Excuse you, I have a Hale's Own Text Editor and I'm proud!

posted about 7 years ago
#111 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Setsul, this isn't going to be worth my time if you aren't willing to understand what I say, nor if you are going to discuss these things in a non-pretentious manner. But, that's not what I meant. Here's the source I meant: (23.3 on page 5 or 326 and 23.4 on the next page)

Menachemi keep going back over this thread in a struggle to understand why this turned so hostile

this is the drama tf2 really needs

I've tried to remain as friendly as possible but Setsul's behavior and discussion habits makes it quite hard.

JackStanleyThis guy did the great job, give it a shot!

Thanks! I'm not a guy though :(

posted about 7 years ago
#105 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I've been saying the same thing over and over, just in different ways so you could understand.

Drivers skip reading all buffers if you use glClear. And it might take a bit to find the link, I'm trying to figure what keywords to use. It might also be on ASM or IEEE so I'll have to look there too if I don't find it from googling it.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Looking for a crosshair vtf in Customization

I believe it is in materials\sprites\crosshairs.vtf in the textures vpk.

posted about 7 years ago
#103 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Stencil and depth buffer don't need to be dealt with for the driver to understand that it can skip reading buffer.
It is faster and does this only on tiled renderers because the write is faster on GPUs with tiled rendering.

posted about 7 years ago
#101 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I'm trying to find the link, but you are obviously misunderstanding what I'm saying.

Let me give you a simple example before I find the link. Let's say you are rendering a simple UI. That UI has a few buttons, and something just triggered a hover effect on one of the buttons. So you would update that part of the UI. The GPU has to read the previous buffer to draw the rest of the UI that you didn't update.

But lets say your draw is covering every pixel. The GPU doesn't know that this draw will cover every pixel, so it will still read the previous buffer, assuming that you won't update every pixel and expect what you drew last to stay there. If you call glClear, the GPU knows that it won't have to read the previous buffer because you've cleared the color buffer. This writing to the color buffer will be faster than the read.

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 98 99 100 101 102 103 104