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Signed Up August 8, 2017
Last Posted May 26, 2024 at 6:15 PM
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#181 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Silent-DanLoving the config, probably the best one i've tried out so far, but how do I get it to work with offline servers?

host_thread_mode 0. Remember to change it to host_thread_mode 1 when online.

And thanks! <3

degur_pixelfog is different for nvidia and amd graphic cards, r_pixelfog 1 is off on nvidia but on on amd
i speak from perspective of current owner of gtx 1060 and former owner of radeon 6850

Hm, interesting but I think the result will be the same with -nops2b

posted about 6 years ago
#178 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
znTesting it out, I'm very happy with this config. My game runs silky smooth now, whereas when I used comanglias my game was very choppy. And I like how almost every command is documented, so I know what exactly I'm turning on or off.

Great stuff keep it up!

Thanks so much!! <3 Glad it is working well for you.

If you find even the tiniest thing you'd like to for me to make better, please leave it in the thread!

HoppsThe foggy appearance remains even with r_pixelfog 0

Ok, I guess I'll reserve that launch option for potatos or people who prefer the thicker fog.

posted about 6 years ago
#173 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
seedsthanks very much mastercoms, this works great and i like the ability to have gibs on without sacrificing my fps
awesome job :D

<3 thank you soooo much. comments like this mean like the world to me!!!! :)

posted about 6 years ago
#171 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
stabbyHit reg fix update:

I dunno, since have cl_setupallbones set to '0' doesn't really give me a substantial FPS increase, I'm going to error on the side of caution with '1' until I've been properly comforted.

Tried those new launch options, and actually got a good +5 average fps bump with -disable_d3d9_hacks :D

I'm interested in -r_emulate_gl in terms of how it affects mouse input, despite it not having any frame-rate impact for me.

I'm assuming the other launch options you didn't mention didn't have an effect. Anyway, not sure what -r_emulate_gl will exactly do, but if it is improving mouse input, that's good to hear!

EDIT: Forgot to say that the mentioned hitreg update is not really related to cl_SetupAllBones.

posted about 6 years ago
#169 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
vanican someone upload screenshots of -nosrgb on vs off thank you


Here is -nosrgb. I think the difference is apparent enough.

posted about 6 years ago
#168 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
googleblehI was kinda excited to try this out. but I'm also not down to risk a VAC just for a few more frames :/

Good idea.

Here is a new launch option that Windows users should try: -r_emulate_gl

More launch options for everyone to try: -64OS, -arbmode, -disable_d3d9_hacks and -mpi -mpi_AutoLocalWorker

I don't know what these will do since they are extracted from the executables and DLLs and I don't have source code access. But benchmarks should show if each of these settings do anything on different people's PCs.

posted about 6 years ago
#166 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
JackStanleyAre the Native Libraries for Linux based systems only? I haven't found any of these two files you mentioned in readme.txt, also the Native Libraries done absolutely nothing on Windows OS. No VAC ban since it has done nothing. Too lazy to load Ubuntu for now, sorry :P

Only for OpenGL based systems: Linux and macOS.

posted about 6 years ago
#162 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
osvaldo@mastercoms Are you changing the config and updating the link each time you find something new or implement somebody's suggestion ?

Also when do you expect to release a "final" (aka more polished and further tested) version of your config ?

It is on git, so it is updated and has history of all changes (commits). I update the config almost daily according to suggestions and my own improvements. The config is constantly being improved so I don't think there will be a final version. However, I'm planning on polishing much more soon after the pyro update comes out.

HoppsHave anyone tried Native Libraries?
What are the benefits of having it?

Benefits of having it is you get updated graphical and memory libraries for TF2, which improves compatibility and performance. But, you might get VAC banned.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 New low-latency, high bandwidth storage technology in The Dumpster

ohmg dude i hate you i had headphones and accidentally had volume on high :((

though it's mostly my fault for being dumb and having volume up

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Horrible lag spikes in in-game in TF2 General Discussion
net_maxcleartime 0.5
net_maxpacketdrop 100
net_splitrate 3
rate 167580
net_splitpacket_maxrate 167581

Could you try these CVars? They'll help with network choke. Also it would be helpful if you shared your net settings, or are they Comanglia's default?

posted about 6 years ago
#156 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Hopps-nops2b makes my tf2 look foggy.stabby-nops2b did give a tiny boost but caused a hazy "fog" to appear, more pronouncedly on some maps than others.

Maybe r_pixelfog 0 is the solution. However, I think the less dense fog is only possible with pixel shaders 2.0b, now that I think about it.

stabbyRe: we know what it is and/or whether it is at all related to the hit reg update?

Hitreg update? cl_SetupAllBones has been there since release and forces every bone to be set up. Generally, the engine has a good idea of what bones to set up and which ones to not set up, so I don't think the CVar is necessary.


-noipx doesn't exist anymore, nor does -nocdaudio. Were you able to notice a difference in sound or networking with primarysound, snoforceformat and reuse?

posted about 6 years ago
#152 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Hopps-nops2b makes my tf2 look foggy.

Foggy? Could you expand on that please or maybe share a screenshot?

posted about 6 years ago
#149 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
kaeosis there any proof about how cl_SetupAllBones 0/1 affects hit reg?
also, why do you prefer 0 over 1?

Well bones affect animations in a way, but I don't think cl_SetupAllBones sets up any useful bones. There hasn't been any proof from anyone that cl_SetupAllBones actually helps hitreg.

0 is better because it doesn't force uselessly setting up bones.

himari_tfsorry for the dumb question, but does anyone know why i can't move in walkway/other tr maps after i started using this config

In local servers, you'll have to set host_thread_mode 0. Not a dumb question. Remember to set it back to host_thread_mode 1 when you're going to join a server.

posted about 6 years ago
#146 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
zfnI'm curious how you "find" launch options. Were these just added recently, or have they been there since release but no one has stumbled upon them yet? Is there a full list of launch options somewhere?

Also for the other launch options you list such as -nojoy, -useforcedmparms, -noforcemaccel and -noforcemspd, why did Chris tell us they don't work here?

They've been there since release. I just looked through the source code to find them.

I don't know why Chris claimed this because I can verify even without source code that nojoy does affect the game's behavior. TF2 outputs "Did not detect any valid joysticks" to stdout when nojoy is not present. Not sure about the mouse acceleration commands since I haven't used Windows in years. But from my memory, I remember them affecting mouse acceleration.

stabbyI'd still be interested in knowing what the ideal value is.

I would definitely recommend cl_SetupAllBones 0. Also any reason why you didn't use -nops2b?

joshuawnmastercoms states in her config that disabling the violence_hgibs convar forces sillygibs (which, due to what i assume are other convars that aren't explicitly related to gibs, still hides them from view). i'm not sure if these hidden sillygibs still cause a performance loss versus regular gibs.

also, i just realized that the major visual discrepancy that threw me off was violence_hblood. and since mastercoms verified that blood can be safely disabled, i'm satisfied as is. it has been so long since i used a config that enabled blood that it completely threw me off.

After looking at the code again, I think setting any of the violence_ cvars to 0 enables low violence mode/silly gibs, but I'm pretty sure the code I'm looking at is outdated so I'll have to test in game. The best way to disable gibs is through the prop break max pieces commands, I believe. Not sure about blood, how was this done traditionally?

Found a few more launch options, though I haven't fully investigated them yet

-mat_softwaretl : forces software vertex processing, might be useful for bad GPUs
-limitvsconst : limits hardware vertex shader constants to 256, don't think this one will be too useful
-primarysound : uses a single sound buffer, not sure what the real impact of this is
-snoforceformat : skips force setting of sound buffer format, not sure what the real impact of this is
-reuse : allow network sockets to be reused when busy (sets SO_REUSEADDR), not sure about this one but i tested it earlier and i didn't have any bad results with it, maybe someone with a better feel for net settings can test this
-usetcp : allows usage of TCP, probably useless because I'm not sure where TCP would be used in TF2, I'll have to investigate further

Some more kinda useless ones:
-shadersondemand : initialize shaders on use, though it still seems to allocate memory for the shaders, so don't see any use case for this...
-random_invariant : use the same seed for local RNG every launch, don't see a use besides debugging
-small : allow resolutions smaller than 640x480
-filmgrain : may enable a film grain effect, crashed on my PC when I entered a game

posted about 6 years ago
#136 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
I switched to 90

edit: -nosrgb works fine on 80

So benchmarks soon then?

SetsulIt's stabby, the guy who recommended launch options that don't exist.
You can't even afford the amount of salt you need to take his advice with.

He's trying his best, and admits when he is unsure about things.

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103