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Last Posted February 5, 2025 at 12:21 AM
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#77 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
thesqrtminus1i saw the title and was excited for this but after reading this thread i dont want to fuck up my tf2 for like a 3 frame decrease in performance

I've made a new preset for the config for max frames, while all benchmarks so far use my default config which does not squeeze out every last frame.

Please check back soon for benchmarks for my max frames preset!

posted about 7 years ago
#6 “dxlevel” launch option in linux in Q/A Help

Some things were ported to Linux directly, but ToGL does most of the main rendering work, translating from DirectX to OpenGL. ToGL was only made to support at least dxlevel 90. As for some rendering effects being turned off, Source checks the dxlevel and disables features if the dxlevel doesn't support them. Perhaps there is some messy workaround being used to clamp mat_dxlevel to 90 for OpenGL systems which doesn't rerun the dxlevel checks to re-enable some features.

posted about 7 years ago
#75 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
SetsulServer cvars.

The ai and some other server replicated commands were put in because I wanted to accommodate some singleplayer Source engine experiences for myself. My bad for keeping them, but I didn't see the problem in keeping them since there isn't any harm in doing so.

Setsulanim_3wayblend isn't the gold standard for uselessness, it's like triple platinum certified useless. It's been broken since before it was (accidentally) released.

Not sure why you think it is useless just because that choreography tool isn't released to the public. anim_3wayblend is still used in the Source Engine for calculating bone poses, not just in the VCD Blocking Tool. Anyway, although it is server replicated, it has the same reason as the other commands in that I've kept it in there for singleplayer Source Engine use.

SetsulHost thread mode is broken and you know it. Why would you put it in an fps config?

Because it isn't broken, except in local servers, and that's because of an oversight with input and networking logic differences for client and servers. Using threaded mode better runs what the engine is tasked to do per frame.

SetsulI don't care if you've read the source code if you ignore even the most basic documentation.
It's utterly useless to change it since it will never affect the TF2 client, ever.

I read the documentation, but documentation can be inaccurate. For systems with 512MB of RAM, the Source Engine uses mem_max_heapsize_dedicated instead of mem_max_heapsize.

SetsulHow important is it to set bloom tint when you've tried so hard to make sure that bloom is definitely disabled entirely?

I'm sorry if traditionally TF2 configs weren't like this, but mine is made out of editable text. I've also included any values people may find helpful for them to adjust. Instead of others spending the time to find how to customize a specific option, I've included it in my config for them. Anyway, since bloom is by default disabled in the config, you should know that having those CVars there don't actually affect anything.

SetsulUhm what? This simply enables the command buildcubemaps. It's most definitely not meant as a way to disable bloom.

It keeps track of if you're currently building cubemap samples. Some rendering features are disabled by this command because the game thinks you're building cubemaps. Source code can reveal some wacky stuff.

Setsulcl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 fades ragdolls instantly, what are you trying to accomplish with non-zero fade_time and sleepaftertime?

Nothing by default. As you said, they do nothing if cl_ragdoll_forcefade is enabled. So it's not a problem for them to be there.

SetsulSo on one hand you want high model quality on the other hand you want it to switch to lower LOD quality at a negative distance?

Model LOD and LOD fade controlled by lod_TransitionDist are completely different things. lod_TransitionDist controls the fade distance for the func_lod brush entity, which is an emulation of LOD by literally fading models out of view, rather than fading down to a lower quality. r_rootlod 1 was chosen because people who are looking for max performance will find it, while more casual users will not feel comfortable changing options. I looked for feedback from users about model quality, and I found that r_rootlod 1 was the average preference. Anyway, you seem more confused about the -5000 value and rightfully so. lod_TransitionDist is not the actual final fade distance value. There is a min fade distance of 5000 (where closer than this the object is not faded at all) and lod_TransitionDist is added onto that to get the max fade distance (where at or further away the object is fully faded). By setting it to -5000, you get a min fade distance of 5000 and a max fade distance of 0. Thankfully, the Source engine swaps the min and max values if the min value is greater than the max. So with this, you get an object fade from 0 distance to 5000 distance, rather than from 5000 distance to at least 5000 distance.

SetsulHow would that even work? Apart from the fact that only one chip in the 700 series is actually Maxwell.

Drivers for tile based rendered graphics cards will do reads on framebuffers unless you specifically clear them, because the driver will assume you'll need it in a rendering step later since you didn't explicitly clear the buffer. My mistake for saying 700 series, I'll correct the comment there.

SetsulI could go on but I'm tired.

Thank you for your work on reviewing my config! I'm happy to see more discussions come of this.

viperi feel like this config will break my tf2 after skimming that setsul post

I'm sure you won't have to worry about that.

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Artifact Teaser - New Valve card game in Other Games
BarytaQ80% of the point to online card games is to get kids to buy packs, there's no way they don't have MTX in this.

When has Valve ever done the norm? MOBA games had buyable heroes, and other paid game mechanics, but not Dota. FPS titles had paid map packs and weapon DLC. But not TF2 or CSGO.

posted about 7 years ago
#71 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Added a new max frames preset addon config. Would really appreciate it if it was benchmarked!

(still don't have a lot of mat_ CVars, but this should give a lot better FPS)

posted about 7 years ago
#70 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
OperaisThese should be the correct settings.

You're on Linux, right? gl_mtglflush_at_tof should be set to 0.

posted about 7 years ago
#68 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I'd like to point out that the whole point of the extensive commenting was so people could understand the values and choose the best value for their needs.

I'll post a max frames config soon for benchmarks.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Lucky_BenderQuestion why is cl_hud_minmode on by default?

A mistake. It should be commented. Sorry about that.

posted about 7 years ago
#66 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
ViglAlso another thing I've noticed is that whenever I try and change my settings or even change a crosshair while in a casual game, when I press ok it disconnects me out of the game? Very strange

Possibly something to do with conflicting HDR settings. I haven't had that issue, so if you could log your console with con_logfile console.log and then run cvarlist, I can check your CVar values to see where the problem is.

ViglAlso what is the reasoning on having mat_trilinear 0

Because disabling trilinear reduces the stuff the material system has to do for textures.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Artifact Teaser - New Valve card game in Other Games

Glad lots of people are excited for this!

Cerdurfrom the description it sounds more intuitive than i expected
but still this is just a grab at microtransaction potential

Knowing Valve, they will change from the normal monetization model of online card games.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

In addition to adding more options to make the graphics less taxing on weak computers, I'm also planning on revamping the comments. Right now, the purpose of comments aren't very well defined, so I wanted to have each comment both explain the CVar, as well as why I chose a certain value for that CVar to be the default for the config. However, I'm not entirely sure how to organize the text for that. So, anyone have ideas on what they would prefer for comment formatting?

Also, I've been thinking for a while now about adding presets/versions for my config for different setups (kind of like what Comanglia did for their config). However, the problem that's been making me hesitant to do that is that there isn't really a one size fits all for some of these CVars (eg maxframes) and that's why I've only added comments suggesting to change values in certain cases. I'm turning to the community for feedback as to what I should do for this problem about varying values being optimal for different PCs.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
notsoi5 650 iGPU - 640 x 480
Integrated graphics didnt seem to handle the slighly higher quality very well...I should get a gpu.

There are a few config options that the comments suggest setting based on if you have a weak GPU and weak CPU. Try setting those. Also, I haven't investigated a lot of the visual settings that will boost FPS on these potato computers.

Even with that, I feel like FPS only gives part of the story. What about load times, stuttering, etc?

z3tai use omphud-redux. here is custom folder

Thanks. I'll investigate soon.

posted about 7 years ago
#43 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
z3taStill no change :(

:( I'll try out transparent viewmodels and see what the problem is. Could I use your HUD (for consistency)?

posted about 7 years ago
#41 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
z3tayah, i forgot to add the cmds lol
edit: actually that didn't fix anything

Try using building_cubemaps 0.

posted about 7 years ago
#39 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
z3taI have some custom particles, a killsound, and a hud. If I open up a menu while playing I can see the game though.

Does your HUD have transparent viewmodels?

ZeRo5Interesting. Most fps configs use r_lod 2 even comanglia's config.

Well if a model has a lower LOD level than 2, it won't ever be used. r_rootlod sets the highest LOD level that can be used, so while r_lod 2 will always use LOD level 2, r_rootlod 2 will start at LOD level 2, and fade to even lower LODs if needed.

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 99 100 101 102 103