SiiLVERI don't really know witch command helped the most
Probably snd_spatialize_roundrobin 3, r_3dsky 0, r_flex 0, dsp_slow_cpu 1 and flex_rules 0, which are all used in comp.cfg with the exception of snd_spatialize_roundrobin 3 since it delays sound spatialization.
About r_occlusion and r_dopixelvisibility, I've been benchmarking these to find out which is better on modern hardware, though I expect r_occlusion will be best set to 0, and r_dopixelvisibility is best set to 1 (due to building_cubemaps 1).
SiiLVERQuestion, is there any benefit for "-heapsize xxxxxxx", "-gl", "-32bit" Launch options?
Do they even work?
Seeing as those launch options don't exist, I would say there is no benefit.
MalkrazAs soon as the player outlines disappear my framerate skyrockets (it was still constantly low without this config)
There was supposed to be an optimization patch to outlines, but I guess it didn't get in this major update.
MalkrazHowever, 2 things I don't like are these visuals here:
All of the characters have very simplistic lighting on the tops of their heads which makes them appear sort of gray, and there's odd blue lights on the floor in Turbine.
What commands can I change to remedy these, and what sort of performance hit can I expect from it?
It would be helpful if you could share your preset. But, assuming you're using comp, the simplistic lighting is from mat_phong 0, so set that to 1 if you want more complicated lighting. There's a pretty decent impact on GPU load, but your 970 should be able to handle it well.
I'm not sure about the blue lights on Turbine, though it might be caused by building_cubemaps 1. This cvar is quite extensive and affects a lot of different graphical features, so the performance impact from setting it back to 0 can vary quite a bit.