god forbid they take advice by watching the actual competitive scene, that has developped and been around with 0 of their support, and actually give it some support
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Last Posted | November 29, 2024 at 3:25 PM |
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MR_SLINmousiopeYou're making it more complicated than it needs to be. Viewmodels off and offset override are not available in comp matchmaking. So the only options are:MR_SLINi don't think viewmodels are really worth complaining about. if they started enforcing this viewmodel thing in pugs/leagues/comp then it might be an issue worth complaining about but this doesn't affect a majority of the playerbase so i don't think TFTV complaining about it is going to fix anything. most people who play TF2 play with viewmodels on -- this shouldn't surprise you. the developers have taken a hard stance on this and are making it clear that they want to have a common experience for all players in their system.
viewmodel offsets, weapon minmode, etc. these are good compromises i think.
so you have now :
viewmodels off
viewmodels on range 54 to 70 (or 1 to 180)
min_viewmodels range 54 to 70
world viewmodels
tf_viewmodels_offset_override x y z (cheats on needed for this one atm but im guessing it was introduced with a purpose)
how is this a common stance for all players in the system ?
its the same as with the ruleset, theres a ton of different leagues with different rulesets and the solution they propose in MM is no rules whatsoever and fingers crossed hoping this thing evolves into a competitive game.
Let´s attract players (hat hoarders) to MM with contracts with promises of skins and hats and not because its fun and exciting to actually play the damm game.
1) Viewmodels with a slider
2) Minmode
Every player in the game should be able to figure it out from there. I'm only suggesting override as a possible option because it's available in CSGO and it hasn't been that confusing for users.
And I agree with you, TF2 is a fun game to play so why is everyone all up in arms about viewmodels? They're not that hard to figure out and if you can't hide the viewmodels you won't die. TF2 is still fun even with viewmodels on.
viewmodels off are now available in comp
why force settings in comp and make it different than anything else ?
isnt the plan standardization of the whole tf2 ecosystem ? why create a different ecosystem with diferent settings and different standarts ?
because of streams ???? so you cant stream anything else other than comp ? they could learn a thing or two from the tf2 classic developpers, where if you have viewmodels off, the weapon you`re using appears near your ammo.
If ppl are confused to why your weapons dont appear ingame, they´re probably completely new to the game and their opinion is a bit less valuable imo.
I think new players have a harder time when they get matched on a different continent vs higher ranks (15´s to 18´s) and get discouraged because they get rolled and dont completely understand why, and eventually give up MM because its unatractive and not fun for them, saw it first hand the other day, bunch of friends newbies tried MM to only eventually give up because ot the reasons mentioned above.
MR_SLINi don't think viewmodels are really worth complaining about. if they started enforcing this viewmodel thing in pugs/leagues/comp then it might be an issue worth complaining about but this doesn't affect a majority of the playerbase so i don't think TFTV complaining about it is going to fix anything. most people who play TF2 play with viewmodels on -- this shouldn't surprise you. the developers have taken a hard stance on this and are making it clear that they want to have a common experience for all players in their system.
viewmodel offsets, weapon minmode, etc. these are good compromises i think.
so you have now :
viewmodels off
viewmodels on range 54 to 70 (or 1 to 180)
min_viewmodels range 54 to 70
world viewmodels
tf_viewmodels_offset_override x y z (cheats on needed for this one atm but im guessing it was introduced with a purpose)
how is this a common stance for all players in the system ?
its the same as with the ruleset, theres a ton of different leagues with different rulesets and the solution they propose in MM is no rules whatsoever and fingers crossed hoping this thing evolves into a competitive game.
Let´s attract players (hat hoarders) to MM with contracts with promises of skins and hats and not because its fun and exciting to actually play the damm game.
they should´ve added this to the game instead they patch it
ppl are saying viewmodel_fov .1 works ?
TorraggSorry cant help with your issues but i was wondering what hud that is in the second vid?
oh snap, another dirty exploit that allows for shady things like customising your rates or your viewmodel_fov.
what are we gonna see next a brightness slider ? big nononono on MM
get on it "voices" of the community, another sick exploit that sponsors trips to valve ..
it was a joke/sarcasm :)
you did what you did to help ppl that had a problem with the forces viewmodels settings, everyone knows that calling viewmodels off an exploit its ridiculous (don´t they?) since its a setting that has been present on the game since the beginning
treetoonI really appreciate you trying to fix TF2, yttrium. It's very unfortunate when valve and the people directly communicating with them is going out their way to officially fuck us over.
Here's the youtube link instead btw: https://youtu.be/I9nRPFRD1QY?t=1366
If the game developpers went out of their way to remove the ability of hiding viewmodels, going around its against the spirit of the game . WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Because everyone knows that the game developpers have a clue of what the fuck they,re doing with this game, seen with the dozens of half cooked updates, that introduce more bugs than what they actually fix, and this last update seen as the cherry on top of the cake, by being the complete clusterfuck that everyone saw.
Its good to see that they´re devoting tons of time to the super game changer exploit that is hiding viewmodels, while letting completely obvious cheaters on the leaderboards of MM thats supposed to be the poster for this major update.
They even thank yttrium for pointing out the exploit while laughing .... You´ve honestly should´ve sold it for 20$ or sold it to the people who developp cheats for this game and get a percentage off of it.
I guess i understand better now this clusterfuck of update when the "voices" of the community release these arguments, i guess thats why this update was what it was.
BurningSmileGemmellnessI can't ever remember Valve being this talkative with us. (besides that one Halloween post no one gave a shit about)Geel9Valve is really making good on their promise of significantly improved communication. Hope this is a trend and not a one-off.
it won't be, every time they fuck up they make a few blog posts about communication then nothing for the next 6 months
damage control
DamnEasyhello ban the fucking #1 hacker pls?
We are monitoring the game around the clock.
whats his hud?
even r/tf2 is going ballistic on valve atm, was this update the rebirth of tf2 or the death ? tic tac valve ...
the only thing that would help our cause is if valve realizes that viewmodel_fov 90 allows for a better skin view and allows for more stickers to be added, helping their only objective that is $$$$$$
Gemmellnessarose"Added a feature to the game mode selection screen that allows players to play on specific maps"
We did it reddit :]
i only realised today how much it pissed me off to have to sit in a queue to be forced to play some shitty choky goldrush game and then be kicked out after deciding which random team who i didnt care about did better
mousiope- Maps previously using the stopwatch timer will now play to completion, regardless of the first team's time
why? whats the point ? ...
most often it was a roll, 1 team couldnt push out of first so then everyone sits around for a minute so 1/2 engies can build their shit that can be spammed from spawn before a half that's over in a minute, only for everyone to be kicked out to the main menu. really breaks the flow of pubs.
so instead of getting rolled for 5 minutes you get rolled for 15. that would for sure help