defywait a second, so you guys are upset because he called a chick fat?
y'all are living under rocks if you only knew the kind of dumb shit that women babble about on a daily basis, bunch of baby back bitches in here
the "shit that women babble about" isn't generally to a live audience of 300+ people. also the pic that he showed on stream was really easily traced back to that chick's facebook profile. there's nothing to defend there.
omniI like how a gaming community that commonly uses terms such as "raped", "faggot" and so on are judging another person for calling a fat person fat well done
really? because i like how you're lumping the minority that uses "raped" and "faggot" and "nigger" together with everyone in the community, including the people who produced and provided content to entertain stream viewers for 36 hours over the weekend and raise 100k for charity. great work.
e: ruwin showing off and insulting that "chick from high school" was not okay, but the people bashing him for being "washed up" aren't in the right either. whatever the case, the best thing ruwin could have done was be a grown man and just apologize for treating his video game stream as a platform to insult a third party with a link that you can easily trace directly to her public facebook account in at least two different ways. ruwin could have waited a few days to cool down and for the drama to pass over. but nah, he spent 20 minutes soapboxing and turning the whole situation into something about him for some reason, then said "I quit, I'm out." he couldn't have handled this worse.
e2: as a side note, i really enjoyed ruwin's stream. but he made a really stupid decision by showing that girl's picture on stream and insulting her in front of 300 internet strangers, and now that he's in the hot seat, he's handling the whole situation extremely poorly. if he does cool down and start streaming again, i personally won't be watching him, but i can respect the fact that he was an entertaining guy, and likely will still be entertaining should be return to streaming.