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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted April 12, 2022 at 9:03 PM
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#13 new nvidia card, tf2 fucking up in Hardware

TF2 has had problems with nvidia stuff for ages; this is nothing new. The card may be bad, but lots of people have this (or very similar) issues with nvidia cards. Many of them solve the issue by trying different driver versions until they find one that works for them.

It definitely sounds like an RMA should be your next action.

Good luck.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Getting horrible frames with a decent gpu in Hardware

There is nothing wrong with having an i3/i5/i7 running at 50c. That's actually on the lower end of the spectrum for air cooling. Those things can run at 85c without causing problems.

Your RAM should not be running at 666mhz. Either that's being reported inaccurately or you need to replace it. Unfortunately, faster RAM is unlikely to help your FPS, but it will help loading times and overall PC speed.

I realize it's tough to find benchmarks for SR3, but that card isn't very fast by today's standards. Reviews show it barely hitting 50fps in BF3 at 1680x1050 with a 4ghz i5-2500k. With your CPU, you are unlikely to reach anywhere near that level. It sounds like it's performing right where it should be.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 DVI-D Causing performance issues? in Hardware

Even a bad cable won't cause performance issues. A bad port is unlikely to cause this, although i suppose it's possible. "Rubberbanding" (seeing yourself warp back in time to where you were previously) in TF2 is going to be caused by network issues.

I would say you're either experiencing network problems or not explaining the problem very well. Having said that, it's always a good idea to backtrack when troubleshooting, so I would definitely swap it back to the VGA port and see what happens.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Windows 7 120Hz Help in Hardware

It makes a huge difference. 120hz on a CRT does feel smoother and the complete lack of input lag is nice, but the resolutions you're forced to use suck. A 120hz LCD with low input lag is nicer for gaming than a CRT these days, and won't cost you $1000 a year to operate. Besides, a CRT will give you cancer, and then it'll give your cancer cancer. And cancer of the cancer is not a good thing. Not good at all.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 G400 Freeze Issue in Hardware

I don't know if it's the cable or not, but I've used about 50 of these mice at work, and I've had to RMA 12 of them now for this issue. The mouse just disconnects and reconnects shortly thereafter, but I haven't noticed any of the button-clicks and other actions "queueing up" like what OP mentions. There isn't really a fix. Just call Logitech and RMA it. Fortunately their support far surpasses their QC.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 PSA: 15 seconds of your time can help comp TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

wat are folowers

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Newegg Return Question in Hardware

I don't want to sound rude or anything, but seriously, you're spending all this time on a forum asking questions when you can just go to and open the live chat panel. They'll give you an answer in a couple of minutes...

posted about 11 years ago
#49 The Dark Knight Rises in Off Topic

I thoroughly enjoyed TDKR, but it was pretty over-the-top ridiculous in many places, starting with the very first scene. Why would the CIA guy take 3 random prisoners without even looking at their faces?

I don't want to get into all the ridiculousness, because it came in droves, but just try to listen to Bane talking without imagining the old SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skits. Bane is Sean Connery.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Newegg Return Question in Hardware

posted about 11 years ago
#12 mechanical keyboard switches in Hardware
milehighmilitiaI have a keyboard with Browns which is supposed to get here tomorrow. After a lot of research i decided to go for browns because they have a lighter actuation force and what everyone describes as the "bump" similar to the blues without the high-pitched click that i was worried would annoy my roommate. Lots of people say the blues are not ideal because the reset point is higher than the actuation point which is weird for gaming. On the other hand if you are doing a lot of typing the blues seem to be the accepted standard for favorite typing switch. Honestly it seems to be personal preference though, and if you like your blacks i would wager that you would love reds as well.


The reset point has to be higher than the actuation point. Otherwise, you'd have to push the key down to make it stop sending keystrokes....

Blues are just fine for gaming; they're just extra loud.

ndustThe lack of feedback with reds will fuck you up if you use a crouch jump script.

I don't understand your logic. How could that possibly be linked?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Stromble Pugs in TF2 General Discussion
vanillaI never use the forums section, I just click on the topics sidebar so I never notice what section anything is in.

This seems to be a common problem. If you look above the first post when you click a thread, you will see exactly in which subforum the thread resides.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 mechanical keyboard switches in Hardware

hmm maybe i'll make an article for a sticky thread

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Original our Regular in TF2 General Discussion

It's doable, but it's a grey area. I consider sound mods to be cheating when they give you a clear advantage over anyone not using them. People used to make the spy de-cloaking sound louder and most of them claimed it wasn't cheating because valve made it relatively easy to do... but that logic is retarded as far as I'm concerned.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Original our Regular in TF2 General Discussion

Mouses has never and will never be correct.

Sure, you can find an ancient article on the web talking about how they didn't want to pluralize it as mice because they wanted to avoid confusion, but it's called a mouse, and the plural of mouse is mice. That argument is as dumb as the people who think the plural of virus is viri or virii.

Regarding the stock vs original...
It absolutely does not matter. There are minute differences between the two that negate one another. If you think your RL is your limiting factor, I have news for you: it's not. Pick one and practice.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Every Humble bundle DRM-free in Off Topic

I'm pretty sure DRM-free means "free of digital rights management". It doesn't mean freeware.

posted about 11 years ago
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