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Last Posted November 9, 2016 at 4:10 PM
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#40 Additional Forum BBCode Tags in News

Finally, we can start typing out formatted essays.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Why do boyfriends try to control their girlfriends in Off Topic
ConradWait since when is stultus not funny you guys need to put out bulletin or something when you decide someone isn't funny anymore

Was probably since the gun thread. It was getting old by the time hooli pointed it out, but it went full swing with the gun thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Air Dash Online kickstarter in Off Topic
r4ptureLooks sick, but I hate to say I hate the character design. Going from the over-the-topness of various Nintendo characters to just...people is honestly a downgrade. Even if they're different kinds of people, they're still just people. They need a roster of interesting, unique characters for me to really get behind it.

That's a good point. SSB series is popular mainly for having all the diverse Nintendo characters. Even if this becomes a competitive game, it won't have the same reach as the SSB series (unless it becomes the next LoL f2p).

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Pokemon X/Y Rom in Off Topic

I heard Walmart has legit ROM cartridges with Pokemon X/Y.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Smash Brothers Documentary in Off Topic
Khakipeople get hype for any high level falcon player, mostly because he's the worst top tier character, and because he's insanely fun to play/watch.

that's why falcon dittos are the greatest thing in all the universe

It's all in the knee. Fuck why did they butcher it in Brawl (in addition to everything else).

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Wireless Adapter in Hardware

It's getting kinda out of hand how you're using the forums as google. You could look up reviews, google "best wireless adapters" or "good wireless adapters", cross reference other places, etc. You are completely capable of researching something like this if you just google and read other forum posts (there's hundreds of posts on places like tomshardware and what not).

If you want it only from Fry's, here's what you can do: sort by price, filter by what specs you want (aside from PCI vs USB vs a laptop card, if you don't know them, you probably don't have to care about them). Search for the adapter model on google. Check out reviews on Newegg, Amazon, and other retailers. Draw a conclusion from all the data out there, but realize that most adapters are basically the same unless you're trying to go through 5 walls or something. Biggest thing I'd worry about is how long they last (check reviews for this), because nano adapters have been shit to me and break in days.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Natural Selection 2 World Championships in Esports
turtsmcgurtsthere's a lot of dev bashing going on on the ns2 forums, it's pretty awesome.

I regret not bashing more when NS2 was in early development. I shoulda gotten a refund when enigma did too, $40 for black armor in a game I never play.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Natural Selection 2 World Championships in Esports

Looking at the patch nodes, it doesn't sound like NS1 :/

Also they were licensing source at the start. The earlier dynamic infestation video was on source, but then they scrapped everything because they wanted a fancy engine.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Natural Selection 2 World Championships in Esports

I'd like to see how NS ported to source would do today. Making their own engine was way too ambitious. Heck, I wonder if you could port NS into the spark engine since it's suppose to be like GMod with tons of lua.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Natural Selection 2 World Championships in Esports
yukiBecause the game is a joke. Plagued with shitty technical issues (arguably worse off than TF2), balance is awful, not very fun. The 'walljumping' in this game isn't a replacement for bunnyhopping.

Seeing this makes me miss NS :[

We all do yuki, we all do.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 tf2 fantasy league like fantasy football in TF2 General Discussion
CpriceThe sub thing is a good point, but the way I was making it you could easily go back and edit the time that is used to calculate their points, since things like pauses would mess it up as well.

Hm, I thought ESEA servers account for it considering pauses don't take away from time left. I could easily make a lot of parts editable (though it's going to need 100 more command line options).

posted about 11 years ago
#13 tf2 fantasy league like fantasy football in TF2 General Discussion
FogUse the length of the match as a decreasing score multiplier the longer the game is for their overall point total

Yeah, probably could do something like

if(match_length > 20) non_perminute_stats *= 20/match_length

. Might actually be effective since closer games have more transition/stalemate time than rolls.

CpriceHave you played with making the fantasy points all per-minute based rather than total frags/deaths/assists ect? I would think that would help, but I haven't really looked into it.

I was attempting to fantasy system similar to teamliquids fantasy proleague a while back, but I only got about as far as what browny posted.

Not sure, but I remember I was partially against it because of people who need subs in the middle of a game getting over represented.

Should I make a page where you can insert your own point values for everything? I figure if you guys want to theorycraft the right amount I can make it simpler.

Uploading code in a bit. Note that it's in Java because I didn't want to run python for now.


ScoreCalc is the one you want to modify values. I can make it more readable tomorrow after I finish up some stuff.

if you want to just use java (no other stuff), try the command (from outside the directory):

java -cp "/usr/share/java/jsoup-1.7.2.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-lang3-3.1.jar:/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar:./tf2_fantasy:." tf2_fantasy.TF2_Fantasy match_id

Replace the part in quotes with the path to jsoup, commons-lang3, and mysql java connector libraries. I have the mySQL part because I was considering making a DB for it, but couldn't decide on an effective way to make stats seem fair.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 tf2 fantasy league like fantasy football in TF2 General Discussion

add an ESEA match ID to the end.

I can make it use mustards system if you want, but not class specific. In HL it's probably easier to do, but you'll have to have someone verify they're the right class and all that stuff. It'd be easier if I had logs and could see if X killed the med, etc.



Also, fantasy kinda sucks for TF2 because closer games are worth more points. A team that is superior to another team and rolls them 5-0 will generally get less points than a 2-5 team that lasted over 50 minutes. Having better players play against a worse team ends up ruining stats.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Mumble CPU priority in Q/A Help

Even with forcing TCP when dropping packets, the packets come so delayed and end up sounding awful so it's still better to go UDP.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Mumble CPU priority in Q/A Help

Also, you should be able to unset it from high like this:

posted about 11 years ago
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