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SteamID64 76561198009358827
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:24546549
Country United States
Signed Up August 23, 2012
Last Posted April 22, 2020 at 6:24 PM
Posts 2041 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 9 in./360 plus accel
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Keyboard Quickfire TK Green
Mousepad Generic
Headphones Generic
Monitor Generic
1 ⋅⋅ 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 ⋅⋅ 136
#24 my pistol is bad in Q/A Help

tracking in tf2 is rly hard compared to other games, everyone has a high acceleration and high friction, especially compared to quake where everyone accelerates like a pyro and the friction is low as hell

i have bad tracking but my scattergun's a lot worse than my pistol cuz I can't line up my shots :(

sometimes I wonder if it's because of my crappy monitor with a possibly very high input lag, but i ~do~ do really well at times so it makes me feel flakey

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Came with the update or have been forever ? in Q/A Help

it's also one inch

while being 1/16th of a foot

hammer doesn't use standard imperial units

posted about 11 years ago
#34 First experience of TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

2fort pub, as scout, couldn't move or hit shit, ragequit because i was being spawncamped and had no idea what was going on, didn't even get to see anything other than the dropdown spawn and the battlements

posted about 11 years ago
#38 What are some really good games out right now? in Other Games

If you don't like the 360 controller's layout, you can pick up a logitech f510. It's dinput and xinput compatible (so it'll work on games expecting xbox controllers and all my japanese doujin games too) and has a dualshock layout with a little more grip in its form factor too, for whatever that's worth.

There's also some really cheap dualshock 2 -> usb converters that make it register as a direct input pad, then you can put that through an xbox controller emulation driver... I did that for a while but the little latency kicked my ass when I tried playing Dark Souls the first time, tried it yesterday with my f310 (older/cheaper model of the f510) and it was great.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 This is bothering me in Site Discussion

perfect, I can just make a 1-liner like that for it

EDIT: Dunno if there's a way to condense this but it works perfect

$('#header-middle').css('display', 'none');
$('#stream-container').css('margin-top', '-37px');
$('#stream-container').css('padding-top', '47px');
$('#ctrl-container').css('margin-top', '-37px');
$('#ctrl-container').css('padding-top', '47px');
posted about 11 years ago
#80 Escape Plan Proposals/ideas in TF2 General Discussion

free the disciplinary action just to show valve how much more powerful it is than the escape plan is even when it doesn't have marked for death

seems like a legit idea

posted about 11 years ago
#3 This is bothering me in Site Discussion

I'm not using a maximized window. This is the size I keep my browser at while I do other things, because I need the screen real estate for other stuff. Having to change my browser size to get rid of the widget's complaint instead of saving space at the top of the page is annoying.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 This is bothering me in Site Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#20 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help

Yes, that's right (@ first line). And yeah, those look like perfectly fine settings (@ middle lines). The only (and good) reason to change cl_interp from 0 when you change cl_interp_ratio is to keep zervers from breaking your interp, so that's only something to worry about if you happen to join servers that are badly configured (@ bottom line).



>1. There is still no reason to set them to different values by default.
I never said anything about telling people to set them to different values by default. I said that TF2 happens to set them to different values on startup before my configs execute as a starting point for the argument that having them be different does *not* inherently cause problems and should *not* be instructed to be avoided. There's a big difference between "use differing values by default" and "don't tell other people they can't use differing values".

>Why would you use a config by default that is optimized for servers that get throttled by their bandwidth (especially in comp)?
First, I never said this is something that should be done *by default*. Second, I never said anything about servers getting throttled, rather I've been talking about clients experiencing choke.

>2. It's not like it's bad setting it to more than 60k so what is your problem with that?
If you set it too high for your internet connection then if the server sends you too much you can basically bottleneck your own internet connection and get bandwidth/throttling issues at an internet service level (instead of the game's netcode choking on itself temporarily).

>3. Network really should be that high on a good connection.
"Network really should be that high"? Do you have any idea what you're saying? You CAN NOT get rid of jitter on an online connection. It's ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. If you can do it, then for other necessary reasons you're the fucking jesus of the information world. Go get hired by a pro audio company, because you've just solved the impossible perfect conversion analog <-> digital problem. How much or little there is does matter most of the time, but when you set interp_ratio to 1, it *does*; however much jitter there is doesn't matter at that point because then you're identically doing a diceroll about "Did I get this tick's update in time?"

>You use cl_interp_ratio 1 in your own settings. You even use a lower value at one point
Note the following comment:
// Use this instead of the above if you experience rockets "warping" through scouts, microstuttering animations, or other unpleasant jitter when using the above.

>0.0152 where it should be 0.0152152
Nope. Correct value is 0.0[15], I just rounded up on the ten-thousanths.

>4. Most of your config is identical with chris' settings, the rest are just weird interp settings.
Of course it is, he distilled the list of netcode settings down to the minimum relevant ones so it's impossible to end up with anything substantially different.

>You use both cl_interp_ratio and cl_interp which is unecessary and most of the time both counteract each other because you set them to different values.
Okay, I'll break this down for you:
1) The game does use the higher (in realtime) between the two, that's true.
2) Ratio can be restricted by the server to lower (or higher, but not relevant in this case) than what you set it to. Due to so many servers being badly configured and restricting ratio to 1, cl_interp is included as a safeguard against this so that hit registration doesn't suffer. Anecdotal evidence, but I kept getting mad at Loops until I fixed my configs because his pug server restricted ratio to 1, and my hitreg as scout was always absolutely terrible and my rockets were warping through scouts until I set cl_interp to something other than 0.
3) Setting them to different values doesn't make them "counteract" eachother at all. In the cases where cl_interp is higher than cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate, that's only because I rounded up and left the values simple/reasonable, and the extremely slight difference from the accurate values this causes is absolutely negligible.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Broken spacing on main page? in Bug Reports

I get the same illusion. I bet it's because of the way the top bar is spaced. Just a funny thing.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help

>what is interp_ratio supposed to be at in that case?
It depends on your connection and what you're doing. My ugly quote from earlier has a bunch of aliases with different "good" ratios and what they're used for. Interp ratio 1 as a universal setting is a nightmare.


>wait so you're not supposed to have those two rates at 66?
The only reason to have them that high is to lower latency a little, since it's still not quite the 66.66... that the game runs at. Chris recommends 66 it for good connections, and that's right, but on a chokey one setting updaterate to something lower like 40 is the first thing someone should do (I'm repeating myself).

>cl_interp_ratio at 1?
Bad general advice. Great on LAN, bad for hitscan weapons in general, better than default for projectiles but not as good as something like 1.2 or a bit higher.

>don't some comp servers force cl_interp_ratio 1?
That's their bad configuration problem. My configs set the equivalent cl_interp of whatever the ratio is, so they don't bother me.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help

>1. Enlighten me, why should you set cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to different values?
It's perfectly reasonable to lower cl_updaterate to reduce choke, and perfectly reasonable not to lower cl_cmdrate at the same time.

>2. I am #6. 128000 or 100000 it doesn't make a difference.
You say yourself that more than around 60k is not important.

>3. Network jitter is usually not a sign of a good connection.
Network jitter is complete and utterly unavoidable: it will always be there. Responding like that only shows how little you really know about this topic. How severe it is just affects how high your interp has to be to make up for it, but when you set interp_ratio to 1 and interp to 0 then you absolutely positively will have a roughly 50% extrapolation rate online.

>4. To me quoting after your own post seems really funny.
Quoting my own configs in fact. Wow!

posted about 11 years ago
#12 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help

>1. The defaults are horrible. 66 for both. 40 if you can't get enough fps But less than 60 fps aren't good anyway.
You're a daft motherfucker. Whether the defaults are actually good rates as rates or not is irrelevant; the obvious point I was making is that the game wouldn't set them to values that differ from eachother. People who play with differing message rates experience no problems from it. Parroting incorrect information (in this case, the notion that you're doing something wrong if they're set to different values) is wrong.

>2. Why not? 128kbits is not much. I'm not sure if it's the max though. Most servers restrict it to 100000 anyway.
See #6

>3. This is a good setting for a good connection, don't know what's so funny
No, it is not a good setting for a good connection. Setting the interp ratio to 1 causes models to stutter roughly every other frame due to networking jitter, because any two adjacent messages have roughly a 50% chance of having longer than "interp_ratio 1" time between them, causing the second message to be considered missed for a given frame and with extrapolation is disabled in TF2 and an updaterate of 66 on a refresh rate of 60 you'll be skipping six out of sixty six animation frames per second and everything will be in the wrong position most of the time (usually behind where it "really" is for lag compensation). This is why many people experience rockets warping through scouts, and it's the prime suspect of people getting bad hitreg.

>4. dat quote lol
Because the guy I'm responding to didn't have a huge wall of text in a quote or anything either, right???

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulwareyaIdea: Instead of doing vertical FoV correction, they should do FoV "area" correction, so that using 4:3 isn't at a strict disadvantage to 16:9 but trades off some horizontal for some vertical FoV instead.Vertical fov is already the same on every possible setup for the same fov_desirec value, including eyefinity.
You only have less horizontal fov with 4:3.

reread my post, specifically the first statement

posted about 11 years ago
#344 Update 7/10/13 in TF2 General Discussion

Whip is attractive, but is so powerful in a certain way that it's banned for just that reason. Pain train is attractive and balanced, but makes him less powerful vs scouts which is exactly what he doesn't need (some soldiers use it regardless because it's nice and balanced). Market gardener is attractive, but doesn't increase soldier's utility in any way. Zatoichi is an obvious demoman-oriented weapon they decided to put on soldier probably because of medieval mode, and has a downside that is so sterilizing nobody in their right mind would use it in a serious non-medieval match. Equalizer isn't attractive because relying on its combat advantages is naive when you have such good guns, so trading off the capabilities of a better utility melee for it is pointless at least and detrimental at best.

Maybe merging the equalizer and paintrain?

posted about 11 years ago
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