I dunno which version of the hud i had before, but i find my self better with that. May I know what to change in order to make something similar? should be just a work of font sizes.
That's not the most recent takyahud so that explains it.
You'd want to change the "font" fields in HudPlayerHealth.res > PlayerStatusHealthValue and HudAmmoWeapons.res > AmmoInClip and AmmoInReserve. They're set to 54, 54, and 26 respectively, so scale the number down for a smaller font.
The only catch is that you have to be sure that there's a proper font size defined in ClientScheme.res for it. For example, the next smallest defined font below BoldNumbers54 is BoldNumbers36. Do a ctrl+f for BoldNumbers and MediumNumbers (reserve ammo) to find what other sizes are available.