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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
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ZincbLaZincThis will be a two part question so here I go...

1. how can I change the size of damage numbers? (I'm currently using Archoshud)
2. is there a way to hide/remove damage numbers that float in the air and leave the one near the health?
go to hud/resource/ui/huddamageaccount.res, change the damageaccountvalue and shadow fonts to a lower numeral value, you might need to peek in resource/clientscheme.res to see what font size you can use

to make floating damage numbers disappear, just change the cdamageaccountpanel delta fonts to font names that probably aren't in the client scheme, like "applesauce" or w/e
What exactly do I change, I've tried everything but it doesn't work? (I want to make the text bigger)

"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "DamageAccountValue"
"xpos" "c-170"
"ypos" "250"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "80"
"tall" "19"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "%metal%"
"delta_lifetime" "10.0"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "255 255 100 255"
"font" "TheNextFont12"

again, you'll probably need to check the clientscheme to see what font sizes are used in there

[quote=Zinc][quote=bLa][quote=Zinc]This will be a two part question so here I go...

1. how can I change the size of damage numbers? (I'm currently using Archoshud)
2. is there a way to hide/remove damage numbers that float in the air and leave the one near the health?[/quote]
go to hud/resource/ui/huddamageaccount.res, change the damageaccountvalue and shadow fonts to a lower numeral value, you might need to peek in resource/clientscheme.res to see what font size you can use

to make floating damage numbers disappear, just change the cdamageaccountpanel delta fonts to font names that probably aren't in the client scheme, like "applesauce" or w/e[/quote]
What exactly do I change, I've tried everything but it doesn't work? (I want to make the text bigger)

"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "DamageAccountValue"
"xpos" "c-170"
"ypos" "250"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "80"
"tall" "19"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "%metal%"
"delta_lifetime" "10.0"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "255 255 100 255"
"font" "TheNextFont12"[/quote]
again, you'll probably need to check the clientscheme to see what font sizes are used in there
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does anyone know where I need to go to edit the A-D scroll for my backpack?

does anyone know where I need to go to edit the A-D scroll for my backpack?
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Zincdoes anyone know where I need to go to edit the A-D scroll for my backpack?

Take a look at how I did it in WietHUD, you can get away with some dummy elements hidden of screen with the &letter triggering the command changing pages.

[quote=Zinc]does anyone know where I need to go to edit the A-D scroll for my backpack?[/quote]
Take a look at [url=https://github.com/Wiethoofd/WietHUD/blob/master/alternatives/backpack_buttons.res#L43-L58]how I did it[/url] in WietHUD, you can get away with some dummy elements hidden of screen with the [i]&letter[/i] triggering the command changing pages.
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What controls the loading bar when connecting to a server? Mine has started to appear in the center of the screen instead of the bottom right, and I'm not too quite sure why

What controls the loading bar when connecting to a server? Mine has started to appear in the center of the screen instead of the bottom right, and I'm not too quite sure why
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Is there any way to change the color of an ItemEffectMeterLabel? It seems to be permanently white, but there's loads of screenshots of huds with it being gray. Seemingly enough, when using vgui_drawtree 1 and individually resetting the label, it reverts to the correct gray color.
(resetting the whole hud through hud_reloadscheme or at a resupply cabinet reverts it back to white)


Is there any way to change the color of an ItemEffectMeterLabel? It seems to be permanently white, but there's loads of screenshots of huds with it being gray. Seemingly enough, when using vgui_drawtree 1 and individually resetting the label, it reverts to the correct gray color.
(resetting the whole hud through hud_reloadscheme or at a resupply cabinet reverts it back to white)
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Valve hardcoded the labeltext fgcolor to be white when they added the Thermal Thruster

You can add a dropshadow to the font to make it appear on the white chargebar meter fill color, but that's about it.

Valve hardcoded the labeltext fgcolor to be white when they added the Thermal Thruster

You can add a dropshadow to the font to make it appear on the white chargebar meter fill color, but that's about it.
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Hey all, quick question, where can I find the default kill feed weapon icons in the VPKs? I'm talking about these. Thanks :)
EDIT: I found them, finally! So, never mind lol

Hey all, quick question, where can I find the default kill feed weapon icons in the VPKs? I'm talking about [url=https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Kill_icon]these[/url]. Thanks :)
EDIT: I found them, finally! So, never mind lol
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I have an issue which causes TF2 to crash whenever I click "PLAY" on the top left corner of the screen. I assume my HUD is outdated, but how can I fix this?

I have an issue which causes TF2 to crash whenever I click "PLAY" on the top left corner of the screen. I assume my HUD is outdated, but how can I fix this?
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what files are the marked for death stuff in? i changed font and positions of health and it got disabled somehow. is there anything in hudlayout that i missed or something?

edit: files other than hudplayerhealth, or if anyone else had the same problem before

edit 2: also how can i get the m0rehud positive damage numbers in the lower left corner?

what files are the marked for death stuff in? i changed font and positions of health and it got disabled somehow. is there anything in hudlayout that i missed or something?

edit: files other than hudplayerhealth, or if anyone else had the same problem before

edit 2: also how can i get the m0rehud positive damage numbers in the lower left corner?
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WiethoofdValve hardcoded the labeltext fgcolor to be white when they added the Thermal Thruster

You can add a dropshadow to the font to make it appear on the white chargebar meter fill color, but that's about it.

Thank you! I was able to do this for most meters, but I'm having trouble with items that share the same meter, such as the sandman, sandvich, and spy cloak to name a few. Anything can be done about that?

~~On another note, is there a reason why the huntsman shows the demoman sticky charge meter?~~ Nevermind, learned that the sticky charge meter and huntsman charge meter are merged for some dumb reason, and I found an alternative solution.

[quote=Wiethoofd]Valve hardcoded the labeltext fgcolor to be white when they added the Thermal Thruster

You can add a dropshadow to the font to make it appear on the white chargebar meter fill color, but that's about it.[/quote]
Thank you! I was able to do this for most meters, but I'm having trouble with items that share the same meter, such as the sandman, sandvich, and spy cloak to name a few. Anything can be done about that?

~~On another note, is there a reason why the huntsman shows the demoman sticky charge meter?~~ Nevermind, learned that the sticky charge meter and huntsman charge meter are merged for some dumb reason, and I found an alternative solution.
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Hey everybody!
By any chance does anyone know the way to move the cloak meter as spy? I want to be able to move it to the bottom right corner but i'm having lots of trouble. I know how to edit the files to get the results I want but I don't know what file to edit. Thanks in advance!

Hey everybody!
By any chance does anyone know the way to move the cloak meter as spy? I want to be able to move it to the bottom right corner but i'm having lots of trouble. I know how to edit the files to get the results I want but I don't know what file to edit. Thanks in advance!
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The spy cloak meter can be found in huditemeffectmeter.res; be careful, as this will affect a lot of other meters :<

The spy cloak meter can be found in huditemeffectmeter.res; be careful, as this will affect a lot of other meters :<
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Does anybody know how I can customize my HUD's main menu? By that I mean like rearrange where the buttons are and such. Thank You!

Does anybody know how I can customize my HUD's main menu? By that I mean like rearrange where the buttons are and such. Thank You!
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Does anybody know how I can customize my HUD's main menu? By that I mean like rearrange where the buttons are and such. Thank You!

\Resource\GameMenu.res and \Resource\UI\MainMenuOverride.res

Does anybody know how I can customize my HUD's main menu? By that I mean like rearrange where the buttons are and such. Thank You![/quote]
\Resource\GameMenu.res and \Resource\UI\MainMenuOverride.res
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Thank you Zetos!

Thank you Zetos!
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Mucking around with cozen hud. Need help to fix the friends list, as it doesn't show the "playing other game/in-game" subtext.


Mucking around with cozen hud. Need help to fix the friends list, as it doesn't show the "playing other game/in-game" subtext.
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Mucking around with cozen hud. Need help to fix the friends list, as it doesn't show the "playing other game/in-game" subtext.

the MainMenuOverride.res 'friendpanel_kv' content comes from Resource/UI/SteamFriendPanel.res

the 'StatusLabel' should be for the ingame/playing text


Mucking around with cozen hud. Need help to fix the friends list, as it doesn't show the "playing other game/in-game" subtext.[/quote]
the MainMenuOverride.res 'friendpanel_kv' content comes from [i]Resource/UI/SteamFriendPanel.res[/i]

the 'StatusLabel' should be for the ingame/playing text
0 Frags +

Somebody mentioned that the hud I'm using makes their game too laggy. Are there hud-specific performance optimizations that I could add to make it easier on my PC?

Somebody mentioned that the hud I'm using makes their game too laggy. Are there hud-specific performance optimizations that I could add to make it easier on my PC?
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does anyone know how to
a) remove the team color from the round timer
b) edit the healing ui, so it only shows the uber % and the health of the medic, no name, no item name, no grey boxes etc


does anyone know how to
a) remove the team color from the round timer
b) edit the healing ui, so it only shows the uber % and the health of the medic, no name, no item name, no grey boxes etc
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anyone know which section of scoreboard.res controls the 3d player model? or is it in hudplayerclass.res

anyone know which section of scoreboard.res controls the 3d player model? or is it in hudplayerclass.res
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does anyone know how to make the m0rehud numbers bigger without changing your res?

does anyone know how to make the m0rehud numbers bigger without changing your res?
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how do i add an 'e' function to the map info, i copied the textwindow.ui to my hud but that only worked for the first motd window.

from this: https://imgur.com/a/bJzyDdK
to this: https://imgur.com/a/sN3On1K

how do i add an 'e' function to the map info, i copied the textwindow.ui to my hud but that only worked for the first motd window.

from this: https://imgur.com/a/bJzyDdK
to this: https://imgur.com/a/sN3On1K
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Can the friends list on the main menu be collapsible? If so, will it still render when collapsed, causing lag?

EDIT: Second question - in MvMInWorldCurrency.res, the labels are set to use "%currency%". This shows up ingame as $415 or whatever. Is there a way to remove the cash sign?

Can the friends list on the main menu be collapsible? If so, will it still render when collapsed, causing lag?

EDIT: Second question - in MvMInWorldCurrency.res, the labels are set to use "%currency%". This shows up ingame as $415 or whatever. Is there a way to remove the cash sign?
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does anyone know how I can change the color of the little hexagon thing in the middle of my hud?

does anyone know how I can change the color of the little hexagon thing in the middle of my hud?
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inky-does anyone know how I can change the color of the little hexagon thing in the middle of my hud?

it's probably a material file, also i think it's located in hudplayerclass.res
i kinda like that hud ngl, mind posting a dl?

[quote=inky-]does anyone know how I can change the color of the little hexagon thing in the middle of my hud?
it's probably a material file, also i think it's located in hudplayerclass.res
i kinda like that hud ngl, mind posting a dl?
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yeah it's that one ^^

yeah it's that one ^^
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Whats the file that controls this screen/how do I add an escape/continue button and change the size of the window as it seems to be going off my screen


Whats the file that controls this screen/how do I add an escape/continue button and change the size of the window as it seems to be going off my screen [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829135754395393913/6158AD2ABD39783EC2D4FDFCCE87031E68066065/[/img]
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hi, does anyone know how to fix this scoreboard and the chat? I just downloaded the hud that gink edited a few months ago and the players just don't appear on the scoreboard + can't see what people say in the chat


hi, does anyone know how to fix this scoreboard and the chat? I just downloaded the hud that gink edited a few months ago and the players just don't appear on the scoreboard + can't see what people say in the chat

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A lot of my text is misaligned - including my health and ammo. I have fixed this however there are so many things to fix and I have no idea what is wrong. This hud worked at copenhagen games on another computer it just doesn't work properly on mine.

We're looking at the left healths and the health of the person I am speccing.

Dunno if it's a hud issue or one with my PC.

Additionally how do I change where the spawn time in the match hud is? At the moment it is inside my name as can be seen at the top of the screen.

Thanks in advance x


A lot of my text is misaligned - including my health and ammo. I have fixed this however there are so many things to fix and I have no idea what is wrong. This hud worked at copenhagen games on another computer it just doesn't work properly on mine.

We're looking at the left healths and the health of the person I am speccing.

Dunno if it's a hud issue or one with my PC.

Additionally how do I change where the spawn time in the match hud is? At the moment it is inside my name as can be seen at the top of the screen.

Thanks in advance x
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