first lol
20 upfrags and I get cartertf removed from rglgg and tftv
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, on May 15th at 8 PM EST after the Invite Qualifiers Je'mond and I will be doing a podcast on the upcoming RGL Advanced Season 6 called : The Couch. Join us this weekend for our first episode. We shall be going over who got knocked out in the Invite Qualifiers and who are the players that will be playing RGL Advanced Season 6. We have enlisted the "blokes" Jayytee and fancyson (The minds behind last seasons Drip Checks) to help us make the slides so be sure to join the stream for some funnies.
The podcast shall happen over at my twtich
If your team in advanced is not on the public spreadsheet I've made, please inform me on discord ASAP
RGL Season 6 Spreadsheet
Discord: alfredodan#9937
The podcast shall happen over at my [url=]twtich[/url]
If your team in advanced is not on the public spreadsheet I've made, please inform me on discord ASAP
[url=]RGL Season 6 Spreadsheet[/url]
Discord: alfredodan#9937
so ether and exile are both allowed to play demo but odb, nazara, myself, safrix, bigbankcampaign, fyg, reimu aren't allowed to play our mains?
very interesting
very interesting
so ether, exile odb, nazara, dippidy, safrix, bigbankcampaign, fyg are allowed to play anything except their mains but I am only allowed to med?
very interesting
very interesting
RGL still doesn't understand how to use common sense when doing class restrictions and instead does it based on their arbitrary "who placed x in y division" that has never worked in 6 seasons of play.
How hard can it be? Just have someone who knows who good people are be div admin and do it on a player by player team by team basis.
How hard can it be? Just have someone who knows who good people are be div admin and do it on a player by player team by team basis.
remember when exile was restricted off scout and not demo in div1 two seasons ago?
this is all looking real familiar......
this is all looking real familiar......
what was the tiebreaker between clean buddies and sojourner for making invite
trippawhat was the tiebreaker between clean buddies and sojourner for making invite
total map points
total map points
Ahh another season, another dosage of crater-sized holes and inconsistencies in RGL's class restriction policies. Check back in three months where we do it all over again.
ongoing list of people fucked extra-hard by rgl:
hmmm I am starting to see a bit of a pattern here...
hmmm I am starting to see a bit of a pattern here...
PSA: The deadline to have 5 paid up on your roster is TOMORROW, Saturday at 11:59 pm est. If you aren't able to, please go ahead and reach out now by creating a support ticket in the main discord and we can figure something out. The deadline for 6 paid is before your first match, which start next week.
If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the main discord so that we can assist.
If you have questions or requests regarding team placement or class restrictions, please reach out via support ticket in the [url=]main discord[/url] so that we can assist.
why am i perma class restricted from playing demo i suck LMFAO
i havent played demo in over 2 years and i went 4-12 in invite over 3 years ago please do not restrict me!
fygwhy am i perma class restricted from playing demo i suck LMFAO
you should be restricted off soldier, the things i've seen you do are criminal
you should be restricted off soldier, the things i've seen you do are criminal
why is the division below invite even class restricted, isnt this where teams are supposed to form that will be the next invite teams? oh wait nevermind, restriction-forced offclass teams are the lifeblood of tf2 and will surely stick together and better the game with extra competition! i
if i was a top adv/low invite combat class player in that situation i would be so fucking pissed if RGL forced me to switch class just because i couldn't find an invite team on that class
at the very least be consistent about it but given admins have been so awful about it thus far i feel like it's not even worth it beyond like top4 invite players sandbagging on their mains
if i was a top adv/low invite combat class player in that situation i would be so fucking pissed if RGL forced me to switch class just because i couldn't find an invite team on that class
at the very least be consistent about it but given admins have been so awful about it thus far i feel like it's not even worth it beyond like top4 invite players sandbagging on their mains
I thought they said they would relax the restrictions when invite wasn't on life support...?
damn did um steal makka's waifu or something why you gotta do my boy like this
jemond20 upfrags and I get cartertf removed from rglgg and tftv
working my magic rn he finna be rgl banned in 3 weeks tops and removed from tftv I talked to ire it's going down.
working my magic rn he finna be rgl banned in 3 weeks tops and removed from tftv I talked to ire it's going down.
I can't play this season; only s7 in invite; it's the trend on my rgl profile
After the most stressful preseason ever, I finally have a roster. LFG and gl with your season, everyone!