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we were looking for roamer subs but have some now thank u

we were looking for roamer subs but have some now thank u
15 Frags +

me n trux @ da beach


if u think ur as cool as us, ur not, but i admire your confidence, why don't you come play pocket for us, champ?

me n trux @ da beach
if u think ur as cool as us, ur not, but i admire your confidence, why don't you come play pocket for us, champ?
3 Frags +

goooood men :))

goooood men :))
2 Frags +

the boys

the boys
2 Frags +

They're so much fun to play with. Would in a heartbeat, if I could.

They're so much fun to play with. Would in a heartbeat, if I could.
-2 Frags +

Hmu as a sub

Hmu as a sub
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these guys are chill. this is a fun team :)

these guys are chill. this is a fun team :)
2 Frags +

You will have a lot of fun

You will have a lot of fun
-6 Frags +

hmu Ill tryout for pocket.

hmu Ill tryout for pocket.
9 Frags +

i might have to join this, for the culture

i might have to join this, for the culture
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1 Frags +

bump looking for med

bump looking for med
7 Frags +

yams (NOT "yam") is really sick at the game!! :100:

yams ([u]NOT[/u] "yam") is really sick at the game!! :100:
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RIP PZZ_FRT these guys are cool tho

RIP PZZ_FRT these guys are cool tho
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RIP prid, 2021 fucked up

RIP prid, 2021 fucked up
15 Frags +

alright, i wasn't gonna say anything, but there's really some stuff you have to know about these players before you try and join this team, and I think this lfp is being disingenuous by not really giving people a good idea as to what they'd be getting themselves into.

yams: can't even spell his own name
entropy: thinks he's good at pyro??
trux: stack of 25 frogs in a trench coat
dave2: has never taken a shit before
mak: honestly i've never actually met him, i've been sitting on mid for 15 minutes and he still hasn't finished rolling out.
pizza_fart: dead

try out at your own risk i guess, but to be honest i'm not sure how these people manage to regularly feed themselves let alone play a videogame at a competitive level.

alright, i wasn't gonna say anything, but there's really some stuff you have to know about these players before you try and join this team, and I think this lfp is being disingenuous by not really giving people a good idea as to what they'd be getting themselves into.

yams: can't even spell his own name
entropy: thinks he's good at pyro??
trux: stack of 25 frogs in a trench coat
dave2: has never taken a shit before
mak: honestly i've never actually met him, i've been sitting on mid for 15 minutes and he still hasn't finished rolling out.
pizza_fart: dead

try out at your own risk i guess, but to be honest i'm not sure how these people manage to regularly feed themselves let alone play a videogame at a competitive level.
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[img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/627021105395400708/796878949929189386/Untitled2.jpg[/img]
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*edit 1/18/2021; our yams has returned, only med is needed

*edit 1/18/2021; our yams has returned, only med is needed
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If yer looking for a fun chill environment join this team, everyone on it is amazingly friendly and nice.

If yer looking for a fun chill environment join this team, everyone on it is amazingly friendly and nice.
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how are the subs (skosgo/bubzi) the best players on this team

how are the subs (skosgo/bubzi) the best players on this team
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you are literally dead, silence

you are literally dead, silence
5 Frags +
pizza_farthow are the subs (skosgo/bubzi) the best players on this team

sorry, what was that? can't hear you from all the way the way down there, 6 feet under my boots.

[quote=pizza_fart]how are the subs (skosgo/bubzi) the best players on this team[/quote]

sorry, what was that? can't hear you from all the way the way down there, 6 feet under my boots.
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the main product lords, very good

the main product lords, very good
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please i love to game so much

please i love to game so much
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bump lf sub

bump lf sub
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