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J_peg best scout videos around :D

[url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_ukaVxVpLsEuW-KGkBFrQ]J_peg[/url] best scout videos around :D
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arsenalty, themainmanswe, alpharad, All Elite wrestling and its games channel, kevin baugh (the president of molossia for those who remember) so many good channels

arsenalty, themainmanswe, alpharad, All Elite wrestling and its games channel, kevin baugh (the president of molossia for those who remember) so many good channels
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my boy j1mmy

Show Content
my boy j1mmy

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Ben Eater
Very resourceful guy who's sole goal is to teach you the foundations of how a computer works fundamentally. Really appreciated this channel after thinking that I was going to watch one of his videos on building a computer from scratch while falling asleep, but I was intruiged by his way of talking and kept watching.

[url=https://www.youtube.com/user/eaterbc]Ben Eater[/url]
Very resourceful guy who's sole goal is to teach you the foundations of how a computer works fundamentally. Really appreciated this channel after thinking that I was going to watch one of his videos on building a computer from scratch while falling asleep, but I was intruiged by his way of talking and kept watching.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCdnsfM5-yA Louie Zhong is like a wholesome version of bill wurtz

also I'm a sucker for long videos so
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAvLC3fz068 Rhystic Studies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFhB6F5n3b4 Raycevick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7YCTJxfcA4 Sideways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7X6Yeydgyg Ahoy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ Internet Historian

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCdnsfM5-yA Louie Zhong is like a wholesome version of bill wurtz

also I'm a sucker for long videos so
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAvLC3fz068 Rhystic Studies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFhB6F5n3b4 Raycevick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7YCTJxfcA4 Sideways
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7X6Yeydgyg Ahoy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ Internet Historian
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https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMauLerYT long videos for tall gamers

https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMauLerYT long videos for tall gamers
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holy necro but the thread is good
Ordinary Things - Details 'ordinary things' (Give it a go, I can't describe it better).
ManyKudos - Another Aussie describing stuff to do with gaming.
FriendlyJordies - Videos detailing the state of Australian politics & corruption within same (Particularly NSW) & Some Variety Content pretty exclusive to (I assume) Aussies.
MandaloreGaming - Primarily game reviews, but with some pretty good retrospectives of older titles & looks at some interesting ones for halloween (See: Mystery of The Druids, Limbo of the Lost, Ring).
Settled - Man sets stupid restrictions on himself in 2007scape. Would highly recommend Swampletics over anything else he's done as he locks himself to a region and tries to accomplish a specific goal within that region alone.

holy necro but the thread is good
[url=https://www.youtube.com/@OrdinaryThings] Ordinary Things[/url] - Details 'ordinary things' (Give it a go, I can't describe it better).
[url=https://www.youtube.com/@ManyKudos]ManyKudos[/url] - Another Aussie describing stuff to do with gaming.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/@friendlyjordies]FriendlyJordies[/url] - Videos detailing the state of Australian politics & corruption within same (Particularly NSW) & Some Variety Content pretty exclusive to (I assume) Aussies.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/@MandaloreGaming]MandaloreGaming[/url] - Primarily game reviews, but with some pretty good retrospectives of older titles & looks at some interesting ones for halloween (See: Mystery of The Druids, Limbo of the Lost, Ring).
[url=https://www.youtube.com/@Settledrs]Settled[/url] - Man sets stupid restrictions on himself in 2007scape. Would highly recommend [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9wG5jGP32M]Swampletics[/url] over anything else he's done as he locks himself to a region and tries to accomplish a specific goal within that region alone.
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LEMMiNO the goat

LEMMiNO the goat
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https://youtube.com/@BeauMiles I love seeing this guy go on silly little adventures

https://youtube.com/@BeauMiles I love seeing this guy go on silly little adventures
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row_Settled - Man sets stupid restrictions on himself in 2007scape. Would highly recommend Swampletics over anything else he's done as he locks himself to a region and tries to accomplish a specific goal within that region alone.

I don't play runsescape but still watch a bit on youtube. If you are a fan of challenges then I'd recommend watching through both Jcw and he box jonge doing a max cape any% speedrun race over the course of the last year was pretty cool.

[url=https://www.youtube.com/@Settledrs]Settled[/url] - Man sets stupid restrictions on himself in 2007scape. Would highly recommend [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9wG5jGP32M]Swampletics[/url] over anything else he's done as he locks himself to a region and tries to accomplish a specific goal within that region alone.[/quote]

I don't play runsescape but still watch a bit on youtube. If you are a fan of challenges then I'd recommend watching through both [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jp5OiU-Cug&list=PLF8UCfhQwMrnM8StvY-9aCC3wjA4dcLx8]Jcw[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9yXQl53MPA&list=PLa_JyJQEC55FDL_7YLuCHBX2adzr3Ak65]he box jonge[/url] doing a max cape any% speedrun race over the course of the last year was pretty cool.
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Ever since I found Wendigoon on youtube a year ago he's been my no.1 for a while
I even watch through his sponsored ads, he's a great guy

Ever since I found Wendigoon on youtube a year ago he's been my no.1 for a while
I even watch through his sponsored ads, he's a great guy
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this is still true but my go to recommendation is Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't, vulgar chicagoan travels around the world and just riffs while identifying and talking about plants. funny and fascinating

this is still true but my go to recommendation is [url=https://youtube.com/@CrimePaysButBotanyDoesnt] Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't[/url], vulgar chicagoan travels around the world and just riffs while identifying and talking about plants. funny and fascinating
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calm luh bump


stumbled upon this guy trying to get across large areas either in a straight line or without using any roads and it is really entertaining

calm luh bump


stumbled upon this guy trying to get across large areas either in a straight line or without using any roads and it is really entertaining
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chucken ,eleven ,maxplayer , weza, klapek_klapek_33 123

chucken ,eleven ,maxplayer , weza, klapek_klapek_33 123
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doikucalm luh bump


stumbled upon this guy trying to get across large areas either in a straight line or without using any roads and it is really entertaining

dude i brought this guy up in a convo a couple weeks ago i remember watching him like 5 years ago ty for the link

[quote=doiku]calm luh bump


stumbled upon this guy trying to get across large areas either in a straight line or without using any roads and it is really entertaining[/quote]
dude i brought this guy up in a convo a couple weeks ago i remember watching him like 5 years ago ty for the link
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