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darwin/grapejuice lft
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goat juice III

goat juice III
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it's darwin's time for invite

it's darwin's time for invite
-8 Frags +
Treshnot invite
[quote=Tresh]not invite[/quote]
10 Frags +

very good mechanics and a strong drive to improve, I'd reccomend grape.

also tresh wtf is ur problem

very good mechanics and a strong drive to improve, I'd reccomend grape.

also tresh wtf is ur problem
13 Frags +


0 Frags +

lft roamer season 8 !!!
win advanced or play invite !!!!


lft roamer season 8 !!!
win advanced or play invite !!!!

2 Frags +

A very good teammate and would make a very good roamer in invite for the long haul. Give him a chance.

A very good teammate and would make a very good roamer in invite for the long haul. Give him a chance.
2 Frags +

Very good teammate and player. Also very chill, please pick him up for invite and free him from advanced hell

Very good teammate and player. Also very chill, please pick him up for invite and free him from advanced hell
3 Frags +

i bump

i bump
3 Frags +

Having been teammates with Grape Juice while he was playing two different classes in two different stages of his TF2 career, I can confidently say that he has grown a lot both as an individual and teammate over the years. Passionate about the game and how to improve, and would thrive in an environment where his teammates share the same sentiments. Can get a little agitated at times but it's from his drive for the game (not that he can't improve on how he responds to adversity). Will laugh at you as you struggle through Persona 4 for the first time. Good luck on your search Grape.

Having been teammates with Grape Juice while he was playing two different classes in two different stages of his TF2 career, I can confidently say that he has grown a lot both as an individual and teammate over the years. Passionate about the game and how to improve, and would thrive in an environment where his teammates share the same sentiments. Can get a little agitated at times but it's from his drive for the game (not that he can't improve on how he responds to adversity). Will laugh at you as you struggle through Persona 4 for the first time. Good luck on your search Grape.
-23 Frags +

too obsessed with the prospect of playing invite rather than just improving himself to reach that level, and i dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's. both explain the stagnation and complacency.

holds the negative quality of being predictable as a roamer and here is some specific critique describing this:

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metalworks holding 2nd even & disad, heavily overuses the ctap from bridge to walljump high bomb into deep alley, so consistent that eventually the strat just became that i high bomb then curve and/or bomb away flank to bait this jump and we get a 0 risk free soldier pick. this pattern of misunderstanding off-timings is apparent elsewhere, its just especially noticeable in this context.
gullywash pushing 2nd from last, overuses high bomb from upper into choke to sync. would be fine if it weren't for the fact that hes landing directly on ground in front of choke, even unbuffed at times after doing it. i remember telling my demo at one point to just stick ground since hed land there, think he insta died but even if not its still consistently enough damage that he may as well have, and theres no risk in shooting the ground.
process mids, every(<--) mid rolls out fast onto his crate. unimposing, unchanging, and abusable when a soldier fast rolls out directly onto him. when i roamed i forced the habit of fast rollout to mg, much more consistent than it may sound and would stop him from doing his default the following mid.
i remember villa mids being particularly repetitive but cant recollect. whatever, shit map gone now anyways.

i could go on, but i wont. i think ive made my point clear with what ive given that anything more just seems redundant, and those were tabs i dont value enough to keep to myself. ill let the rest remain in obscurity though.
too obsessed with the prospect of playing invite rather than just improving himself to reach that level, and i dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's. both explain the stagnation and complacency.

holds the negative quality of being predictable as a roamer and here is some specific critique describing this:
[color=red]metalworks holding 2nd even & disad,[/color] heavily overuses the ctap from bridge to walljump high bomb into deep alley, so consistent that eventually the strat just became that i high bomb then curve and/or bomb away flank to bait this jump and we get a 0 risk free soldier pick. this pattern of misunderstanding off-timings is apparent elsewhere, its just especially noticeable in this context.
[color=red]gullywash pushing 2nd from last,[/color] overuses high bomb from upper into choke to sync. would be fine if it weren't for the fact that hes landing directly on ground in front of choke, even unbuffed at times after doing it. i remember telling my demo at one point to just stick ground since hed land there, think he insta died but even if not its still consistently enough damage that he may as well have, and theres no risk in shooting the ground.
[color=red]process mids,[/color] every(<--) mid rolls out fast onto his crate. unimposing, unchanging, and abusable when a soldier fast rolls out directly onto him. when i roamed i forced the habit of fast rollout to mg, much more consistent than it may sound and would stop him from doing his default the following mid.
i remember villa mids being particularly repetitive but cant recollect. whatever, shit map gone now anyways.

i could go on, but i wont. i think ive made my point clear with what ive given that anything more just seems redundant, and those were tabs i dont value enough to keep to myself. ill let the rest remain in obscurity though. [/spoiler]
22 Frags +
wonderofli dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's

true. i think this is a bad thing to post on people's lft posts in general.

wonderoflmetalworks holding 2nd even & disad

my force/drop rate is absolutely fucking disgusting with it and it is generally risk free considering I will spawn before the enemy team pushes into last. literally no reason not to do it in such a claustrophobic part of the map. obviously in a perfect world there is more coordination with my team to put pressure on the team that is pushing into us, but when this can't happen I simply compensate for it by changing my timing to be earlier or later (in my experience this will also lead to a drop or force), and again, I will spawn by the time the enemy team is pushing into last, so it is generally risk free all things considered.

wonderoflgullywash pushing 2nd from last

similar thing to metalworks. but you are right, my timing is generally bad when I do this play.

wonderofl*every* process mid

This is simply incorrect. My process mids are generally my most varied with what i choose to do, when I land on the crate i do so because your demo is too far away for me to land on him to kill him. I have done the fast rollout a lot, and I do so because cin told me it is the meta play at an invite level, putting pressure on the demo, killing him, or getting spam on choke if uncontested and the other 2 dont happen. with that in mind my flaw lies in standing my ground when you are flying in instead of counter jumping you. and no offense, it was simply disrespect that lead me to stand my ground, since i believed you or your team would let me get away with more. when i have rang/tried out against invite teams, I always counterjump in that situation.

TL;DR you have valid criticism but you misjudge the decision making that goes into how i play the game; and I honestly dont mean to say this to you in a "haha i wasnt trying hahah ur shit lol" kind of way

[quote=wonderofl]i dont think this "drive to improve" is any stronger than anybody else's[/quote]
true. i think this is a bad thing to post on people's lft posts in general.

[quote=wonderofl]metalworks holding 2nd even & disad[/quote]
my force/drop rate is absolutely fucking disgusting with it and it is generally risk free considering I will spawn before the enemy team pushes into last. literally no reason not to do it in such a claustrophobic part of the map. obviously in a perfect world there is more coordination with my team to put pressure on the team that is pushing into us, but when this can't happen I simply compensate for it by changing my timing to be earlier or later (in my experience this will also lead to a drop or force), and again, I will spawn by the time the enemy team is pushing into last, so it is generally risk free all things considered.

[quote=wonderofl]gullywash pushing 2nd from last[/quote]
similar thing to metalworks. but you are right, my timing is generally bad when I do this play.

[quote=wonderofl][b]*every*[/b] process mid[/quote]
This is simply incorrect. My process mids are generally my most varied with what i choose to do, when I land on the crate i do so because your demo is too far away for me to land on him to kill him. I have done the fast rollout a lot, and I do so because cin told me it is the meta play at an invite level, putting pressure on the demo, killing him, or getting spam on choke if uncontested and the other 2 dont happen. with that in mind my flaw lies in standing my ground when you are flying in instead of counter jumping you. and no offense, it was simply disrespect that lead me to stand my ground, since i believed you or your team would let me get away with more. when i have rang/tried out against invite teams, I always counterjump in that situation.

TL;DR you have valid criticism but you misjudge the decision making that goes into how i play the game; and I honestly dont mean to say this to you in a "haha i wasnt trying hahah ur shit lol" kind of way
-23 Frags +

on metal ur doing it on evens way b4 any1 dies or is at risk of. its very bad since ur consistently creating the snowball that loses ur 2nd and theres a lack of recognition on ur part in disads when teams are evidently just playing around ur decisions. its also impossible for ur team to help u since ur doing a gimmicky (not by itself bad) variation of it which plays a major part in its success since ur actually ctapping it to land on top of the ramp leading into alley which ppl dont typically attribute it as dangerous. its ur default though, the more u do it, the more ppl get used to it, the worse it gets, until it reaches this point of feeding. ive never felt the difference in timing, add more variance to it. or just do something better.

"my timing is generally bad when I do this play."
thats a positioning thing, not timing.

"This is simply incorrect."
i can load demo
"simply disrespect"
highly doubtful
"misjudge the decision making"
im not judging it @ all.

mentors r overrated, inefficient.

on metal ur doing it on evens way b4 any1 dies or is at risk of. its very bad since ur consistently creating the snowball that loses ur 2nd and theres a lack of recognition on ur part in disads when teams are evidently just playing around ur decisions. its also impossible for ur team to help u since ur doing a gimmicky (not by itself bad) variation of it which plays a major part in its success since ur actually ctapping it to land on top of the ramp leading into alley which ppl dont typically attribute it as dangerous. its ur default though, the more u do it, the more ppl get used to it, the worse it gets, until it reaches this point of feeding. ive never felt the difference in timing, add more variance to it. or just do something better.

"my timing is generally bad when I do this play."
thats a positioning thing, not timing.

"This is simply incorrect."
i can load demo
"simply disrespect"
highly doubtful
"misjudge the decision making"
im not judging it @ all.

mentors r overrated, inefficient.
12 Frags +

i misread 2 of your headers so:
yeah when i pre-emptively countersac on metal its cringe but ur team is the only team that learned how to adapt. practice how you play. I do actually have backup jumps in mind either for changeups or if im not in position for my default.
when i land on the ground on gullywash choke and die, I kick myself. I haven't done it often in recent memory.

I know what mids I go for on process. I actually streamed a demo review for a lower level player this summer and I gave them like 4 different things they could do and I know for a fact that I go for all 4 on a regular basis. guess you didnt see that stream.

i used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were. in season 6 i was playing with the bros and going for shotguns, and while you guys were on the rise, I still didnt pay it much mind. now this season you were one of the best teams in the division, and I have gained a new respect for you and your team, but when I have played against you guys in the past (including early in this season and preseason), yes, i played disrespectfully at times.

I did not mean "misjudge" to be taken negatively. I meant it as a synonym for "misunderstand" (pretty ironic when you consider I misread parts of your original post)

that all being said im not sure anything more will come out of this conversation, so i wont reply any further. you get to have the last laugh if you want it.

i misread 2 of your headers so:
yeah when i pre-emptively countersac on metal its cringe but ur team is the only team that learned how to adapt. practice how you play. I do actually have backup jumps in mind either for changeups or if im not in position for my default.
when i land on the ground on gullywash choke and die, I kick myself. I haven't done it often in recent memory.

I know what mids I go for on process. I actually streamed a demo review for a lower level player this summer and I gave them like 4 different things they could do and I know for a fact that I go for all 4 on a regular basis. guess you didnt see that stream.

i used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were. in season 6 i was playing with the bros and going for shotguns, and while you guys were on the rise, I still didnt pay it much mind. now this season you were one of the best teams in the division, and I have gained a new respect for you and your team, but when I have played against you guys in the past (including early in this season and preseason), yes, i played disrespectfully at times.

I did not mean "misjudge" to be taken negatively. I meant it as a synonym for "misunderstand" (pretty ironic when you consider I misread parts of your original post)

that all being said im not sure anything more will come out of this conversation, so i wont reply any further. you get to have the last laugh if you want it.
-28 Frags +
GrapeJuiceIIIi used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were

we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII]i used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were[/quote]
we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.
14 Frags +

chill good dm

chill good dm
48 Frags +
wonderoflGrapeJuiceIIIi used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys werewe definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.

who r u

[quote=wonderofl][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]i used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were[/quote]
we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.[/quote]
who r u
16 Frags +

next crop of dm heroes to go 6-10 in invite and get their best players poached by the real teams

sorry for further derailing ur thread grapejuice. ur cool and can play invite when ur back in form and trying again im sure

next crop of dm heroes to go 6-10 in invite and get their best players poached by the real teams

sorry for further derailing ur thread grapejuice. ur cool and can play invite when ur back in form and trying again im sure
11 Frags +

darwin is def ready for invite, honestly
he's really receptive to criticism and thinks a lot about what he does, also has good jumps and good dm which is honestly the foundation for good soldiers these days

i dont think wonder knows what he's talking about lol u got this darwin u king

darwin is def ready for invite, honestly
he's really receptive to criticism and thinks a lot about what he does, also has good jumps and good dm which is honestly the foundation for good soldiers these days

i dont think wonder knows what he's talking about lol u got this darwin u king
16 Frags +

we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.

we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.
59 Frags +

wonder the type of dude to make the sound of the animal cracker before he eat it lmao

wonder the type of dude to make the sound of the animal cracker before he eat it lmao
17 Frags +

gotta love the random advanced nobodies trying to shit talk in this thread like yea lemme take my advice about who's invite from *checks clipboard* some dude who isnt invite and has never played with grapejuice

can def say grape is a solid roamer, can be at times a bit repetitive and predictable (and tried to use the spoon too much when he was trying out for the virgil/yosh preseason team i was on) but I distinctly remember scrimming him and getting forced by weird off timing bombs and dropping to him sneaking behind from lower lobby on gully and jumping behind to river, def has some creative stuff up his sleeves

and controversial take but a lot of ppl in this game are not actually driven to improve and just pug and ~chill~ with their homies all day and will definitely not be seen watching demos lol, but as a more substantive comment darwin has a pretty open mind about stuff and isn't locked into a single playstyle from his ego or anything

gotta love the random advanced nobodies trying to shit talk in this thread like yea lemme take my advice about who's invite from *checks clipboard* some dude who isnt invite and has never played with grapejuice

can def say grape is a solid roamer, can be at times a bit repetitive and predictable (and tried to use the spoon too much when he was trying out for the virgil/yosh preseason team i was on) but I distinctly remember scrimming him and getting forced by weird off timing bombs and dropping to him sneaking behind from lower lobby on gully and jumping behind to river, def has some creative stuff up his sleeves

and controversial take but a lot of ppl in this game are not actually driven to improve and just pug and ~chill~ with their homies all day and will definitely not be seen watching demos lol, but as a more substantive comment darwin has a pretty open mind about stuff and isn't locked into a single playstyle from his ego or anything
6 Frags +


11 Frags +

from the invite tryouts I had with him in the preseason of s6, he always came to scrims with a good attitude no matter how hard we were about to get/got rolled. he had some iffy moments, but overall I would say he's capable of pulling his own weight in invite. he, as others have mentioned, is really open to criticism. always seemed to be asking what he could do better or if the play he made was wrong. i think based solely off his motivation to improve, he has a good shot of doing well later down the line in invite.

from the invite tryouts I had with him in the preseason of s6, he always came to scrims with a good attitude no matter how hard we were about to get/got rolled. he had some iffy moments, but overall I would say he's capable of pulling his own weight in invite. he, as others have mentioned, is really open to criticism. always seemed to be asking what he could do better or if the play he made was wrong. i think based solely off his motivation to improve, he has a good shot of doing well later down the line in invite.
26 Frags +
wonderoflGrapeJuiceIIIi used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys werewe definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.


[quote=wonderofl][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]i used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were[/quote]
we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.[/quote]

7 Frags +

three stooges uber

three stooges uber
10 Frags +

Embrace this opinion grapejuice, don't fight him on the messageboard.
Nothing motivates more than a healthy rivalry.

Embrace this opinion grapejuice, don't fight him on the messageboard.
Nothing motivates more than a healthy rivalry.
13 Frags +

No real opinion on his skill but I have never once heard anyone aside from wonder apparently say anything bad about grapejuice. I for some reason had the notion that I wouldn't like him before I met him(probably because I am a crotchety old boomer) but that melted instantly when I actually met the guy. Super nice and I've got it on good authority he is one of the most highly praised newbie mix coaches around.

No real opinion on his skill but I have never once heard anyone aside from wonder apparently say anything bad about grapejuice. I for some reason had the notion that I wouldn't like him before I met him(probably because I am a crotchety old boomer) but that melted instantly when I actually met the guy. Super nice and I've got it on good authority he is one of the most highly praised newbie mix coaches around.
4 Frags +

I feel like I post this every season on his lft, but I stand by it. Give him a spot in invite and let him prove himself. Go Darwin!

I feel like I post this every season on his lft, but I stand by it. Give him a spot in invite and let him prove himself. Go Darwin!
-9 Frags +

Honestly has been the hardest roamer to play against in Adv. He's very consistent and purs in more thought for what he's doing than the other soldiers in high-Adv.

Honestly has been the hardest roamer to play against in Adv. He's very consistent and purs in more thought for what he's doing than the other soldiers in high-Adv.
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