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NEW PC, no longer playing on a rock

I'm looking to play combo scout in adv s11. Thanks to my previous teammates for a good run. Playing at the highest individual level I have ever been.

• will maincall
• lots of free time over the coming months

message on discord or steam:
discord Jw.#4795

NEW PC, no longer playing on a rock

I'm looking to play combo scout in adv s11. Thanks to my previous teammates for a good run. Playing at the highest individual level I have ever been.

• will maincall
• lots of free time over the coming months

message on discord or steam:
discord Jw.#4795
42 Frags +


35 Frags +

One of the worst humans in this game lol

One of the worst humans in this game lol
-1 Frags +


14 Frags +

insanely delusional schizo lmao

insanely delusional schizo lmao
14 Frags +

going to hell

going to hell
32 Frags +

told zesty his grandma was gonna burn in hell

told zesty his grandma was gonna burn in hell
-14 Frags +

ill play devils advocate (lol) and say i dont find jw even half as annoying as the ppl above me. he has a very bad habit of getting into funny online arguments and needs to stop doing that, thats why hes hated. gameplay-wise hed pound in iM, his dm would be ok in main but anything further hed have to work on it. hes also 1 of few scouts that are actually willing to comm, that traits a lot more valuable than it seems at first glance, especially for iM

ill play devils advocate (lol) and say i dont find jw even half as annoying as the ppl above me. he has a very bad habit of getting into funny online arguments and needs to stop doing that, thats why hes hated. gameplay-wise hed pound in iM, his dm would be ok in main but anything further hed have to work on it. hes also 1 of few scouts that are actually willing to comm, that traits a lot more valuable than it seems at first glance, especially for iM
12 Frags +
wonderoflill play devils advocate (lol) and say i dont find jw even half as annoying as the ppl above me. he has a very bad habit of getting into funny online arguments and needs to stop doing that, thats why hes hated. gameplay-wise hed pound in iM, his dm would be ok in main but anything further hed have to work on it. hes also 1 of few scouts that are actually willing to comm, that traits a lot more valuable than it seems at first glance, especially for iM

dont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human being

[quote=wonderofl]ill play devils advocate (lol) and say i dont find jw even half as annoying as the ppl above me. he has a very bad habit of getting into funny online arguments and needs to stop doing that, thats why hes hated. gameplay-wise hed pound in iM, his dm would be ok in main but anything further hed have to work on it. hes also 1 of few scouts that are actually willing to comm, that traits a lot more valuable than it seems at first glance, especially for iM[/quote]
dont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human being
-17 Frags +
dbkdont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human being

there something im missing lil bro? whatd this child do to u lmfao

dont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human being[/quote]
there something im missing lil bro? whatd this child do to u lmfao
12 Frags +

Scientific evidence for God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiMqzN_YSXU
Apocalypse Now In The Vatican: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u02sNHRNLCk
Why Francis can't be a true pope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3AnX_GBWJw

Scientific evidence for God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiMqzN_YSXU
Apocalypse Now In The Vatican: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u02sNHRNLCk
Why Francis can't be a true pope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3AnX_GBWJw
-4 Frags +
wonderofldbkdont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human beingthere something im missing lil bro? whatd this child do to u lmfao

proud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/

dont really care if he pounds he's a dogshit human being[/quote]
there something im missing lil bro? whatd this child do to u lmfao[/quote]
proud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/
-17 Frags +
dbkproud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/

sedavacantism. thats what u on about? cmon now, u know damn well u dont give af. just how i dont.

proud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/[/quote]
sedavacantism. thats what u on about? cmon now, u know damn well u dont give af. just how i dont.
-5 Frags +


25 Frags +
wonderofldbkproud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/sedavacantism. thats what u on about? cmon now, u know damn well u dont give af. just how i dont.

I think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalid

proud believer in this shit little bro https://vaticancatholic.com/[/quote]
sedavacantism. thats what u on about? cmon now, u know damn well u dont give af. just how i dont.[/quote]
I think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalid
30 Frags +

Brainwashed and groomed all his life by a cultist catholic monolith group, also a weeb?

Brainwashed and groomed all his life by a cultist catholic monolith group, also a weeb?
16 Frags +
Beep_boop... also a weeb?


[quote=Beep_boop]... also a weeb?[/quote]
19 Frags +

i thought violent video games and radical christianity were mutually exclusive that's kinda sick

i thought violent video games and radical christianity were mutually exclusive that's kinda sick
-24 Frags +
ConnieI think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalid

thats basically every religion lol. shoot me but i dont consider someone on the more conservative side of christianity to be a "dogshit human being," if u wanna talk about rotten allykats already posted on this thread. its also hard to take it from u, i remember someone pointing out that people tend to mingle within their race (cuz yknow, they do) and u labeled that anti-semitism of all things then immediately ragequit. i just think ur the boy who cried wolf, only this is one of the rare times its convenient for you.

I think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalid[/quote]
thats basically every religion lol. shoot me but i dont consider someone on the more conservative side of christianity to be a "dogshit human being," if u wanna talk about rotten allykats already posted on this thread. its also hard to take it from u, i remember someone pointing out that people tend to mingle within their race (cuz yknow, they do) and u labeled that anti-semitism of all things then immediately ragequit. i just think ur the boy who cried wolf, only this is one of the rare times its convenient for you.
6 Frags +
wonderoflConnieI think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalidthats basically every religion lol. shoot me but i dont consider someone on the more conservative side of christianity to be a "dogshit human being," if u wanna talk about rotten allykats already posted on this thread. its also hard to take it from u, i remember someone pointing out that people tend to mingle within their race (cuz yknow, they do) and u labeled that anti-semitism of all things then immediately ragequit. i just think ur the boy who cried wolf, only this is one of the rare times its convenient for you.

you don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult concept


wonderoflthats basically every religion lolConnieantisemitism


I think the problem is the homophobia, transphobia and antisemitism, not thinking the pope is invalid[/quote]
thats basically every religion lol. shoot me but i dont consider someone on the more conservative side of christianity to be a "dogshit human being," if u wanna talk about rotten allykats already posted on this thread. its also hard to take it from u, i remember someone pointing out that people tend to mingle within their race (cuz yknow, they do) and u labeled that anti-semitism of all things then immediately ragequit. i just think ur the boy who cried wolf, only this is one of the rare times its convenient for you.[/quote]
you don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult concept

[quote=wonderofl]thats basically every religion lol[/quote]
-20 Frags +
Connieyou don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult concept



whatd u miss.

you don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult concept[/quote]
whatd u miss.
24 Frags +
wonderoflConnieyou don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult conceptincoherent.Connie????whatd u miss.

is this a hill really worth dying on?

you don't have to be trans or gay to think that homophobia and transphobia are bad, I was banning idiots for saying shit to twigs and fyg in pugs or saying slurs on the forums LONG before I began to question my gender identity? Just like, respect people and don't be a shitty human being? Not a difficult concept[/quote]
whatd u miss.[/quote]

is this a hill really worth dying on?
12 Frags +

did you fail third grade reading?

did you fail third grade reading?
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-15 Frags +
untamedis this a hill really worth dying on?

im not dying on anything

GrapeJuiceIIIdid you fail third grade reading?

did U?

is this a hill really worth dying on?[/quote]
im not dying on anything

did you fail third grade reading?[/quote]
did U?
-9 Frags +

great player with a great mindset about the game, worthy pickup for any team trying to preform well

great player with a great mindset about the game, worthy pickup for any team trying to preform well
12 Frags +
wonderofluntamedis this a hill really worth dying on?im not dying on anything
GrapeJuiceIIIdid you fail third grade reading?did U?


is this a hill really worth dying on?[/quote]
im not dying on anything

did you fail third grade reading?[/quote]
did U?[/quote]

-1 Frags +

been playing tf2center and pugs and some minecraft with jw for like a year now, never actually knew about his religious beliefs and getting into arguments with people. i understand why some of his beliefs may make him seem like a bad person, but please give him a shot. promise hes not a bad player or person. just needs to keep some stuff to himself. good player who comms and is willing to take criticism and improve

been playing tf2center and pugs and some minecraft with jw for like a year now, never actually knew about his religious beliefs and getting into arguments with people. i understand why some of his beliefs may make him seem like a bad person, but please give him a shot. promise hes not a bad player or person. just needs to keep some stuff to himself. good player who comms and is willing to take criticism and improve
-19 Frags +

- Seems good in-game.

- Probably has Tweets from 2013 that aged poorly.
- May get banned from RGL.

- Seems good in-game.

- Probably has Tweets from 2013 that aged poorly.
- May get banned from RGL.
-12 Frags +

bump s8

bump s8
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