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what makes a good fragvideo?
0 Frags +

what do you look for in a frag video that seperates a good one from a bad one?

what do you look for in a frag video that seperates a good one from a bad one?
30 Frags +

air shot

air shot
1 Frags +

good music. if it's got shitty EDM or something playing there is a 100% chance i will click off in 5 seconds

good music. if it's got shitty EDM or something playing there is a 100% chance i will click off in 5 seconds
26 Frags +

good music synced with frags, airshots, no long cringe breaks in the clips, neat transitions

good music synced with frags, airshots, no long cringe breaks in the clips, neat transitions
14 Frags +

I like it when there’s a list of people fragged in the credits of the video

I like it when there’s a list of people fragged in the credits of the video
-15 Frags +
tommyI like it when there’s a list of people fragged in the credits of the video

that's bm as fuck but I also like it

[quote=tommy]I like it when there’s a list of people fragged in the credits of the video[/quote]
that's bm as fuck but I also like it
-4 Frags +

some kind of theme, effort on color correction, music isn't overhype and fits the motif and syncs well with the showcase

overuse of slow-mo or shimmers gets real annoying real quick

show more third person, a good smooth is Crème de la Crème

The Contenders 2 is imo the best frag movie of all time, fight me

some kind of theme, effort on color correction, music isn't overhype and fits the motif and syncs well with the showcase

overuse of slow-mo or shimmers gets real annoying real quick

show more third person, a good smooth is Crème de la Crème

The Contenders 2 is imo the best frag movie of all time, fight me
8 Frags +

doesn't take itself too seriously, the music cant be some generic shit, the frags gotta seem impressive for example a scout 4k where no one looks at u is not impressive

doesn't take itself too seriously, the music cant be some generic shit, the frags gotta seem impressive for example a scout 4k where no one looks at u is not impressive
-1 Frags +

cool transitions are underrated

cool transitions are underrated
3 Frags +

I think the editing should highlight the frags and not make them harder to see. Sometimes clips are sped up 400% then slowed down 400% then sped up again for dramatic effect/to make it sync with the music, but that makes it hard to see the actual play clearly.

I think the editing should highlight the frags and not make them harder to see. Sometimes clips are sped up 400% then slowed down 400% then sped up again for dramatic effect/to make it sync with the music, but that makes it hard to see the actual play clearly.
24 Frags +

Dont include the 1k you got 30 seconds before the actually impressive bit happens

Dont include the 1k you got 30 seconds before the actually impressive bit happens
6 Frags +
  • Good music is always a plus but since that is pretty subjective I'd say "music you like and that isn't just there for a meme" is good enough, sometimes you can tell that music is an afterthought cause they put some fuckin meme songs just to have something in the background and its not great.
  • Overall quality of clips should be the same, too many great fragvids have been kinda ruined because the creator decided to add a 3k demo clip from a 2AM dmix, just make a leftover fragvid for those. I'd also even say that if you have frags from a very serious environement (offis and high level scrims), putting any clip from like PUGs with them isn't gonna work out unless the clip is really nuts.
  • Kind of a minor point but I'm not a fan of using the song name as the fragvid's name, it doesn't tell me anything new and its kind of overdone imo
  • I really enjoy when people put clips that aren't usually considered fragclip material (a single kill, a quick 1v2, a daring escape, a nice bomb), I think it adds character to it and if you're proud of it I think you should add it. Of course my standard for those is also highly dependent on the level at which the clips are filmed.
  • Small thing once again but if you have to fast forward for more than 3 seconds, just do a cut instead
  • If you can add voices of casters/your teammates screaming at a cool play you did, that's an instant +10 for me
  • Lastly I will say that editing isn't like ultimately important, I think an underedited fragclip will always be better than an overedited one in my opinion
[*] Good music is always a plus but since that is pretty subjective I'd say "music you like and that isn't just there for a meme" is good enough, sometimes you can tell that music is an afterthought cause they put some fuckin meme songs just to have something in the background and its not great.
[*] Overall quality of clips should be the same, too many great fragvids have been kinda ruined because the creator decided to add a 3k demo clip from a 2AM dmix, just make a leftover fragvid for those. I'd also even say that if you have frags from a very serious environement (offis and high level scrims), putting any clip from like PUGs with them isn't gonna work out unless the clip is really nuts.
[*] Kind of a minor point but I'm not a fan of using the song name as the fragvid's name, it doesn't tell me anything new and its kind of overdone imo
[*]I really enjoy when people put clips that aren't usually considered fragclip material (a single kill, a quick 1v2, a daring escape, a nice bomb), I think it adds character to it and if you're proud of it I think you should add it. Of course my standard for those is also highly dependent on the level at which the clips are filmed.
[*] Small thing once again but if you have to fast forward for more than 3 seconds, just do a cut instead
[*]If you can add voices of casters/your teammates screaming at a cool play you did, that's an instant +10 for me
[*]Lastly I will say that editing isn't like ultimately important, I think an underedited fragclip will always be better than an overedited one in my opinion
-2 Frags +


2 Frags +

imo the biggest things are good music that syncs well with frags and having minimal dead time in each clip.

imo the biggest things are good music that syncs well with frags and having minimal dead time in each clip.
-7 Frags +

frag videos should be at most 3 minutes long

frag videos should be at most 3 minutes long
4 Frags +

what makes a good fragvideo is great frags

what makes a good fragmovie is interesting/additive visuals that dont distract from those great frags

also music has to be A+

i think the best example of a tf2 fragmovie that rides the line of visual appeal without distracting from great frags is danger

what makes a good [b]fragvideo[/b] is great frags

what makes a good [b]fragmovie[/b] is interesting/additive visuals that dont distract from those great frags

also music has to be A+

i think the best example of a tf2 fragmovie that rides the line of visual appeal without distracting from great frags is [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGaANzokZx4]danger[/url]
8 Frags +

Frags against players close to your skill level are important. Nobody wants to watch you stomp players 2 divs below you

Frags against players close to your skill level are important. Nobody wants to watch you stomp players 2 divs below you
22 Frags +


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