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where is the 2023 resup.gg philly LAN VOD?
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It isn't on youtube. it isn't highlighted on b4nny's twitch. The 2022 VOD was only uploaded to b4nny's youtube when the 2023 lan was happening so maybe this one will be uploaded later too.

until then this sucks. I've never run into this problem for any major TF2 event given archiving stuff is so trivial to do.

while i adjust my tin foil hat, b4nny clearly did this to minimise g6's accomplishments and froyo ending their lan streak

It isn't on youtube. it isn't highlighted on b4nny's twitch. The 2022 VOD was only uploaded to b4nny's youtube when the 2023 lan was happening so maybe this one will be uploaded later too.

until then this sucks. I've never run into this problem for any major TF2 event given archiving stuff is so trivial to do.

while i adjust my tin foil hat, b4nny clearly did this to minimise g6's accomplishments and froyo ending their lan streak
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my mid ass pov is highlighted

my mid ass pov is highlighted
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I've asked a few times in his chat and it always gets ignored so read into that what you will

I've asked a few times in his chat and it always gets ignored so read into that what you will
Fireside Casts
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I have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT

I have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT
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I asked b4nny in a pug like a week ago and he said he's been meaning to upload it... maybe he just keeps forgetting ha ha

I asked b4nny in a pug like a week ago and he said he's been meaning to upload it... maybe he just keeps forgetting ha ha
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bump lol

bump lol
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he removed me and lecrum kissing on stream for some reason

b4nny homophobic?!?!?

he removed me and lecrum kissing on stream for some reason

b4nny homophobic?!?!?
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siyoI have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT

b4nny copyright striking when people upload clips from his stream is one thing, copyright striking a LAN vod is fucking nuts lmao

[quote=siyo]I have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT[/quote]
b4nny copyright striking when people upload clips from his stream is one thing, copyright striking a LAN vod is fucking nuts lmao
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siyoI have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT

upload it to bilibili

[quote=siyo]I have the entire vod saved but I got copyright striked when uploading it to YT[/quote]

upload it to bilibili
Fireside Casts
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my hdd is reaching its end of life so here's day 2 part 2 (grand finals included)


THE LINK is no longer working im uploading it to something else


my hdd is reaching its end of life so here's day 2 part 2 (grand finals included)


THE LINK is no longer working im uploading it to something else

Fireside Casts
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expires in 10 days https://gofile.io/d/xyNx2o

if u would like to help pay for my drive #appreciated

expires in 10 days https://gofile.io/d/xyNx2o

if u would like to help pay for my drive #appreciated
Fireside Casts
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bump ^ just incase anyone else wanted to download

bump ^ just incase anyone else wanted to download
Chief Video Editor
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Has this been uploaded yet?

Has this been uploaded yet?
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Chief Video Editor
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Has this been uploaded yet? I'm still sitting on the VOD in case anyone needs it.

Has this been uploaded yet? I'm still sitting on the VOD in case anyone needs it.
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I recently wanted to watch this LAN back and looked everywhere for a VOD because I couldn't believe that its not available anywhere. I would love to see it be uploaded on another platform if b4nny is just going to keep copyright striking YT uploads. Or make it permanently available for download if possible!

I recently wanted to watch this LAN back and looked everywhere for a VOD because I couldn't believe that its not available anywhere. I would love to see it be uploaded on another platform if b4nny is just going to keep copyright striking YT uploads. Or make it permanently available for download if possible!
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can someone rich upload it and then take him to court when he tries to take it down again b4nny doesnt fucking own the entire event and venue he should not be allowed to copyright strike him losing in a videogame

can someone rich upload it and then take him to court when he tries to take it down again b4nny doesnt fucking own the entire event and venue he should not be allowed to copyright strike him losing in a videogame
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b4nny does not get enough slack for this sort of shite it's utterly fucking shameless

b4nny does not get enough slack for this sort of shite it's utterly fucking shameless
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he ran out of plasma so now he has to strike videos for the sweet sweet payout of an extra 400 views on a yt vid, good shit b4noid

he ran out of plasma so now he has to strike videos for the sweet sweet payout of an extra 400 views on a yt vid, good shit b4noid
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uploaded day 2 here (don't have day 1 sorry)

uploaded day 2 here (don't have day 1 sorry)
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