while a candy cane was a good idea and did fit the smissmas spirit the weapon was not as sweet as it looks! i have a good idea to improve it and make it more used by every elf- i mean sacout every where in the game. this is my idea:
part one the debuff will stay still because these benefits you get theyll be worth. scout can still take %25 more from explosives. reduced to 10% extra damage from splash damage from explos.
the next part of the idea is more health packs with the candy cane, the drops will as follows-
guns kills (any weapons not the candy cane) small hp
candy kills medium
crits or mini candy cane kills huge hp
"well its overpowered" yeah ? its rare to get meele as scout, try explaining your team why yous meeleing engineers and spies instead of using a scattergun. its high riisk high reward as to the meele scouts everyone is a big thread.
for my last idea i can send you two images because its a bit complicated.
bascially itll give you the ability to see when pickups respawn.
its a lot of buffs but yes the candy cane is shitty so it needs alot off buffs. now i belive that itll be enticing enough to make players want to use it as those with very high skill can dodge rocket and demomen and keep feeding their endless killstreak.
let me know
while a candy cane was a good idea and did fit the smissmas spirit the weapon was not as sweet as it looks! i have a good idea to improve it and make it more used by every elf- i mean sacout every where in the game. this is my idea:
part one the debuff will stay still because these benefits you get theyll be worth. scout can still take %25 more from explosives. reduced to 10% extra damage from splash damage from explos.
the next part of the idea is more health packs with the candy cane, the drops will as follows-
guns kills (any weapons not the candy cane) small hp
candy kills medium
crits or mini candy cane kills huge hp
"well its overpowered" yeah ? its rare to get meele as scout, try explaining your team why yous meeleing engineers and spies instead of using a scattergun. its high riisk high reward as to the meele scouts everyone is a big thread.
for my last idea i can send you two images because its a bit complicated.
bascially itll give you the ability to see when pickups respawn.
its a lot of buffs but yes the candy cane is shitty so it needs alot off buffs. now i belive that itll be enticing enough to make players want to use it as those with very high skill can dodge rocket and demomen and keep feeding their endless killstreak.
let me know
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you've fulfilled half the promises of the title. now tell me your plan to fix improv.
i think "yes and" has been the law of the land for TOO LONG. What are you suggesting we do about it.
you've fulfilled half the promises of the title. now tell me your plan to fix improv.
i think "yes and" has been the law of the land for TOO LONG. What are you suggesting we do about it.
would this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?
would this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?
why buff candy cane when its already OP if you can dodge explosives
why buff candy cane when its already OP if you can dodge explosives
aierawould this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?
Some teams might start using candy cane in the steven mid to counter it, but I don’t see it impacting the meta-game as a whole very much.
[quote=aiera]would this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?[/quote]
Some teams might start using candy cane in the steven mid to counter it, but I don’t see it impacting the meta-game as a whole very much.
aierawould this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?
my sources in america tell me top team froyotech has already found a counter for the michael mid. team leader "b4nny" allegedly stayed awake for 3 days and nights demo reviewing to come up with counterplay. im not sure i believe it honestly cause the michael mid is quite strong, but i'm excited to see for certain at the upcoming dreamhack international lan!
[quote=aiera]would this buff shake up the michael mid heavy meta we have shifted to?[/quote]
my sources in america tell me top team froyotech has already found a counter for the michael mid. team leader "b4nny" allegedly stayed awake for 3 days and nights demo reviewing to come up with counterplay. im not sure i believe it honestly cause the michael mid is quite strong, but i'm excited to see for certain at the upcoming dreamhack international lan!