shout outs to anyone who has read/knows this book
(I'm actually a pretty poor soldier in reality...)
shout outs to anyone who has read/knows this book
(I'm actually a pretty poor soldier in reality...)
Dewey_I was bored of my old alias, so I was going through a bunch of pun names. I had just got a Boston Boom Bringer, so I came up with "Dewey Decibel Sound System." And over time I just dropped the rest of the name and went with Dewey.
How do you drop it though, I don't think you can change your username
[quote=Dewey_]I was bored of my old alias, so I was going through a bunch of pun names. I had just got a Boston Boom Bringer, so I came up with "Dewey Decibel Sound System." And over time I just dropped the rest of the name and went with Dewey.[/quote]
How do you drop it though, I don't think you can change your username
This guy from Soul Calibur 2.
I was 14 and thought adding Dark to his name would make my alias edgy and badass.
This guy from Soul Calibur 2.
I was 14 and thought adding Dark to his name would make my alias [i]edgy[/i] and [i]badass[/i].
Jeren + thinking pig latin was cool = ErenJay
Jeren + thinking pig latin was cool = ErenJay
"tornados2111" because was stupid and thought tornadoes were cool, 2111 a year from the future...
"Lemons" as a reference to portal 2's explosive lemons
"tornados2111" because was stupid and thought tornadoes were cool, 2111 a year from the future...
"Lemons" as a reference to portal 2's explosive lemons
I went by the name Paul because I thought it would be funny to have people call me Paul and then be like "yo, my name is actually Maks" But then I wasn't responding to the name Paul (because it's not my name) so I was just like screw it and stuck with my real name.
I went by the name Paul because I thought it would be funny to have people call me Paul and then be like "yo, my name is actually Maks" But then I wasn't responding to the name Paul (because it's not my name) so I was just like screw it and stuck with my real name.
I was originally called HoTWire back in my QWTF and CS days... then playing LAN games at work I was the only guy sat between two other people and that is where the name comes from, look it up :)
I was originally called HoTWire back in my QWTF and CS days... then playing LAN games at work I was the only guy sat between two other people and that is where the name comes from, look it up :)
i work at Boeing on the 787 program as a team lead. The 787 body sections and other parts are made of C.F.R.P. (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer). its a fascinating material.
also, the element Carbon is the building block of life.
i work at Boeing on the 787 program as a team lead. The 787 body sections and other parts are made of C.F.R.P. (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer). its a fascinating material.
also, the element Carbon is the building block of life.
I got mine when I was playing Golden Sun on the GBA. There was a password to transfer the character and item data from Golden Sun 1 to Golden Sun 2. There are 3 password levels, being the Gold one the only password that transferred all the data (Names, gold, items, if you did certain events it will reflect on the 2nd game, and more). The problem was that the Gold password is obscenely long, weighing in at 260 characters in groups of 5 characters.
First, I writed the password from GS in a paper and then I put it in GS2 (having to write 260 characters using the D-pad is a pain in the ass). When I finished writing it all, I got an error because the password was incorrect, and after checking what I was writing wrong, I discovered that the error came from a group of 5 characters I wrote wrong, and as you can already suspect those 5 characters are now my name because I was so pissed after spending 15 minutes with this password thing, I memorized those 5 characters so I could write them correctly this time.
Because I memorized those 5 characters, I started using it as my name on forums and websites. When I installed Steam I already got used to that name, so that's my story.
There's only 50 characters on it, but you can figure how painful it is to write 260 of those with a D-pad.
I got mine when I was playing Golden Sun on the GBA. There was a password to transfer the character and item data from Golden Sun 1 to Golden Sun 2. There are 3 password levels, being the Gold one the only password that transferred all the data (Names, gold, items, if you did certain events it will reflect on the 2nd game, and more). The problem was that the Gold password is obscenely long, weighing in at 260 characters in groups of 5 characters.
First, I writed the password from GS in a paper and then I put it in GS2 (having to write 260 characters using the D-pad is a pain in the ass). When I finished writing it all, I got an error because the password was incorrect, and after checking what I was writing wrong, I discovered that the error came from a group of 5 characters I wrote wrong, and as you can already suspect those 5 characters are now my name because I was so pissed after spending 15 minutes with this password thing, I memorized those 5 characters so I could write them correctly this time.
Because I memorized those 5 characters, I started using it as my name on forums and websites. When I installed Steam I already got used to that name, so that's my story.
There's only 50 characters on it, but you can figure how painful it is to write 260 of those with a D-pad.
Also, me and my friend years ago used to go by Bandit and Crafty.
I just took the name Crafty as my alias and thus I was born.
Also, me and my friend years ago used to go by Bandit and Crafty.
I just took the name Crafty as my alias and thus I was born.
Was playing Red Orchestra with a friend about a year and a half ago, we thought it was funny how the Germans would scream "BOLSHEVIK SCUM". Changed my name as a joke, got too lazy to change it back, and so it stuck. Besides, better than my old name "ThatGuyWithStrategy" .-.
Was playing Red Orchestra with a friend about a year and a half ago, we thought it was funny how the Germans would scream "BOLSHEVIK SCUM". Changed my name as a joke, got too lazy to change it back, and so it stuck. Besides, better than my old name "ThatGuyWithStrategy" .-.
it began as 'fuck your yankee blue jeans'
it began as 'fuck your yankee blue jeans'
Nickname was Penguin cuz apparently i look like a penguin, then i had like a hip hop dance faze of my highschool life and my dance name was Penguinz, then when i got xbox i made my name xPenguinzx, i decided to keep it to be unique on steam cuz everyone is Penguin or Penguinz no one has the xs, et voila
Nickname was Penguin cuz apparently i look like a penguin, then i had like a hip hop dance faze of my highschool life and my dance name was Penguinz, then when i got xbox i made my name xPenguinzx, i decided to keep it to be unique on steam cuz everyone is Penguin or Penguinz no one has the xs, et voila
back when i played competitive pokemon, some friends and i were making up alts for laddering and we decided to do "potted *grass pokemon*" and I decided to stick to use potted breloom when i started playing tf2 instead of my old alias which i still use elsewhere sometimes. it got shortened to just breloom because 2 word names are the worse.
back when i played competitive pokemon, some friends and i were making up alts for laddering and we decided to do "potted *grass pokemon*" and I decided to stick to use potted breloom when i started playing tf2 instead of my old alias which i still use elsewhere sometimes. it got shortened to just breloom because 2 word names are the worse.
MY actual names Jason. People at school started spelling my name as JAYYSON so i went wit h it haha,
MY actual names Jason. People at school started spelling my name as JAYYSON so i went wit h it haha,
discbMine came from playing ultimate frisbee. I was the "plan b" when we had the frisbee. If nobody looked open, throw it as far as you could towards the end zone and I would always try to chase it down.... I set the school record for most points scored all time(388 points) in any sport and our club always called the frisbee a disc, so when my classmates heard of this discb was created and it stuck.
Which also makes me slightly bitter since I only got to play one season before getting injured and that was the one season the club didn't make top 4 in the state tournament in the last 5 years.
as a ultimate player, thank you for being the guy who is up for going deep every time, they're the best mates.
[quote=discb]Mine came from playing ultimate frisbee. I was the "plan b" when we had the frisbee. If nobody looked open, throw it as far as you could towards the end zone and I would always try to chase it down.... I set the school record for most points scored all time(388 points) in any sport and our club always called the frisbee a disc, so when my classmates heard of this discb was created and it stuck.
Which also makes me slightly bitter since I only got to play one season before getting injured and that was the one season the club didn't make top 4 in the state tournament in the last 5 years.[/quote]
as a ultimate player, thank you for being the guy who is up for going deep every time, they're the best mates.
It used to be Noraetomer, but nobody could say the "ae" part, so I changed it. Noraetomer is just remotearon backwards. It's based off of my name, Aaron. Would've done norae but everyone in mumble would just call me Nora (or nematode, as happened once).
It used to be Noraetomer, but nobody could say the "ae" part, so I changed it. Noraetomer is just remotearon backwards. It's based off of my name, Aaron. Would've done norae but everyone in mumble would just call me Nora (or nematode, as happened once).
c - "Conner", what I went by for a really damned long time
k - "Ken", my first name
ap - 4 letter names are edgy
c - "Conner", what I went by for a really damned long time
k - "Ken", my first name
ap - 4 letter names are edgy
pie_heroImmature 7th grader now it's been with me too long to change
My original alias was Harry_the_Hammer (harry being my first name) and is still my twitch name. I've changed everything except my twitch and gmail, and I'm still embarrassed when I have to tell someone my email address.
[quote=pie_hero]Immature 7th grader now it's been with me too long to change[/quote]
My original alias was Harry_the_Hammer (harry being my first name) and is still my twitch name. I've changed everything except my twitch and gmail, and I'm still embarrassed when I have to tell someone my email address.
one time i went into a chat i frequented
everyone was being so retarded it literally killed me
or flatlined me
one time i went into a chat i frequented
everyone was being so retarded it literally killed me
or flatlined me
Holy shit, 238 posts in 24 hours.
I really didn't expect this thread to be this popular, haha.
Holy shit, 238 posts in 24 hours.
I really didn't expect this thread to be this popular, haha.
i was born in october and in germany you write october with a k. simple and uncreative
i was born in october and in germany you write october with a k. simple and uncreative
I am named after my real life idol
I am named after my real life idol