new hero, new game mode, and 6.80. what do you guys think?
new hero, new game mode, and 6.80. what do you guys think?
the game mode im suppppper fucking hyped about
but i was wondering if the new heroes ulti swapped current health or total health
shiznothe game mode im suppppper fucking hyped about
but i was wondering if the new heroes ulti swapped current health or total health
i believe it's their current health
mthsadshiznothe game mode im suppppper fucking hyped abouti believe it's their current health
but i was wondering if the new heroes ulti swapped current health or total health
thatd be amazinggggg
No mana cost blink. That actually changes a shit ton of the mid game initiators that have horrible mana problems.
Magnus back up in this bitch.
Also, Sunder is health % but cannot go lower than a certain amount(Like 23% at level 3)
fuck everything else regarding this patch except this. no more fucking fog-instant stuns into 5 second silence. fuckkkkk yes. still need a slight nerf to ult but w/e i'm happy with the reversing of the skills.
so what's the difference between 6.80 morphling and TI2 morphling?
Rikachuso what's the difference between 6.80 morphling and TI2 morphling?
His base stats are worse than they were TI2, morph mana cost is higher, e-blade mana cost is higher.
the biggest issue with morph was not being able to do anything during wave form....he'll come back into flavor now to split push and blow supports up during waveform and replicate out
also, lol @ timber and veno "nerfs"
tinker with max rocket and a sub 20 min aghs might be ridiculous as fuck
Goddamn void, also now blink dagger is like Stalker's blink oh god. Also, PA's blur gonna be pretty helpful.
cm + tide/es/[blink core intitiation] might be more viable now that blink core heroes won't need arcanes first
I don't know if I want more of that shit this alch shit is already retarded
I've yet to witness a fight where PA's blur makes any difference at all.
nTraumI've yet to witness a fight where PA's blur makes any difference at all.
I think the significance of PA having blur activate when a invis hero comes gives her an early notice of a SB/Smoke/BH/Clinkz gank if she's alone farming or etc.