I'm not really digging the change in tone for the vocals. Otherwise, I'd probably listen to it.
Good song, I liked it, especially the rapping/singing. tunes quite good too
[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0fFTo16PJc [/youtube]
I didn't think I was going to like it at first, but I ended up liking the beat and the guy's voice actually sounded pretty good.
(Not my normal genre, but I've been obsessed with this song for some reason)
(Not my normal genre, but I've been obsessed with this song for some reason)
I don't like rap music but it had a good beat
Jack_I don't like rap music but it had a good beat
It wasn't rap
It wasn't rap
At first there was this weird dissonance between intent (chinatown, Blade Runner etc) and the actual music but it really grew on me.
Uhm not exactly my style but wasn't too bad :)
Some deep-house
Some deep-house
Not bad, but it was too heavy on the synth for me
Here's mine
Here's mine
beastie boys is good, beyonce is wack
not my kind of style, so i don't digg it that much, although i can listen to it.
not bad but it sounds like something I would hear at h&m or something
not the usual type of music i listen to but i really liked it, maybe just because of nostalgia. used to watch a lot of zelda get played by my brothers when i was little
Really nice, good to chill out to.
I could never get into Rammstein. I don't have a solid reason aside from them just not doing it for me.
I love the instrumentation and the pace of the vocals, I don't like growls/fries all that much though.
I don't listen to that type of music, but that was definitely interesting.
Ohfuckyes. XXX was way better than Old IMO. More real lyrics and less pop beats. Danny Brown is pretty real all around though.
dcfc is a weird band for me. they're really hard to hate, but they're hard to love too. the singer's voice always kind of put me off. i want to listen to one of their albums all the way through but i feel like his voice would wear on me.
i really like the drums in this song though, and the keyboard (xylophone? i can't tell) halfway through the song was cool.
i really like the drums in this song though, and the keyboard (xylophone? i can't tell) halfway through the song was cool.
sounds fun, really like the guitar.
The vocals really put me off, and the sound isn't really my favorite, but it's alright I guess.
I don't like the video, but the music is very soulful and soothing, I dig it.
Interesting work with the language and the style being so different, I like it
Good for what it is, but I feel like it would benefit from having vocals.
Pretty mediocre, can't tell if it's a legit remix or just a parody.
TJBPretty mediocre, can't tell if it's a legit remix or just a parody.
100% garbage no base drops??????
100% garbage no base drops??????
ExquisiteStone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHowTe80NZ0
I just hear noise..
I just hear noise..