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Latest update broke everything for me, don't know what's wrong but worked fine before syncing with the latest commit.


EDIT: On further inspection it appears only the red version is broken, blue one works fine.

Latest update broke everything for me, don't know what's wrong but worked fine before syncing with the latest commit.

EDIT: On further inspection it appears only the red version is broken, blue one works fine.
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Fixed. I made a stupid error in hudlayout.res, should work fine now.

Fixed. I made a stupid error in hudlayout.res, should work fine now.
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Does the overlay for mumble stop for anyone else after using htis hud ? anyone know why this would happen in any other circumstance and maybe point in me toward a fix ?

-- fixed

Does the overlay for mumble stop for anyone else after using htis hud ? anyone know why this would happen in any other circumstance and maybe point in me toward a fix ?

-- fixed
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Just a few questions. Love the hud btw! Great Job!!

  • Why does my killstreak notification not show up ? I checked the .res and everything is enabled and visible. ( i am using killstreak enabled weapons also ( not sure if this has anything to do with it ) )

  • As soon as i edit my server list menu everything disappears and just a " ^ " shows in the top left corner of the screen.

  • Also when i downloaded this all of my configs dont have line breaks.

Does anyone know why this would happen ?

Just a few questions. Love the hud btw! Great Job!!

[*]Why does my killstreak notification not show up ? I checked the .res and everything is enabled and visible. ( i am using killstreak enabled weapons also ( not sure if this has anything to do with it ) )

[*]As soon as i edit my server list menu everything disappears and just a " ^ " shows in the top left corner of the screen.

[*]Also when i downloaded this all of my configs dont have line breaks.

Does anyone know why this would happen ?
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  • Is anything else on the lefthand part of the screen being cut off (like the class image)?
  • Sounds like you broke something in the file. Might be related to 3.
  • Are you talking about hud files or your config files (in /cfg)? Are you using regular notepad or notepad++?
[*] Is anything else on the lefthand part of the screen being cut off (like the class image)?
[*] Sounds like you broke something in the file. Might be related to 3.
[*] Are you talking about hud files or your config files (in /cfg)? Are you using regular notepad or notepad++?
0 Frags +

regular notepad
player image is their.
i even downloaded a new ver. and it wouldnt show the killstreak either.

regular notepad
player image is their.
i even downloaded a new ver. and it wouldnt show the killstreak either.
0 Frags +

Download notepad++ and the formatting won't be wonky.

I'm not sure about the killstreak thing, to be honest. Are you on Mac/Linux? You might have to give me your hud file to figure this stuff out.

Download notepad++ and the formatting won't be wonky.

I'm not sure about the killstreak thing, to be honest. Are you on Mac/Linux? You might have to give me your hud file to figure this stuff out.
0 Frags +

Love it, been using it for a year now, and even though I may have committed adultery a few times, I keep coming back.

The only thing is, I can't figure out to make the server menu links, ctrl + f in game does nothing, am I being thick?

Love it, been using it for a year now, and even though I may have committed adultery a few times, I keep coming back.

The only thing is, I can't figure out to make the server menu links, ctrl + f in game does nothing, am I being thick?
1 Frags +

What are you trying to do with the ctrl+f?

What are you trying to do with the ctrl+f?
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  • I already had notepad++ and once u asked which i used i tried n++ and it helped.

  • On the hud Here is my complete under the custom folder. I have customized very little mainly colors of my ammo.

  • Also how do i go about making my buff color blue.

    If you could help with the killstreak. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!


[*] I already had notepad++ and once u asked which i used i tried n++ and it helped.

[*] On the hud Here is my complete under the custom folder. I have customized very little mainly colors of my ammo.

[*] Also how do i go about making my buff color blue.

If you could help with the killstreak. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
0 Frags +

To make the buff color blue, go into resource/clientscheme.res and change the rgba value of "Health Buff" and "Spec Health Buff". Google RGB values if you don't know them, but default blue is "0 0 255 255"

To make the buff color blue, go into resource/clientscheme.res and change the rgba value of "Health Buff" and "Spec Health Buff". Google RGB values if you don't know them, but default blue is "0 0 255 255"
0 Frags +

would a baby blue be 0, 172, 209, 233 Im not sure if i have to add the extra zero or not. I am going to test it real quick .

would a baby blue be 0, 172, 209, 233 Im not sure if i have to add the extra zero or not. I am going to test it real quick .
0 Frags +

You can test it out in an RGB color picker like http://www.colorpicker.com/, but the last value of 255 is the alpha value (how oblique it is) so never change that.

You can test it out in an RGB color picker like http://www.colorpicker.com/, but the last value of 255 is the alpha value (how oblique it is) so never change that.
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flatlineWhat are you trying to do with the ctrl+f?


[quote=flatline]What are you trying to do with the ctrl+f?[/quote]

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Ctrl+F inside the .res file for the line "FavoriteServer" to change that stuff

Ctrl+F inside the .res file for the line "FavoriteServer" to change that stuff
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Is that in mainmenuoverride.res?

Is that in mainmenuoverride.res?
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Where abouts on the screen should these links appear? Because I changed them all to visible 1, restarted, still can't see anything changing

Where abouts on the screen should these links appear? Because I changed them all to visible 1, restarted, still can't see anything changing
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You have to provide your own links and labeltexts, otherwise nothing will show up

You have to provide your own links and labeltexts, otherwise nothing will show up
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yeah that was my main concern. because it was 4 sections long. Also have u figured out why my killstreak doesnt show. I posted the attachment above. I understand if you are busy, take your time. I am just very appreciative of your help !

yeah that was my main concern. because it was 4 sections long. Also have u figured out why my killstreak doesnt show. I posted the attachment above. I understand if you are busy, take your time. I am just very appreciative of your help !
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Sorry if you have already been asked this before but when i try to change the hud font i get errors in console
(KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file resource/ClientScheme.res
Scheme, CustomFontFiles, (*21*), (*name*), (*turkish*), (*range*), (*1*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file resource/ClientScheme.res
Scheme, (*CustomFontFiles*), (*21*), (*name*), (*turkish*), (*range*), (*1*),
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/fonts/cl'
and the font itself doesnt is very small and sometimes not visible > http://steamcommunity.com/id/sub20cuber/screenshot/535136366704836238

I replaced the cerbetica_bold and bignoodletilting in the clientscheme.res I have done this before and this method worked perfectly for rayshud but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. http://puu.sh/fHMnz/9c92d9addf.png

Thanks in advance.

Sorry if you have already been asked this before but when i try to change the hud font i get errors in console
(KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file resource/ClientScheme.res
Scheme, CustomFontFiles, (*21*), (*name*), (*turkish*), (*range*), (*1*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file resource/ClientScheme.res
Scheme, (*CustomFontFiles*), (*21*), (*name*), (*turkish*), (*range*), (*1*),
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/fonts/cl'
and the font itself doesnt is very small and sometimes not visible > http://steamcommunity.com/id/sub20cuber/screenshot/535136366704836238

I replaced the cerbetica_bold and bignoodletilting in the clientscheme.res I have done this before and this method worked perfectly for rayshud but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. http://puu.sh/fHMnz/9c92d9addf.png

Thanks in advance.
1 Frags +

That kind of error usually means there's a missing bracket. In this case it looks like something's wrong with the definition of the turkish fonts, as well as the filepath for the bottom definition is missing its full name (it stops at resource/fonts/cl when it should be cl.ttf or whatever the file name is called). I would try fixing the filepath first and if it doesn't fix snoop around the turkish font definitions.

That kind of error usually means there's a missing bracket. In this case it looks like something's wrong with the definition of the turkish fonts, as well as the filepath for the bottom definition is missing its full name (it stops at resource/fonts/cl when it should be cl.ttf or whatever the file name is called). I would try fixing the filepath first and if it doesn't fix snoop around the turkish font definitions.
0 Frags +

Well I added the .ttf and restarted the game and i dont get the custom font error anymore, but i still get the turkish font error. http://puu.sh/fJW7b/44c7e99926.png This time i only replaced the big noodle tilting with my custom font and its still very small and sometimes not there. I do not know what is wrong with the turkish font and getting the eof instead of keyname.

Well I added the .ttf and restarted the game and i dont get the custom font error anymore, but i still get the turkish font error. http://puu.sh/fJW7b/44c7e99926.png This time i only replaced the big noodle tilting with my custom font and its still very small and sometimes not there. I do not know what is wrong with the turkish font and getting the eof instead of keyname.
0 Frags +

Oh i figured out what went wrong when i was changing the font defenitions of stuff like
"name" "Champagne & Limousines"
"tall" "20"
"additive" "0"
"antialias" "1"
I would change BigNoodleTilting20 to Champagne & Limousines20 i got another copy of the client scheme and did it again not changing the bignoodles with a number at the end and now it works, thanks anyway for the .ttf tip

Oh i figured out what went wrong when i was changing the font defenitions of stuff like
"name" "Champagne & Limousines"
"tall" "20"
"additive" "0"
"antialias" "1"
I would change BigNoodleTilting20 to Champagne & Limousines20 i got another copy of the client scheme and did it again not changing the bignoodles with a number at the end and now it works, thanks anyway for the .ttf tip
1 Frags +

Small update released tweaking the tournament HUD and changing the position of the killstreak.

Small update released tweaking the tournament HUD and changing the position of the killstreak.
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// The vaccinator resist icon FORCES the xpos to be 0 and ypos to be -25,
// so to get around this, we create ResistIconAnchor to determine the resist
// icon placement, and then pin the icon to it.
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "ResistIconAnchor"
"xpos" "175"
"ypos" "2"
"wide" "20"
"tall" "20"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "ResistIcon"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "20"
"tall" "20"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"image" "../HUD/defense_buff_bullet_blue"
"scaleImage" "1"
"pin_to_sibling" "ResistIconAnchor"
"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"

// The vaccinator resist icon FORCES the xpos to be 0 and ypos to be -25,
// so to get around this, we create ResistIconAnchor to determine the resist
// icon placement, and then pin the icon to it.
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "ResistIconAnchor"
"xpos" "175"
"ypos" "2"
"wide" "20"
"tall" "20"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "ResistIcon"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "20"
"tall" "20"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"image" "../HUD/defense_buff_bullet_blue"
"scaleImage" "1"
"pin_to_sibling" "ResistIconAnchor"
"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"
1 Frags +

That is interesting. I'll work on tweaking it for the next release.

That is interesting. I'll work on tweaking it for the next release.
0 Frags +

Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you

Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
0 Frags +
Tiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you

Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

[quote=Tiger313]Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you[/quote]

Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?
0 Frags +
HerganTiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.

[quote=Hergan][quote=Tiger313]Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you[/quote]

Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?[/quote]

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.
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