Looking to play IM
Experience: https://play.esea.net/users/693462?tab=history
probably gonna quit the game.
Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070499160
Thanks in advance :)
Looking to play IM
Experience: https://play.esea.net/users/693462?tab=history
probably gonna quit the game.
Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070499160
Thanks in advance :)
Can be an aggressive personality and a seemingly-harsh-critic at times, but has good intentions in mind. Has improved in his treatment of others in recent months, which I can respect.
Good luck!
Really good DM and comms, would be an excellent mid-IM scout.
His personality may be a bit aggressive, but he's a funny guy with the best intentions and just wants everyone to get better on the team he's playing on.
great dm & disciplined focus on not just improving, but ultimately winning with his team
also a great friend
he convinced me to play open, I probably wouldn't be a caster if that happened, so shoutout to him for that
He can be a little aggressive now and then, but Knuckles is well meaning, and makes a great friend and teammate overall. Very strong DM, and rock-solid gamesense, with a knack for improving quickly.
edit: got rid of some redundancy
apparently there's some open circlejerk against him that got mad at me saying he was the best player on both maxhax's team and syops, even when he was literally getting double the frags and dmg of every other player
I have no idea how he is as a person but his performances speak for themselves
He's a great guy and he cares a lot about both personal and team improvement
He's a LAN dodger tho so be prepared for that.
bonereally good dm
+he laughs at my memes :D
that means his idea of good memes is awful
mustardoverlordeven when he was literally getting double the frags and dmg of every other player
Mustard, you talk a lot of crap in so many threads and thankfully we don't know each other at all, but prove this "literally" statement somehow.
Also, just for the record, I am not commenting on this thread to be against Knuckles in any way, I am more interested in Mustard's unfounded comments.
SpaceCadet but prove this "literally" statement somehow.
According to the merriam-webster dictionary, "literally" can be used both literally and figuratively. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally
you're very good at tf2 and im sorry for being shitty towards you
Bumping in an attempt to improve motivation to play
Add me or message me on steam for tryouts any night of the week
hes a nice dude and definitely capable of an IM+ team
i'd play with him if i had a chance, so i do recommend him
xoxo qtie
Knuckles was one of the most consistent players on his team last season. He seemed to be able to make logical decisions fairly consistently and had strong DM to back it. Should be a top IM player with the right squad.
Has improved a lot gamesense wise, has been trying to not be a DM mongoloid.
Has solid scout DM, gamesense is improving, drive to play is strong.
Would be a good pickup for any IM team looking for a strong scout that wants to improve with his team.
Good dm, always looking to improve. Get him on a team that's committed and he'll go far. Cool guy too, on top of that.
played a scrim/tryout against him. he is definitely a strong player and can do well on scout v scout
has improved a lot since scatter school ep. 4, deserves a solid IM team
thronehas improved a lot since scatter school ep. 4, deserves a solid IM team
you guys are classmates of scatter school year of '14?
aim-thronehas improved a lot since scatter school ep. 4, deserves a solid IM teamyou guys are classmates of scatter school year of '14?