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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
0 Frags +
SmesiSmesiHow do you get rid of the cross that appears when you get buffed / hurt?
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i still need help with this

hudplayerhealth.res under "PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage"

[quote=Smesi][quote=Smesi]How do you get rid of the cross that appears when you get buffed / hurt?
i still need help with this[/quote]
hudplayerhealth.res under "PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage"
2 Frags +

I've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:

  • Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
    Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
  • How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
    Show Content
    I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
  • How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
    Show Content
    This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s
I've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:
[*] Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
[*] How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
[*] How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s
2 Frags +
cirloI've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:
  • Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
    Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
  • How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
    Show Content
    I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
  • How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
    Show Content
    This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s

can you please upload that hud?

[quote=cirlo]I've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:
[*] Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
[*] How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
[*] How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s

can you please upload that hud?
1 Frags +
T0mcirloI've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:
  • Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
    Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
  • How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
    Show Content
    I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
  • How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
    Show Content
    This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s

can you please upload that hud?

I knew you would have liked it, T0m!

Show Content

Anyway it's still has some weird bugs (main menu included), so i can't garantee you'll have a great experience with it. I can just tell you that i'm still using it and i still love it.

Please tell me what you think and give me some feedback.

[quote=T0m][quote=cirlo]I've got the Garm3n HUD 2013 (old version) vibe. Again.
So I spent all today trying to update this 3years old HUD and I sucedeed in almost everything i'm interested in (MM & Tournament mode) but I have a few questions:
[*] Why I can't see the server time left without tabbing? (Ye i have the command).
Is the interested part only in HudObjectTimePanel?
[*] How do I lower a bit the respawn time?
I've already tried to change the ypos value in HudTeamStatus under "respawntime"
[*] How do I make visible the background of readyupmode? (and ready check&rreadyBG too)
This is my HudTournament: http://pastebin.com/c5ZWjG1s

can you please upload that hud?[/quote]

I knew you would have liked it, T0m![spoiler]http://www.teamfortress.tv/post/383430/old-sdx-garm3n-hud[/spoiler]
Anyway it's still has some weird bugs (main menu included), so i can't garantee you'll have a great experience with it. I can just tell you that i'm still using it and i still love it.

Please tell me what you think and give me some feedback.
1 Frags +

All the round timers/server timer stuff fixed.
Still have the problem with some panels Garm3n modified in some strage way so that are invisible.
(such as buttons in main menu, mouse-over windows in the backpack, ready mode background,..)


Oh and this:


All the round timers/server timer stuff fixed.
Still have the problem with some panels Garm3n modified in some strage way so that are invisible.
(such as buttons in main menu, mouse-over windows in the backpack, ready mode background,..)

Oh and this:
0 Frags +

what's the font used for the killstreak display thing?

what's the font used for the killstreak display thing?
0 Frags +


How do I fix this?


How do I fix this?
0 Frags +
arilwhat's the font used for the killstreak display thing? don't know how to describe it, here's a screenshot


Isn't it just the stock BOLD TF2 font?

[quote=aril]what's the font used for the killstreak display thing? don't know how to describe it, here's a screenshot

Isn't it just the stock BOLD TF2 font?
0 Frags +

How do I change position on the blue playercount and why is it like this? - http://imgur.com/HGkjGPO

How do I change position on the blue playercount and why is it like this? - http://imgur.com/HGkjGPO
0 Frags +
Eevovearilwhat's the font used for the killstreak display thing? don't know how to describe it, here's a screenshot

Isn't it just the stock BOLD TF2 font?

it is, but where is the file to edit it located / where is the font name located in clientscheme.res?

and how do i edit the item panels? these things. i wanna make them not 100% transparent


[quote=Eevove][quote=aril]what's the font used for the killstreak display thing? don't know how to describe it, here's a screenshot

Isn't it just the stock BOLD TF2 font?[/quote]

it is, but where is the file to edit it located / where is the font name located in clientscheme.res?

and how do i edit the item panels? these things. i wanna make them not 100% transparent

1 Frags +

What's the file to edit the comp spec mode stuff?

I'm talking about this.



What's the file to edit the comp spec mode stuff?

I'm talking about this.
2 Frags +
SmesiWhat's the file is the comp spec mode stuff?

I'm talking about this.

The one in the first screenshot is something like HudTeamStatus.res iirc

[quote=Smesi]What's the file is the comp spec mode stuff?

I'm talking about this.
The one in the first screenshot is something like HudTeamStatus.res iirc
0 Frags +

Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller:


Xbox 360:


I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are

Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/[/img]

Xbox 360: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/[/img]

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are
0 Frags +

Hi so ive been having a few troubles trying to manually update bwhud so that it shows the timer at the top when in pubs, but so far ive only been able to make it show 0:00?? sorry for being vague but does anyone know how i can make the timer show the correct time? thanks
Heres a link to a picture of what little attempt i made at it:

EDIT: nvm i got it

Hi so ive been having a few troubles trying to manually update bwhud so that it shows the timer at the top when in pubs, but so far ive only been able to make it show 0:00?? sorry for being vague but does anyone know how i can make the timer show the correct time? thanks
Heres a link to a picture of what little attempt i made at it:

EDIT: nvm i got it
1 Frags +
sombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are

They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's. You're looking for buttons_32.vtf and .vbf inside textures and misc respectively.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

[quote=sombrez]Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/[/img]

Xbox 360: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/[/img]

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are[/quote]
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's. You're looking for buttons_32.vtf and .vbf inside textures and misc respectively.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.
0 Frags +
JarateKingsombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

It worked, but they're super small


[quote=JarateKing][quote=sombrez]Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/[/img]

Xbox 360: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/[/img]

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are[/quote]
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.[/quote]

It worked, but they're super small

1 Frags +
sombrezJarateKingsombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

It worked, but they're super small


In clientscheme then there should be some button fonts using ButtonsSC (the font GameUIButtonsSteamController and a few after it), quadruple their scalex and scaley. Not entirely sure if that's it, might need to also do it for the ones that use Buttons but I'm not sure on that.

[quote=sombrez][quote=JarateKing][quote=sombrez]Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/[/img]

Xbox 360: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/[/img]

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are[/quote]
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.[/quote]

It worked, but they're super small

In clientscheme then there should be some button fonts using ButtonsSC (the font GameUIButtonsSteamController and a few after it), quadruple their scalex and scaley. Not entirely sure if that's it, might need to also do it for the ones that use Buttons but I'm not sure on that.
0 Frags +
JarateKingsombrezJarateKingsombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

It worked, but they're super small

In clientscheme then there should be some button fonts using ButtonsSC (the font GameUIButtonsSteamController and a few after it), quadruple their scalex and scaley. Not entirely sure if that's it, might need to also do it for the ones that use Buttons but I'm not sure on that.

Thank you so much!


Gonna fiddle around with the sizes a bit until it looks right. Thanks!

These icons look much more TF2-like than the official Steam Controller prompts!

[quote=JarateKing][quote=sombrez][quote=JarateKing][quote=sombrez]Does anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/[/img]

Xbox 360: [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/[/img]

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are[/quote]
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.[/quote]

It worked, but they're super small

In clientscheme then there should be some button fonts using ButtonsSC (the font GameUIButtonsSteamController and a few after it), quadruple their scalex and scaley. Not entirely sure if that's it, might need to also do it for the ones that use Buttons but I'm not sure on that.[/quote]
Thank you so much!


Gonna fiddle around with the sizes a bit until it looks right. Thanks!

These icons look much more TF2-like than the official Steam Controller prompts!
1 Frags +


how do you make the chat background be transparent like here?


how do you make the chat background be transparent like here?
0 Frags +

How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks

How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks
0 Frags +
_DR34M_How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks

huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0

[quote=_DR34M_]How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks[/quote]

huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0
0 Frags +
Hypnotize_DR34M_How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0

For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui

[quote=Hypnotize][quote=_DR34M_]How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks[/quote]

huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0[/quote]
For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui
0 Frags +

umh in this case just pick up the base file from here: https://github.com/MFSTATE/tf2basehud and add it to your hud

umh in this case just pick up the base file from here: https://github.com/MFSTATE/tf2basehud and add it to your hud
0 Frags +
Hypnotizeumh in this case just pick up the base file from here: https://github.com/MFSTATE/tf2basehud and add it to your hud

Alright Thanks man

[quote=Hypnotize]umh in this case just pick up the base file from here: https://github.com/MFSTATE/tf2basehud and add it to your hud[/quote]
Alright Thanks man
0 Frags +
_DR34M_Hypnotize_DR34M_How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0
For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui

Old hud. I'll update it.

[quote=_DR34M_][quote=Hypnotize][quote=_DR34M_]How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks[/quote]

huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0[/quote]
For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui[/quote]
Old hud. I'll update it.
-1 Frags +
cirlo_DR34M_Hypnotize_DR34M_How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0
For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui
Old hud. I'll update it.

Dont worry i will tell you if its fixed

[quote=cirlo][quote=_DR34M_][quote=Hypnotize][quote=_DR34M_]How do i remove the box from the killstreak ? https://imgur.com/6AW8pc4 Thanks[/quote]

huditemeffectmeter_killstreak set ItemEffectMeterBG to visible 0[/quote]
For some reason the Huditemeffectmeter_killstreak its not in ui[/quote]
Old hud. I'll update it.[/quote]
Dont worry i will tell you if its fixed
1 Frags +

in what file can i edit the "You're Attacking / Defending!" messages when you join a team?

in what file can i edit the "You're Attacking / Defending!" messages when you join a team?
0 Frags +
Smesiin what file can i edit the "You're Attacking / Defending!" messages when you join a team?

Try resource/ui/hudalert.res, might be what you're looking for.

[quote=Smesi]in what file can i edit the "You're Attacking / Defending!" messages when you join a team?[/quote]

Try resource/ui/hudalert.res, might be what you're looking for.
2 Frags +

does anyone know which resource file the "start search >>" button is located in?

EDIT: found it in lobbycontainerframe.res under the dumb title "NextButton"


does anyone know which resource file the "start search >>" button is located in?

EDIT: found it in lobbycontainerframe.res under the dumb title "NextButton"
1 Frags +

hey, got a few questions.

how do i move the y axis of the loadout / stats header? trying to move it to the blue bar


how do i make this not transparent? i'd like to make it a solid colour


and where can i change the text of the console / server browser?

hey, got a few questions.

how do i move the y axis of the loadout / stats header? trying to move it to the blue bar


how do i make this not transparent? i'd like to make it a solid colour


and where can i change the text of the console / server browser?
1 ⋅⋅ 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ⋅⋅ 234
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