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Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2
0 Frags +

MARCH 28 2018: The film is now available on Youtube under Geel's Youtube account. Thank you for all you support! Thank you to all the staff and crew who made this happen.


MARCH 21 2018: A small hiatus was taken after Rewind II due to other priorities and burnout/illness after LAN. The film is currently in the last stage of cleanup such as lighting & colour grading, as well as some small changes since the film premiered, such as updating the narrative cards in the conclusion. Ready Up will be published within this month or beginning of April to Youtube, under Geel's Youtube account.

FEBRUARY 18 2018: Ready Up premiered in front of a live audience at Rewind II before Grand Finals. Thank you to our entire team of staff who contributed to this documentary. Thank you everybody who came to watch live, as well as who watched from home. You can check out the Twitch VOD from the live showing here.

OCTOBER 29 2017: Filming was extended to include footage from TotH 2017 and OW Contenders Season 1. Post-production has begun for Ready Up. We are aiming for a live premiere at ESA Rewind II in Santa Ana, CA.

JANUARY 21 2017: The first trailer for Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 has debuted at ESA Rewind. Filming has also wrapped up and we are at cataloguing stage. You can find the trailer release here as well as on this post now.

OCTOBER 21 2016: Additional events other than i58 have been included as well as a broader spectrum of topics covered. You can find those notes here.

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(Original Concept/Pitch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obs3PWasaGM)

Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 (formerly Ready Up: Producing Competitive Team Fortress 2) is a behind-the-scenes narrative of the competitive Team Fortress 2 eSports scene, a scene that has not only thrived on the community from pro players and viewers of competitive 6v6 TF2, but also casters and producers, to programmers and designers.
Formerly, the documentary would focus on the production aspect, but now encompasses a look at competitive TF2 during 2016 - 2017, covering events such as the eventual inclusion of Matchmaking to TF2 as well as LAN events beyond i58.

The plan was to create a presentation of a niche esports production team coming together for their love of the game, and the obstacles they must face and overcome along the way to bring competitive TF2 around the whole world. The LAN that was to be focused on most was Multiplay's upcoming i58 iSeries, with some history on past LANs, including North American LANs ESEA & GXL, and Esports United's Dreamhack tournaments.
We have since updated to include the entire niche of the TF2 esports scene as harmonious with each other, from the pro players to the production crew, to create competitive TF2, as well as the obstacles they face together for competitive TF2 globally. There will be a deeper look within several LAN series not only limited to i58 but including ESA Rewind 2017, as well as including events outside of TF2 for contrast such as ESL New York for CS:GO and OW Contenders.

The footage shown in the concept trailer is i55 footage and Dreamhack Winter footage, respectively shot by myself and the legendary Bones. My initial goal was focused towards getting all of the strongest footage I need from i58. I do plan on including TF2 frag clips and Source Filmmaker content, not to the extent of the i49 Fragumentary but enough to supplement the real life footage.
Since then, we have now collected important footage from not simply i58 but events such as Tip of the Hats and ESA Rewind 2017. Initial announcement was estimated mid or late 2017, with ideal running length would be 30-45 minutes. We have extended the timeline and are currently looking to have a live premiere of Ready Up at February during ESA Rewind II 2018, before the grand finals.


If anybody has any feedback or wants to point me in the direction of some archives, I'd love to hear them!

[b]MARCH 28 2018:[/b] The film is now available on Youtube under Geel's Youtube account. Thank you for all you support! Thank you to all the staff and crew who made this happen.


[b]MARCH 21 2018:[/b] A small hiatus was taken after Rewind II due to other priorities and burnout/illness after LAN. The film is currently in the last stage of cleanup such as lighting & colour grading, as well as some small changes since the film premiered, such as updating the narrative cards in the conclusion. Ready Up will be published within this month or beginning of April to Youtube, under Geel's Youtube account.

[b]FEBRUARY 18 2018:[/b] Ready Up premiered in front of a live audience at Rewind II before Grand Finals. Thank you to our entire team of staff who contributed to this documentary. Thank you everybody who came to watch live, as well as who watched from home. [url=https://www.twitch.tv/videos/230370460?t=07h25m30s]You can check out the Twitch VOD from the live showing here[/url].

[b]OCTOBER 29 2017:[/b] Filming was extended to include footage from TotH 2017 and OW Contenders Season 1. Post-production has begun for Ready Up. We are aiming for a live premiere at ESA Rewind II in Santa Ana, CA.

[b]JANUARY 21 2017:[/b] The first trailer for Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 has debuted at ESA Rewind. Filming has also wrapped up and we are at cataloguing stage. You can find the trailer release [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/33949/ready-up-competitive-team-fortress-2/?page=2#45]here[/url] as well as on this post now.

[b]OCTOBER 21 2016:[/b] Additional events other than i58 have been included as well as a broader spectrum of topics covered. You can find those notes [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/33949/ready-up-competitive-team-fortress-2/?page=2#35]here.[/url]

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([i]Original Concept/Pitch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obs3PWasaGM[/i])

[b]Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2[/b] (formerly [i]Ready Up: Producing Competitive Team Fortress 2[/i]) is a behind-the-scenes narrative of the competitive Team Fortress 2 eSports scene, a scene that has not only thrived on the community from pro players and viewers of competitive 6v6 TF2, but also casters and producers, to programmers and designers.
Formerly, the documentary would focus on the production aspect, but now encompasses a look at competitive TF2 during 2016 - 2017, covering events such as the eventual inclusion of Matchmaking to TF2 as well as LAN events beyond i58.

The plan was to create a presentation of a niche esports production team coming together for their love of the game, and the obstacles they must face and overcome along the way to bring competitive TF2 around the whole world. The LAN that was to be focused on most was Multiplay's upcoming i58 iSeries, with some history on past LANs, including North American LANs ESEA & GXL, and Esports United's Dreamhack tournaments.
We have since updated to include the entire niche of the TF2 esports scene as harmonious with each other, from the pro players to the production crew, to create competitive TF2, as well as the obstacles they face together for competitive TF2 globally. There will be a deeper look within several LAN series not only limited to i58 but including ESA Rewind 2017, as well as including events outside of TF2 for contrast such as ESL New York for CS:GO and OW Contenders.

The footage shown in the concept trailer is i55 footage and Dreamhack Winter footage, respectively shot by myself and the legendary Bones. My initial goal was focused towards getting all of the strongest footage I need from i58. I do plan on including TF2 frag clips and Source Filmmaker content, not to the extent of the i49 Fragumentary but enough to supplement the real life footage.
Since then, we have now collected important footage from not simply i58 but events such as Tip of the Hats and ESA Rewind 2017. Initial announcement was estimated mid or late 2017, with ideal running length would be 30-45 minutes. We have extended the timeline and are currently looking to have a live premiere of Ready Up at February during ESA Rewind II 2018, before the grand finals.


If anybody has any feedback or wants to point me in the direction of some archives, I'd love to hear them!
29 Frags +


Good luck

Good luck
11 Frags +
SmesiGood luck

Thank you!

If anybody wants to see anything in particular from this documentary (e.g. a certain aspect of production talked about or filmed, more frags etc.), let me know as well! Feedback, pointers or suggestions are all welcome and appreciated.

[quote=Smesi]Good luck[/quote]
Thank you!

If anybody wants to see anything in particular from this documentary (e.g. a certain aspect of production talked about or filmed, more frags etc.), let me know as well! Feedback, pointers or suggestions are all welcome and appreciated.
-55 Frags +

Have you tried putting more bacon into the documentary? Bacon makes everything better. But for actual suggestions, uh moments or scenes when a production team member breaks down into near tears of just plain exhaustion.

Have you tried putting more bacon into the documentary? Bacon makes everything better. But for actual suggestions, uh moments or scenes when a production team member breaks down into near tears of just plain exhaustion.
3 Frags +

I've been waiting for this

I've been waiting for this
14 Frags +

I'd like for this documentary to appeal to non-tf2 players as well (which was probably the plan already) so we can maybe reel in some more players this way.
I'm already looking forward to this, seems amazing!

I'd like for this documentary to appeal to non-tf2 players as well (which was probably the plan already) so we can maybe reel in some more players this way.
I'm already looking forward to this, seems amazing!
0 Frags +

Meanwhile at the beyond the hats production desk...

Meanwhile at the beyond the hats production desk...
19 Frags +

honestly all im hoping for is that tf2's competitive playerbase is far larger by the time this comes to fruition just so they can experience what has gone into tf2's competitive side.

honestly all im hoping for is that tf2's competitive playerbase is far larger by the time this comes to fruition just so they can experience what has gone into tf2's competitive side.
1 Frags +

fr*ck yea!

fr*ck yea!
-7 Frags +

another fragumentary huh
is this inspired by the i49 fragumentary by cube that was really dope

another fragumentary huh
is this inspired by the i49 fragumentary by cube that was really dope
30 Frags +
murkscribeHave you tried putting more bacon into the documentary? Bacon makes everything better.


[quote=murkscribe]Have you tried putting more bacon into the documentary? Bacon makes everything better.[/quote]
11 Frags +
M4ngoLis this inspired by the i49 fragumentary by cube that was really dope

I was inspired by the production segments of the League of Legends documentary "All Work All Play" the most, I think. It really hit home to see a look inside the lives of the team managers and Carmac's lives; reminded me of the people I worked with and saw working online, off-site and on-site. I'm definitely inspired as well by the i46 America vs. Europe documentary, the i49 Fragumentary, and some fragmovies with IRL clips woven into them.

Also, I've decided to point the documentary in a more linear direction to focus on i58's upcoming production. With Insomnia being considered our biggest TF2 LAN, I wanted to get the most footage and insight possible from that production since it will be a big show. And believe me, people are gonna be working as goddamn hard as they can to put on that big show.

[quote=M4ngoL]is this inspired by the i49 fragumentary by cube that was really dope[/quote]
I was inspired by the production segments of the League of Legends documentary "All Work All Play" the most, I think. It really hit home to see a look inside the lives of the team managers and Carmac's lives; reminded me of the people I worked with and saw working online, off-site and on-site. I'm definitely inspired as well by the i46 America vs. Europe documentary, the i49 Fragumentary, and some fragmovies with IRL clips woven into them.

Also, I've decided to point the documentary in a more linear direction to focus on i58's upcoming production. With Insomnia being considered our biggest TF2 LAN, I wanted to get the most footage and insight possible from that production since it will be a big show. And believe me, people are gonna be working as goddamn hard as they can to put on that big show.
8 Frags +

this is AMAZING

this is AMAZING
26 Frags +

damn uber this shit is fire

damn uber this shit is fire
9 Frags +

This is genuinely amazing; the production team in every single tf2 event, whether if it's a league match or an intercontinental LAN, they put so much effort and love into their work, spend money, time, sleepless nights...they really are the unsung heroes of competitive tf2. Hopefully this'll put them in the spotlight that they damn well deserve. Can't wait to see more of this project, best of luck and thanks for your efforts! Looks sick so far.

This is genuinely amazing; the production team in every single tf2 event, whether if it's a league match or an intercontinental LAN, they put so much effort and love into their work, spend money, time, sleepless nights...they really are the unsung heroes of competitive tf2. Hopefully this'll put them in the spotlight that they damn well deserve. Can't wait to see more of this project, best of luck and thanks for your efforts! Looks sick so far.
38 Frags +

narrated by lange???????

[b]narrated by lange???????[/b]
25 Frags +

send uberchain to dhs ty :)

send uberchain to dhs ty :)
55 Frags +
Thalashsend uberchain to dhs ty :)


[quote=Thalash]send uberchain to dhs ty :)[/quote]

23 Frags +
Geel9Thalashsend uberchain to dhs ty :)


[quote=Geel9][quote=Thalash]send uberchain to dhs ty :)[/quote]

11 Frags +

what the hell is with the dislike bar, how on earth can you not like this trailer and the idea of it

what the hell is with the dislike bar, how on earth can you not like this trailer and the idea of it
21 Frags +




20 Frags +
nopecalvin and hobbes meme

I think it was a valid question coming from somebody who wasn't in the competitive TF2 scene, they eventually got a response from somebody who explained why things were the way they were. As somebody else mentioned in this thread I'd like to figure out a good balance between this crowd, the non-competitive crowd, and the non-TF2 crowd altogether. I received this message on Tumblr shortly after I posted the trailer there:

This message on TumblrI've always been curious to how the cameraman does their job, knowing where to go, heck i even see some talking on twitch chat at the same time which amazes me, how do the casters know what's going on at multiple places all the time and being able to rattle off all the information at a whim. That's a couple questions/ideas I have if that's of any help!

I definitely will touch on some basics in the exposition of what competitive 6v6 TF2 is, as well as producing competitive TF2 online.

[quote=nope]calvin and hobbes meme[/quote]
I think it was a valid question coming from somebody who wasn't in the competitive TF2 scene, they eventually got a response from somebody who explained why things were the way they were. As somebody else mentioned in this thread I'd like to figure out a good balance between this crowd, the non-competitive crowd, and the non-TF2 crowd altogether. I received this message on Tumblr shortly after I posted the trailer there:
[quote=This message on Tumblr]I've always been curious to how the cameraman does their job, knowing where to go, heck i even see some talking on twitch chat at the same time which amazes me, how do the casters know what's going on at multiple places all the time and being able to rattle off all the information at a whim. That's a couple questions/ideas I have if that's of any help![/quote]
I definitely will touch on some basics in the exposition of what competitive 6v6 TF2 is, as well as producing competitive TF2 online.
6 Frags +

To be honest the quesiton of how we came to this team composition can really fit. I find that for those who didn't see TheFragile's stream for the tf2stadium project would be really interesting: he explained the early ages of tf in particular how the tactics we still use today where thought (i imagine it was something like what's happening now with OW)..

To be honest the quesiton of how we came to this team composition can really fit. I find that for those who didn't see TheFragile's stream for the tf2stadium project would be really interesting: he explained the early ages of tf in particular how the tactics we still use today where thought (i imagine it was something like what's happening now with OW)..
3 Frags +

If I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though

If I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though
5 Frags +
cooleverestIf I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though

I think it was kevinispwn that was gonna do it, but I'm guessing he won't have time really between studies, I'm assuming, doing so much for the newbie mixes, then actually having a life outside of tf2.

[quote=cooleverest]If I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though[/quote]

I think it was kevinispwn that was gonna do it, but I'm guessing he won't have time really between studies, I'm assuming, doing so much for the newbie mixes, then actually having a life outside of tf2.
1 Frags +

last time I talked with Kevin he quoted me like fall 2016 (this was a long time ago)

he has most of the footage he just has to actually edit it

last time I talked with Kevin he quoted me like fall 2016 (this was a long time ago)

he has most of the footage he just has to actually edit it
5 Frags +
cooleverestIf I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though

this presentation on the history of comp tf2 by thefragile is pretty cool too if you haven't seen it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLRhmad9Jq4 id like to see more stuff like this

[quote=cooleverest]If I recall correctly, a while back somebody offered to make a tf2 comp history documentary. I haven't heard about it for sometime, does anybody know what happened to it?

edit: It's called "beyond the hats" but im not quite sure on its current status, still pretty hyped though[/quote]
this presentation on the history of comp tf2 by thefragile is pretty cool too if you haven't seen it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLRhmad9Jq4 id like to see more stuff like this
2 Frags +

This looks great! TF2 has such incredibly nice production for competitive casts and events. I'm excited for some of these folks to get recognized for their efforts.

This looks great! TF2 has such incredibly nice production for competitive casts and events. I'm excited for some of these folks to get recognized for their efforts.
1 Frags +
sage78this presentation on the history of comp tf2 by thefragile is pretty cool too if you haven't seen it

That was amazing.

[quote=sage78]this presentation on the history of comp tf2 by thefragile is pretty cool too if you haven't seen it
That was amazing.
18 Frags +

A few people i think deserves some limelight in this is Sideshow for the amount of work he puts in. Admirable for his organizing of tf.tv earlier (at one point eu casting would've been dead without him). Byte for his work in vanillatv. Kaneco and his comp.tf (very overlooked i think). Definetly davidthewin and his dedication to streaming the games. Lange and Arie for developing tools that we use!

One point i feel should really come trough is their excitement for the game and sharing it with others (why else would they broadcast it)

Heavy project uberchain i admire the efforts you put in and I think you deserve a segment of your own!

A few people i think deserves some limelight in this is Sideshow for the amount of work he puts in. Admirable for his organizing of tf.tv earlier (at one point eu casting would've been dead without him). Byte for his work in vanillatv. Kaneco and his comp.tf (very overlooked i think). Definetly davidthewin and his dedication to streaming the games. Lange and Arie for developing tools that we use!

One point i feel should really come trough is their excitement for the game and sharing it with others (why else would they broadcast it)

Heavy project uberchain i admire the efforts you put in and I think you deserve a segment of your own!
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