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2016 election live results
posted in World Events
-4 Frags +

Oh and with 98% reporting trump is behind in the popular vote. So, ironically, the messed up government system that Trump claims he's going to fix may be the only reason he got elected.

God bless America.

Oh and with 98% reporting trump is behind in the popular vote. So, ironically, the messed up government system that Trump claims he's going to fix may be the only reason he got elected.

God bless America.
6 Frags +

Wow Hillary looked tired during her concession speech. I imagine she'll probably be wanting to retire somewhere abroad and just get away from it all soon.

Wow Hillary looked tired during her concession speech. I imagine she'll probably be wanting to retire somewhere [url=http://www.wsfa.com/story/22665099/countries-with-no-extradition-treaty-with-us]abroad[/url] and just get away from it all soon.
14 Frags +
trippaHow is the fact that racists support a candidate supposed to be a negative thing?

Actual question

trip are you looking to ascend to the troll throne?

[quote=trippa]How is the fact that racists support a candidate supposed to be a negative thing?

Actual question[/quote]

trip are you looking to ascend to the troll throne?
0 Frags +

So next elections are going to be Trump vs Kanye right? A lot of Hillary supporters killed themselves over this lmao.

So next elections are going to be Trump vs Kanye right? A lot of Hillary supporters killed themselves over this lmao.
29 Frags +
whymeoReading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.

[quote=whymeo]Reading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.[/quote]

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.
1 Frags +


14 Frags +
SpaceCadetwhymeoReading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

it's only racism when its convenient for them
and the good ol fashioned meme of "black people can't be racist"

[quote=SpaceCadet][quote=whymeo]Reading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.[/quote]

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?[/quote]
it's only racism when its convenient for them
and the good ol fashioned meme of "black people can't be racist"
21 Frags +


-11 Frags +
SpaceCadetwhymeoReading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.

Yeah, I also remember when Obama ran on keeping all white Christians out of the country so that's totally a good argument. Crazy times my man!

[quote=SpaceCadet][quote=whymeo]Reading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.[/quote]

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.[/quote]

Yeah, I also remember when Obama ran on keeping all white Christians out of the country so that's totally a good argument. Crazy times my man!
14 Frags +
whymeoSpaceCadetwhymeoReading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.

Yeah, I also remember when Obama ran on keeping all white Christians out of the country so that's totally a good argument. Crazy times my man!

This is called completely ignoring everything I said and talking about a completely different topic.

[quote=whymeo][quote=SpaceCadet][quote=whymeo]Reading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.[/quote]

So wait a minute, let me understand.

Trump did well with white people so that makes it a racist vote. (not sure of the exact % just yet)
Obama in 2012 had 93% of the black vote and in 2008 had 95% of the black vote. Racism had no impact on those?

You can't have it both ways.[/quote]

Yeah, I also remember when Obama ran on keeping all white Christians out of the country so that's totally a good argument. Crazy times my man![/quote]

This is called completely ignoring everything I said and talking about a completely different topic.
4 Frags +

Honestly I'm pretty happy myself.

After months and months, maybe even years of smug condescending liberals screaming like wild animals at anyone who has different opinions than them, labelling anyone who disagrees with them as bigots, racist, xenophobic, sexist, "fucking straight white male" etc, etc. After seeing how biased the (((media))) in general was against Trump, even to the point of having famous people come and tell you in a condescending way who to vote for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRp1CK_X_Yw

He still fucking did it. Good old democracy.

Now excuse me as I have to take some screencaps of some posts I looked up in twitter with the words "literally shaking"

Honestly I'm pretty happy myself.

After months and months, maybe even years of smug condescending liberals screaming like wild animals at anyone who has different opinions than them, labelling anyone who disagrees with them as bigots, racist, xenophobic, sexist, "fucking straight white male" etc, etc. After seeing how biased the (((media))) in general was against Trump, even to the point of having famous people come and tell you in a condescending way who to vote for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRp1CK_X_Yw

He still fucking did it. Good old democracy.

Now excuse me as I have to take some screencaps of some posts I looked up in twitter with the words "literally shaking"
-15 Frags +
SpaceCadetThis is called completely ignoring everything I said and talking about a completely different topic.

No it's called trump ran on racist rhetoric while Obama did not so of course racism has an impact on the election you ignorant fuck.

johnfHe still fucking did it. Good old democracy.

He likely isn't even going to win the popular vote, so you have a real twisted idea of what democracy is. Although I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from someone who uses the fucking alt-right "jew parenthesis".

[quote=SpaceCadet]This is called completely ignoring everything I said and talking about a completely different topic.[/quote]

No it's called trump ran on racist rhetoric while Obama did not so of course racism has an impact on the election you ignorant fuck.

[quote=johnf]He still fucking did it. Good old democracy.[/quote]

He likely isn't even going to win the popular vote, so you have a real twisted idea of what democracy is. Although I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from someone who uses the fucking alt-right "jew parenthesis".
5 Frags +

Well of course he isn't going to win the popular vote. How do you expect any republican candidate to win the popular vote nowadays when places like California exist?

Well of course he isn't going to win the popular vote. How do you expect any republican candidate to win the popular vote nowadays when places like California exist?
8 Frags +

If our culture as Americans (RED OR BLUE) is infinitely more motivated by fear and money than a sense of duty or service, we are ultimately all to blame for a lack of progress

If our culture as Americans (RED OR BLUE) is infinitely more motivated by fear and money than a sense of duty or service, we are ultimately all to blame for a lack of progress
19 Frags +


-14 Frags +

I should know arguing with you idiots isn't going to get me anywhere.

Let's talk in four years about how great the trump presidency with a house and senate controlled by republicans went.

I should know arguing with you idiots isn't going to get me anywhere.

Let's talk in four years about how great the trump presidency with a house and senate controlled by republicans went.
12 Frags +

Calling trump racist every day since he started running probably really hurt Hillarys chances of winning.
1. All the racists voted for him
2. People don't really trust the media anymore so when he was called racist people when and did there own research. When they did this research and found hey this guy isn't actually racist it probably pissed them off that they'd been lied to and so even if they didn't like trump they went and voted for him because fuck the establishment.

Calling trump racist every day since he started running probably really hurt Hillarys chances of winning.
1. All the racists voted for him
2. People don't really trust the media anymore so when he was called racist people when and did there own research. When they did this research and found hey this guy isn't actually racist it probably pissed them off that they'd been lied to and so even if they didn't like trump they went and voted for him because fuck the establishment.
9 Frags +

hehe look another pissed liberal sitting in his high horse using ad-hominems, surely 50% of the country wasn't sick of this shit, right? heheh

hehe look another pissed liberal sitting in his high horse using ad-hominems, surely 50% of the country wasn't sick of this shit, right? heheh
6 Frags +

9/10 I would vote for Trump. I'd rather see something happen than just 4 more years of the same stalemate. But the 1/10 of me made me vote for harambe and hennessey.

9/10 I would vote for Trump. I'd rather see something happen than just 4 more years of the same stalemate. But the 1/10 of me made me vote for harambe and hennessey.
2 Frags +
whymeoReading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.


even though racism plays a part, it's a shame the black demographic don't realize that

the poor black majority have been voting Democrat for 50 years, yet they're no richer


whymeoI should know arguing with you idiots isn't going to get me anywhere.

Let's talk in four years about how great the trump presidency with a house and senate controlled by republicans went.

+$0.35 added to your account

Thank you for correcting the record.

[quote=whymeo]Reading through this thread seeing all the Trump supporters trying to say it had nothing to do with race when the only major demographic trump did well with was white people.

The fact that Clinton was the establishment candidate and racism can both play a role. It doesn't just have to be one thing.[/quote]

even though racism plays a part, it's a shame the black demographic don't realize that

the poor black majority have been voting Democrat for 50 years, yet they're no richer

[quote=whymeo]I should know arguing with you idiots isn't going to get me anywhere.

Let's talk in four years about how great the trump presidency with a house and senate controlled by republicans went.[/quote]
[b]+$0.35 added to your account[/b]

Thank you for correcting the record.
2 Frags +

the golden age of memes has just begun can we all at least agree that this is good for the memes?

the golden age of memes has just begun can we all at least agree that this is good for the memes?
4 Frags +


13 Frags +

As a Sanders to Hillary voter, I have to admit that the majority of people on my side did a fucking abysmal job of arguing the points of why to vote for the democratic party. It pained me every time I had to see liberals get shut down because they didn't know how to argue their points well and simply resorted to dried up talking points.

That and the strongest drive for liberals was probably keeping Trump out, whereas the Trump side was genuinely excited to have their guy running.

As a Sanders to Hillary voter, I have to admit that the majority of people on my side did a fucking abysmal job of arguing the points of why to vote for the democratic party. It pained me every time I had to see liberals get shut down because they didn't know how to argue their points well and simply resorted to dried up talking points.

That and the strongest drive for liberals was probably keeping Trump out, whereas the Trump side was genuinely excited to have their guy running.
9 Frags +

anyone who says donald trump having a mainly white voter base is racist is an idiot

trump had many advisors who were black, and many of his supporters at rallies, especially at the rnc, were black or mixed race

in contrast barack obama had a mainly black voter base during his election in 2008, and yet you won't attempt to classify that as racist because it conflicts with your misguided liberal ideology of "waaah i'm never wrong, my candidate is the best, yours sucks!" which bred the "all for one" mindset that has portioned the democratic party into factions

so any liberal who is crying because of the outcome of the election should take a good hard look at how much time they devoted to rallying around hillary as a person versus her platform and how much effort they spent demonizing trump instead of informing the voter base of what hillary's plans for office were

anyone who says donald trump having a mainly white voter base is racist is an idiot

trump had many advisors who were black, and many of his supporters at rallies, especially at the rnc, were black or mixed race

in contrast barack obama had a mainly black voter base during his election in 2008, and yet you won't attempt to classify that as racist because it conflicts with your misguided liberal ideology of "waaah i'm never wrong, my candidate is the best, yours sucks!" which bred the "all for one" mindset that has portioned the democratic party into factions

so any liberal who is crying because of the outcome of the election should take a good hard look at how much time they devoted to rallying around hillary as a person versus her platform and how much effort they spent demonizing trump instead of informing the voter base of what hillary's plans for office were
7 Frags +

Dude ur arguing with sjw far left voters stop before you get roasted

Dude ur arguing with sjw far left voters stop before you get roasted
3 Frags +


15 Frags +
EmilioEstevezWow Hillary looked tired during her concession speech. I imagine she'll probably be wanting to retire somewhere abroad and just get away from it all soon.

She's not going to be prosecuted on Trump's orders
Trump's not going to entirely repeal Obamacare
The US won't be unilaterally undertaking huge air wars on his say so
And many other things that were tossed out casually and in absolute terms during his campaign will either be moderated or dropped entirely.

The President is not a dictator, Democrat minorities in various bodies are not without power and influence. He's already striking a conciliatory tone not because he's a great and benevolent man, but because politically he has to.

Welcome to the outsider storming the barricades and draining the swamp. Look familiar?

[quote=EmilioEstevez]Wow Hillary looked tired during her concession speech. I imagine she'll probably be wanting to retire somewhere [url=http://www.wsfa.com/story/22665099/countries-with-no-extradition-treaty-with-us]abroad[/url] and just get away from it all soon.[/quote]
She's not going to be prosecuted on Trump's orders
Trump's not going to entirely repeal Obamacare
The US won't be unilaterally undertaking huge air wars on his say so
And many other things that were tossed out casually and in absolute terms during his campaign will either be moderated or dropped entirely.

The President is not a dictator, Democrat minorities in various bodies are not without power and influence. He's already striking a conciliatory tone not because he's a great and benevolent man, but because politically he has to.

Welcome to the outsider storming the barricades and draining the swamp. Look familiar?
-22 Frags +

I hope one of you says some of this shit around the wrong group of people while you're out here for LAN lmao. My baby sister walked out of her high school today, I have never been more proud of her.

I hope one of you says some of this shit around the wrong group of people while you're out here for LAN lmao. My baby sister walked out of her high school today, I have never been more proud of her.
24 Frags +

What is a left wing cuck going to do to me at lan lol

What is a left wing cuck going to do to me at lan lol
32 Frags +


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