Music while playing helps me
Completely changed my attitude in video games and a lot of stuff in life really. The important concept to understand is that getting angry clouds your mental and makes it harder to process information and make the right decision in whatever situation you're in, because your mind's just full of useless shit.
Completely changed my attitude in video games and a lot of stuff in life really. The important concept to understand is that getting angry clouds your mental and makes it harder to process information and make the right decision in whatever situation you're in, because your mind's just full of useless shit.
If you find yourself not enjoying the game you just shouldn't play - there's zero point in going through a whole 'cooling off' routine for after you get angry at tf2, if you get angry every time you play how can you be enjoying it?
short answer:
stop being a retard and socially inept
long answer:
i feel like taking short breaks (2-4 days) helps you, it clears your mind and it makes you forget about bad stuff that happened recently (if you're getting tilted about recent events), also i feel like people should keep in mind that this is only a videogame lol, like i've seen people get like SUPER MAD AND TILTED about like really insignificant stuff like missing a shot or dying, like yeah you missed deal with it dont start crying in mumble about it
also you should also keep in mind that if you're like screaming in mumble and being super negative, you will prob tilt your teammates or whoever you're in mumble with, i only get tilted when someone else is tilted and being negative in mumble and i avoid playing with certain people if i know they're negative/tilters, tilters have a really bad rep in the community for a reason, you can also local mute those people if you're forced to play with them
also just like you're not perfect, nobody in your team is, don't expect them to do miracle plays every 3 seconds, don't expect them to hit every single shot, and especially don't get upset or tilted about someone in your team making mistakes every once in a while, especially in pugs
also if you get tilted pugging you should prob stop puggin if you take such an insignificant and worthless game of tf2 so seriously that you legitimately get upset and start screaming and being negative in mumble, pugs are simple quick games to have fun playing tf2 with others, not to be a massive retard and start screaming at each other, same thing could be said about scrims and matches, if you keep getting tilted, being super negative with your teammates and don't take / give constructive criticism, you will prob get cut
taking naps, getting some snacks or just simply walking helps
good luck c:
stop being a retard and socially inept
long answer:
i feel like taking short breaks (2-4 days) helps you, it clears your mind and it makes you forget about bad stuff that happened recently (if you're getting tilted about recent events), also i feel like people should keep in mind that this is only a videogame lol, like i've seen people get like SUPER MAD AND TILTED about like really insignificant stuff like missing a shot or dying, like yeah you missed deal with it dont start crying in mumble about it
also you should also keep in mind that if you're like screaming in mumble and being super negative, you will prob tilt your teammates or whoever you're in mumble with, i only get tilted when someone else is tilted and being negative in mumble and i avoid playing with certain people if i know they're negative/tilters, tilters have a really bad rep in the community for a reason, you can also local mute those people if you're forced to play with them
also just like you're not perfect, nobody in your team is, don't expect them to do miracle plays every 3 seconds, don't expect them to hit every single shot, and especially don't get upset or tilted about someone in your team making mistakes every once in a while, especially in pugs
also if you get tilted pugging you should prob stop puggin if you take such an insignificant and worthless game of tf2 so seriously that you legitimately get upset and start screaming and being negative in mumble, pugs are simple quick games to have fun playing tf2 with others, not to be a massive retard and start screaming at each other, same thing could be said about scrims and matches, if you keep getting tilted, being super negative with your teammates and don't take / give constructive criticism, you will prob get cut
taking naps, getting some snacks or just simply walking helps
good luck c:
I had the same issues a while ago, and I'm still working somewhat to overcome them. What helped me most was just trying not to care. For example, if I fed or died stupidly I'd just laugh it off and console myself with the fact that it happens to even the best players - if you watch banny's stream, he too makes mistakes or doesn't hit shots from time to time.
I also found that treating it as a learning experience really helped. By that I mean, when I died to spam or beefed all my shots, instead of instantly getting pissed I thought what I could have done better and tried to apply that to my play.
Methods suggested by others, e.g relaxing music, can also help, but I thought I'd offer a different perspective. I still suck though.
I also found that treating it as a learning experience really helped. By that I mean, when I died to spam or beefed all my shots, instead of instantly getting pissed I thought what I could have done better and tried to apply that to my play.
Methods suggested by others, e.g relaxing music, can also help, but I thought I'd offer a different perspective. I still suck though.
Just Smoke Weed... Its The Wonder drug
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers
harness your quan
Going in to games with no expectations and just play your game greatly reduces tilting. Because if you dont expect to do well or anything like that you wont get mad about it. Also what I find is that when I take tf2 too seriously I start to get angry. Just take a strp back and enjoy playing. Not saying you should goof around but just not take it as the end of the world of you die/lose a 1v1 or lose a map. Idk if you do that but its just some stuff I know from personal experience
I used to occasionally tilt super hard, half of it was being young, immature, and not having anything else going on in my life, which is not healthy. The other half is I wouldn't take care of myself and barely eat which would put me on a short leash sometimes. Not really surprising but if you don't take care of yourself it can really affect your mood and personality.
hud_saytext 0, don't force yourself to play tf2 if you don't want to, get enough sleep at night, play with friends, remind yourself tf2 is just a hobby and this is a personal thing but if I don't get a decent workout in before I play tf2 I get pissed at the smallest things that don't even matter.
bicycleforratsJust Smoke Ganja... Its The Wonder Plant
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers[/quote]
FunsbicycleforratsJust Smoke Ganja... Its The Wonder Plantfixed
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers
It Makes You Peaceful and Cures Your Cancers[/quote]
Also dont compare yourself to others. That only mounts stress and pressure. Just go in to games and try to pöay you best and have fun in the process and you will improve 10 times faster than if you are forcing yourself. Also you will be a better teammate while doing this :)
I find that simply taking sips of water after deaths is the most calming thing you can do, it gives you a moment to reflect on what's happened / happening in game and prevents you from sperging out in mumble and affecting your teams' morale.
Laugh it off, you're playing a video game for no money, nobody is particularly worried about your performance, it's just you who generates any pressure. So stop it and just laugh it off
I also used to be very toxic when I was only a pubber, soon after I started playing comp I realized I behaved that way because my own life was so shit and decided that I don't want to shit talk and make others feel bad just because I did.
Also just doing your best ignoring people who shit talk you, hud_saytext_time 0 is okay as people usually say nothing that matters in chat and likely someone in your team has chat visible.
Just try to get in the mindset that even when say is someone who you consider worse kills you and it tilts you, just think that it was because he simply outplayed you or you missed your shot. This may not work out for you but it did for me.
Also just doing your best ignoring people who shit talk you, hud_saytext_time 0 is okay as people usually say nothing that matters in chat and likely someone in your team has chat visible.
Just try to get in the mindset that even when say is someone who you consider worse kills you and it tilts you, just think that it was because he simply outplayed you or you missed your shot. This may not work out for you but it did for me.
Have other priorities than playing tf2, excersize more
coming from a guy who used to get super angry at everything
coming from a guy who used to get super angry at everything
Take a deep breath. It helps me, especially playing games more toxic than tf2 e.g. LoL.
i used to be this way... but then i realise... life is meaningless, its just a game....... why be mad? just enjoy...
when i boot up tf2 and start missing shots/having an off day, it literally ruins my mood for the rest of my day
I watch spy frag movies to untilt myself because they're so over the top its hilarious;
this one's my personal favorite
this one's my personal favorite
knsumeI watch spy frag movies to untilt myself because they're so over the top its hilarious;
this one's my personal favorite
thats genius
this one's my personal favorite[/quote]
thats genius
I used to tilt a ton, to the point where I'd be yelling at everyone. I tilt a lot less now (I still tilt a good amount when I play demo, that class is gay) and it was a pretty easy fix, at least for me.
You just have to realize that things are going to go wrong sometimes and you won't play perfectly. It could be an ego problem or just a want to play really well, in my case, it was a bit of both. However, you have to learn to realize things you did wrong when you die/miss shots/or something of that matter. Learn from what happened, ask yourself what you could have done better and just take some deep breaths. One thing I do when I misplay is verbally say into the mumble or whatever voice program I'm using what I did and why it was wrong. For instance, if I am pushed into snakewater second and my team is barely coming off of mid, rather than yell at my team for being slow, I should say, "I shouldn't have been there." Simple thing really, but it gets you thinking and you will not make that mistake again, assuredly for the rest of the time you are playing in the pug/match/scrim.
You just have to realize that things are going to go wrong sometimes and you won't play perfectly. It could be an ego problem or just a want to play really well, in my case, it was a bit of both. However, you have to learn to realize things you did wrong when you die/miss shots/or something of that matter. Learn from what happened, ask yourself what you could have done better and just take some deep breaths. One thing I do when I misplay is verbally say into the mumble or whatever voice program I'm using what I did and why it was wrong. For instance, if I am pushed into snakewater second and my team is barely coming off of mid, rather than yell at my team for being slow, I should say, "I shouldn't have been there." Simple thing really, but it gets you thinking and you will not make that mistake again, assuredly for the rest of the time you are playing in the pug/match/scrim.
knsumeI watch spy frag movies to untilt myself because they're so over the top its hilarious;
this one's my personal favorite
i felt like i was having a stroke while i watched that
this one's my personal favorite[/quote]
i felt like i was having a stroke while i watched that
dunno but for some reason i tend to play better when tilted