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Do you believe in ghosts or have any good ghost stories?

Do you believe in ghosts or have any good ghost stories?
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For real tho, I grew up in a house that was built in 1876 and pretty sure people have died in it. One night when I was little, I was at the top of the stairs and saw a ghostly woman walk from one room across the hall to the other. I freaked out about it, but I used to have vision problems back then so it could've just been that. Regardless of whether supernatural phenomena exist or not, there's some spooky parts of the house.

[spoiler]For real tho, I grew up in a house that was built in 1876 and pretty sure people have died in it. One night when I was little, I was at the top of the stairs and saw a ghostly woman walk from one room across the hall to the other. I freaked out about it, but I used to have vision problems back then so it could've just been that. Regardless of whether supernatural phenomena exist or not, there's some spooky parts of the house.[/spoiler]
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i called the lady ghostbusters and they are all gone now

i called the lady ghostbusters and they are all gone now
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Yes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.

Yes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.
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ive seen a lot of ghosts in the news lately

ive seen a lot of ghosts in the news lately
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VeccYes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.

If you've seen something that looks like a ghost while in bed it's probably sleep paralysis, I get this semi-frequently. You're awake with your eyes open but your brain is partially in a dream-like state and it projects apparitions that look viscerally real into what you're looking at. I've seen things that look like jellyfish floating around above my head when I snap out of sleep quickly and sometimes shadowy figures walking past my bed. Last night I saw a huge spider on my ceiling.

[quote=Vecc]Yes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.[/quote]
If you've seen something that looks like a ghost while in bed it's probably sleep paralysis, I get this semi-frequently. You're awake with your eyes open but your brain is partially in a dream-like state and it projects apparitions that look viscerally real into what you're looking at. I've seen things that look like jellyfish floating around above my head when I snap out of sleep quickly and sometimes shadowy figures walking past my bed. Last night I saw a huge spider on my ceiling.
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At my museum, I have two interns from HS.

Now, full disclosure, I informed them on their respective first days of work, that the building we're in *used* to be a furniture store and mortuary in the 1930s and before that had been a car parts store, with a Masonic lodge hidden in the upstairs. The basement is where all of our non-display non-paper items are stored, still looks VERY much like a mortuary, including the pit where they would drain the corpses. Also, being a museum, we have 1 1/2 full human skeletons in boxes in said basement (I have not disclosed that one of said skeletons was a mass murderer), and an assortment of fossils and bones of various creatures. I told them this on their first day because the situation may come up where they would be required to handle these objects and operate in this area, and I wanted to make sure they didn't have any misgivings. Both said they had overactive imaginations, but could probably hack it just fine.

Well, needless to say, the two of them became friends, but work different hours, and so they will consistently up the ante on each other regarding creepy happenings in the basement.

First one reported hearing speech, then the next reported seeing things in the dark, and then while I was upstairs doing things one of them called my cell phone and asked me to come down right away - she sounded pretty upset. So, I took the elevator from 2 to basement, and found her standing there trying to call it down pretty frantically, and after the shock of me being in the elevator wore off, she informed me that there was a pile of dust on the floor in the draining room that had children's shoe prints in it and she was done being in the basement for a while. So, I sent her up and went to investigate.

Indeed, right in the best lit spot, was a small pile of dust, with two children's shoe prints carefully put into it to look like they were stepping.

Could it be spooky ghosties? Probably not I'm inclined to think, but I know that *I* didn't go through all the trouble of finding kid's shoes, sweeping up a bit of dust, and then carefully pressing them into said dust in a walking pattern, so now I'm on the search for the prankster.

At my museum, I have two interns from HS.

Now, full disclosure, I informed them on their respective first days of work, that the building we're in *used* to be a furniture store and mortuary in the 1930s and before that had been a car parts store, with a Masonic lodge hidden in the upstairs. The basement is where all of our non-display non-paper items are stored, still looks VERY much like a mortuary, including the pit where they would drain the corpses. Also, being a museum, we have 1 1/2 full human skeletons in boxes in said basement (I have not disclosed that one of said skeletons was a mass murderer), and an assortment of fossils and bones of various creatures. I told them this on their first day because the situation may come up where they would be required to handle these objects and operate in this area, and I wanted to make sure they didn't have any misgivings. Both said they had overactive imaginations, but could probably hack it just fine.

Well, needless to say, the two of them became friends, but work different hours, and so they will consistently up the ante on each other regarding creepy happenings in the basement.

First one reported hearing speech, then the next reported seeing things in the dark, and then while I was upstairs doing things one of them called my cell phone and asked me to come down right away - she sounded pretty upset. So, I took the elevator from 2 to basement, and found her standing there trying to call it down pretty frantically, and after the shock of me being in the elevator wore off, she informed me that there was a pile of dust on the floor in the draining room that had children's shoe prints in it and she was done being in the basement for a while. So, I sent her up and went to investigate.

Indeed, right in the best lit spot, was a small pile of dust, with two children's shoe prints carefully put into it to look like they were stepping.

Could it be spooky ghosties? Probably not I'm inclined to think, but I know that *I* didn't go through all the trouble of finding kid's shoes, sweeping up a bit of dust, and then carefully pressing them into said dust in a walking pattern, so now I'm on the search for the prankster.
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AdnurakVeccYes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.
If you've seen something that looks like a ghost while in bed it's probably sleep paralysis, I get this semi-frequently. You're awake with your eyes open but your brain is partially in a dream-like state and it projects apparitions that look viscerally real into what you're looking at. I've seen things that look like jellyfish floating around above my head when I snap out of sleep quickly and sometimes shadowy figures walking past my bed. Last night I saw a huge spider on my ceiling.

It was not sleep paralysis

[quote=Adnurak][quote=Vecc]Yes I believe in ghosts, I've seen ghosts.

There are orbs in my house as well.

I saw a ghost in upstate NY and one in my home in my bed.[/quote]
If you've seen something that looks like a ghost while in bed it's probably sleep paralysis, I get this semi-frequently. You're awake with your eyes open but your brain is partially in a dream-like state and it projects apparitions that look viscerally real into what you're looking at. I've seen things that look like jellyfish floating around above my head when I snap out of sleep quickly and sometimes shadowy figures walking past my bed. Last night I saw a huge spider on my ceiling.[/quote]

It was not sleep paralysis
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yeah you're right, spooky extra-dimensional dead people is a much better explanation, my bad

yeah you're right, spooky extra-dimensional dead people is a much better explanation, my bad
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all the girls i like stop responding to my texts after a few days

all the girls i like stop responding to my texts after a few days
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if ghosts are real why is there 0 evidence they exist despite there being like a trillion dead people
also why would ghosts only be people, there's more animals than just people
sorry just replying to bait thread at 3:30 in the morning :~]

if ghosts are real why is there 0 evidence they exist despite there being like a trillion dead people
also why would ghosts only be people, there's more animals than just people
sorry just replying to bait thread at 3:30 in the morning :~]
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reero stole this meme please downdoot

reero stole this meme please downdoot
Spaceship Servers
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ghosts arent real

ghosts arent real
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there's a skeleton inside of you

there's a skeleton inside of you
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