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Ban Pred and Degu
posted in Off Topic
11 Frags +

I don't understand what the roadblock a lot of you are bumping up against here is.
All people want you and the rest of the TF2 community to do is not say slurs. Why is that so damn hard for you? Why do you need to call people transphobic, homophobic and racist language? Why is it so important to you to make other people feel uncomfortable that you are willing to die on this hill? Its not censorship, its just being a decent human being.

Not even your excuses make sense. "Oh, we don't want to treat people differently based on their identity. Their identity has nothing to do with the game." Ok then, why do you keep bringing it up? If their identity has nothing to do with the game, why do you keep calling them these slurs? Nobody is talking about their identity but you.

I can't play a single match of TF2 without hearing a racist or homophobic slur being thrown around. Why would anyone want to stay in a community where they feel unwelcome? Why would anyone want to hang around a place where they can't have fun without being called a slur? And if you don't care that they don't want to hang around then I can only assume you keep using these words because you don't want black/trans/gay people in your community and you can probably guess where I am going with that line of thinking.

At the end of the day, its easy to just not he a dick to people. Its just that you are refusing to do it. I applaud all these people coming out and sharing their experiences. We need to talk about it and take action to clean up the community. Anyone who refuses needs to be punished because they are dragging the whole community down if we let them.

Just don't be a dick to people, its that easy.

I don't understand what the roadblock a lot of you are bumping up against here is.
All people want you and the rest of the TF2 community to do is not say slurs. Why is that so damn hard for you? Why do you need to call people transphobic, homophobic and racist language? Why is it so important to you to make other people feel uncomfortable that you are willing to die on this hill? Its not censorship, its just being a decent human being.

Not even your excuses make sense. "Oh, we don't want to treat people differently based on their identity. Their identity has nothing to do with the game." Ok then, why do you keep bringing it up? If their identity has nothing to do with the game, why do you keep calling them these slurs? Nobody is talking about their identity but you.

I can't play a single match of TF2 without hearing a racist or homophobic slur being thrown around. Why would anyone want to stay in a community where they feel unwelcome? Why would anyone want to hang around a place where they can't have fun without being called a slur? And if you don't care that they don't want to hang around then I can only assume you keep using these words because you don't want black/trans/gay people in your community and you can probably guess where I am going with that line of thinking.

At the end of the day, its easy to just not he a dick to people. Its just that you are refusing to do it. I applaud all these people coming out and sharing their experiences. We need to talk about it and take action to clean up the community. Anyone who refuses needs to be punished because they are dragging the whole community down if we let them.

Just don't be a dick to people, its that easy.
-4 Frags +

Sorry about the long post

Sorry about the long post
41 Frags +

these lot that say nigger and all that are to pussy to say it in real life, internet big men

these lot that say nigger and all that are to pussy to say it in real life, internet big men
-4 Frags +
NasBoiithese lot that say nigger and all that are to pussy to say it in real life, internet big men

And if they do say it in real life then they need to leave even more so

[quote=NasBoii]these lot that say nigger and all that are to pussy to say it in real life, internet big men[/quote]
And if they do say it in real life then they need to leave even more so
3 Frags +
Virgilidk if anyone has mentioned this, but the "grow a thicker skin" mentality is kind of bullshit. It puts the responsibility on the victim to not be abused as opposed to putting the responsibility on the abuser to not be an asshole. It'd be healthier for both the victim and abuser if we held people to a higher standard in general, and encourages people to grow past 8th grade edge humour.

I truelly don't know with what idea others were typing about the thicker skin, but when I said it, it was for small insults. Like being called out that I am bad at game, called bitch ish and so on. I doubt, that people have idea of "get thicker skin if you were sexually abused" or when you are terrorised and haunted. That's a crime and it needs to be solved and this girl needs our support to do that now. I don't really know what kind of sexual abuse was done, but people can help it so it won't happen again to other girls/boys in our community at least.

[quote=Virgil]idk if anyone has mentioned this, but the "grow a thicker skin" mentality is kind of bullshit. It puts the responsibility on the victim to not be abused as opposed to putting the responsibility on the abuser to not be an asshole. It'd be healthier for both the victim and abuser if we held people to a higher standard in general, and encourages people to grow past 8th grade edge humour.[/quote]

I truelly don't know with what idea others were typing about the thicker skin, but when I said it, it was for small insults. Like being called out that I am bad at game, called bitch ish and so on. I doubt, that people have idea of "get thicker skin if you were sexually abused" or when you are terrorised and haunted. That's a crime and it needs to be solved and this girl needs our support to do that now. I don't really know what kind of sexual abuse was done, but people can help it so it won't happen again to other girls/boys in our community at least.
0 Frags +
invertigoThe idea that some of the best TF2 players out there, who are extremely gifted at making the sickest plays and the craziest airshots, are also capable of justifying their shitty behavior with whataboutism, the First Amendment, the status quo, or other logical fallacies.

Personally attacking people in and out of game is bad. No buts; ifs; what abouts; and, for fucks sake, denying someone attacked another when their reply was three words that cannot be taken as anything but insults to three separate aspects of their character.

The First Amendment? These players a European so the FA doesn't even pertain to them. These players had the right to post what they wanted too, BUT that also means they have to deal with the consequences. What gives you the right to police what someone says, these two players said some dumb shit, everyone agrees and no one is denying that. But these players do not deserve an out right ban, a formal warning or a few game suspension would suffice.

[quote=invertigo]The idea that some of the best TF2 players out there, who are extremely gifted at making the sickest plays and the craziest airshots, are also capable of justifying their shitty behavior with whataboutism, the First Amendment, the status quo, or other logical fallacies.

Personally attacking people in and out of game is bad. No buts; ifs; what abouts; and, for fucks sake, denying someone attacked another when their reply was three words that cannot be taken as anything but insults to three separate aspects of their character.[/quote]

The First Amendment? These players a European so the FA doesn't even pertain to them. These players had the right to post what they wanted too, BUT that also means they have to deal with the consequences. What gives you the right to police what someone says, these two players said some dumb shit, everyone agrees and no one is denying that. But these players do not deserve an out right ban, a formal warning or a few game suspension would suffice.
2 Frags +
Makyquotefaust_people can say whatever they want in a free society

I don't think you read my post correctly.

[quote=faust_][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Fm9z4LGDs]people can say whatever they want in a free society[/url][/quote]

I don't think you read my post correctly.
-31 Frags +

yall some snitches

yall some snitches
4 Frags +


20 Frags +
oyeaMuukiwhat good does it do to anyone in the community to just blurt out personal things like this while leaving the actual culprits vague other than to seek attention of people that will never be able to help youWell to help others in a similiar situation to hers and make them not feel alone, which she addressed multiple times and also to call attention to these things happening and raise general awareness
I myself have not been a victim of sexual abuse but i am more than sure that its difficult discussing these things so please try and be sympathetic

This x1000

In the last 48 hours there have been a lot of people putting their foot down and saying enough is enough. Some leaving, some working to see what changes they can make because they want to stay and help.

As for the sexual abuse stuff, when it is revealed it is a deeply personal subject and not to be taken lightly. It take a lot of guts. It also comforts those who have had similar experiences feel 'I am not alone and somebody understands how I feel about what has happened'. For those of us who do not have the luxury of being able to call an abuser out, having someone else share their experience and standing up makes you feel a little bit stronger.

While I may never see my abuser again and it makes me sick that he still might be out there and doing worse, seeing stuff like this helps with the coping process. There is always a fear that nobody will believe you if you tell them, or that you'll be blamed for why it happened. But for the amount of people sharing words of encouragement and compassion for others helps.

what good does it do to anyone in the community to just blurt out personal things like this while leaving the actual culprits vague other than to seek attention of people that will never be able to help you[/quote]
Well to help others in a similiar situation to hers and make them not feel alone, which she addressed multiple times and also to call attention to these things happening and raise general awareness
I myself have not been a victim of sexual abuse but i am more than sure that its difficult discussing these things so please try and be sympathetic[/quote]

This x1000

In the last 48 hours there have been a lot of people putting their foot down and saying enough is enough. Some leaving, some working to see what changes they can make because they want to stay and help.

As for the sexual abuse stuff, when it is revealed it is a deeply personal subject and not to be taken lightly. It take a lot of guts. It also comforts those who have had similar experiences feel 'I am not alone and somebody understands how I feel about what has happened'. For those of us who do not have the luxury of being able to call an abuser out, having someone else share their experience and standing up makes you feel a little bit stronger.

While I may never see my abuser again and it makes me sick that he still might be out there and doing worse, seeing stuff like this helps with the coping process. There is always a fear that nobody will believe you if you tell them, or that you'll be blamed for why it happened. But for the amount of people sharing words of encouragement and compassion for others helps.
22 Frags +

Actually funny to see how many toxic players are now bashing 2 other toxic dudes. Hypocrites everywhere

Actually funny to see how many toxic players are now bashing 2 other toxic dudes. Hypocrites everywhere
8 Frags +
ReseFOne huge pussy tread cause muh feelings, you amerimuts The bitch can take care of her self and grow up, sexual harasment over the internet doesnt exist.


Dumb people just keep popping up in this thread huh

[quote=ReseF]One huge pussy tread cause muh feelings, you amerimuts The bitch can take care of her self and grow up, sexual harasment over the internet doesnt exist.[/quote]

Dumb people just keep popping up in this thread huh
0 Frags +

I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.
21 Frags +

Man racism in TF2 was always so puzzling to me. As if the superiority of the white race is epitomised in an ugly white kid who's above average at a video game?

Man racism in TF2 was always so puzzling to me. As if the superiority of the white race is epitomised in an ugly white kid who's above average at a video game?
4 Frags +
AdramelekI find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

You're right that's it's more than just racism etc. A lot of players have been bullied out of wanting to play.

Let's be honest, even people like Sergeant Brown get far more grief than they deserve for merely having a different tf2 view.

There should be a general effort and people should have the balls to challenge groups of wankers who harass people.

[quote=Adramelek]I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.[/quote]

You're right that's it's more than just racism etc. A lot of players have been bullied out of wanting to play.

Let's be honest, even people like Sergeant Brown get far more grief than they deserve for merely having a different tf2 view.

There should be a general effort and people should have the balls to challenge groups of wankers who harass people.
-82 Frags +

Thank you.

Thank you.
61 Frags +
PredThank you.



[quote=Pred]Thank you.[/quote]


Momentum Mod
23 Frags +

perfect example of how coming out about these things is difficult:

* [D|Dame III] iTac : time to up my hellbent flame
* [S|Esquire V] Shunix : shes gunna get false on u
* [D|Dame III] iTac : better not come near tempus unless she wants to cry herself to sleep again
* [D|Dame III] iTac : lets me honest you gonna employ that mess of person...
* [D|Dame III] iTac : be*
this was in a public server. false is my boyfriend for those confused here

from a tt member: "idk you cant take mireal seriously tbh
like i dont even like mireal, nor do i ever talk to him
but that reply was just written so humorously"

also hearing things about tt spouting 'mireal army'

despite all these things I am glad i said something. i know many others experience shit like this so i encourage you to step up. sure u may get some more hate but it's worth it to bring things like this to light

perfect example of how coming out about these things is difficult:

* [D|Dame III] iTac : time to up my hellbent flame
* [S|Esquire V] Shunix : shes gunna get false on u
* [D|Dame III] iTac : better not come near tempus unless she wants to cry herself to sleep again
* [D|Dame III] iTac : lets me honest you gonna employ that mess of person...
* [D|Dame III] iTac : be*
this was in a public server. false is my boyfriend for those confused here

from a tt member: "idk you cant take mireal seriously tbh
like i dont even like mireal, nor do i ever talk to him
but that reply was just written so humorously"

also hearing things about tt spouting 'mireal army'

despite all these things I am glad i said something. i know many others experience shit like this so i encourage you to step up. sure u may get some more hate but it's worth it to bring things like this to light
-76 Frags +


Thank you very much!




Thank you very much!
-2 Frags +

for real, i think banning people for what they say is kinda dumb but I can't say I would feel even a bit of sympathy for pred if he never got to play tf2 or post on any tf2 related forum ever again.

for real, i think banning people for what they say is kinda dumb but I can't say I would feel even a bit of sympathy for pred if he never got to play tf2 or post on any tf2 related forum ever again.
15 Frags +
AdramelekI find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

There is no hypocrisy at all, attacking someone for race/gender/sexuality is on a completely different level than when you triple airshot that dude you don't get on with in your official and type "EZ clap" or "You don't even belong on the same server as me".

You ever watched the build-up to a huge hyped sporting event, say an MMA fight or a boxing match, for the burgers out there think of WWE. Trash talk is part of the entertainment.

[quote=Adramelek]I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.[/quote]

There is no hypocrisy at all, attacking someone for race/gender/sexuality is on a completely different level than when you triple airshot that dude you don't get on with in your official and type "EZ clap" or "You don't even belong on the same server as me".

You ever watched the build-up to a huge hyped sporting event, say an MMA fight or a boxing match, for the burgers out there think of WWE. Trash talk is part of the entertainment.
30 Frags +

ozfortress strongly believes that every player regardless of background, gender or sexual preference deserves to be able to play the game they love in an environment free of hate speech and discrimination. This is a basic right that every player should be afforded. ozfortress stands with those who have been the victims of some of these hurtful comments and abuse. As a community we must come together and set a standard.

The ozfortress ruleset has clear rules regarding the treatment of other people, and we will continue to enforce those rules to make ozfortress a safe community for all. We take all accusations of discrimination and abuse very seriously, and all cases are discussed and investigated by the admin team. While we are not perfect, we will continue to try and create a league in which everyone is welcome. Any players found making discriminatory comments targeted towards another player will face the consequences. If anyone within the ozfortress community has a report to make, please do not hesitate to contact an administrator.

ozfortress strongly believes that every player regardless of background, gender or sexual preference deserves to be able to play the game they love in an environment free of hate speech and discrimination. This is a basic right that every player should be afforded. ozfortress stands with those who have been the victims of some of these hurtful comments and abuse. As a community we must come together and set a standard.

The ozfortress ruleset has clear rules regarding the treatment of other people, and we will continue to enforce those rules to make ozfortress a safe community for all. We take all accusations of discrimination and abuse very seriously, and all cases are discussed and investigated by the admin team. While we are not perfect, we will continue to try and create a league in which everyone is welcome. Any players found making discriminatory comments targeted towards another player will face the consequences. If anyone within the ozfortress community has a report to make, please do not hesitate to contact an administrator.
28 Frags +

Not that most people know but, I moved to NA when I was 15 years old. In the first 30 min of playing TF2 here I get called a vampire/russian/gypsy/3rd worlder, etc. For more than half a decade those things continue to get talked about on forums/circlejerks and people encourage it like it's normal (well also given I shitposted a lot on here too). Like I understand if you hate me for me posting "fuck fundraisers" or "dead game" but holy shit what goes through your head to literally attack a person's accent out of all things or their nationality?? Let me guess, it makes it ok to attack those things if you hate that person b/c they a) disagree with your view on the game or b) your fav streamer hates them.

W/e, hope one day you people can focus on someone's skill level and gameplay rather than how they sound/look like or where the fuck they live.

Edit: As for the main topic of discussion in this thread, how do you guys literally hate on a person that pays out of their own pocket to help with production/marketing of this game?

Not that most people know but, I moved to NA when I was 15 years old. In the first 30 min of playing TF2 here I get called a vampire/russian/gypsy/3rd worlder, etc. For more than half a decade those things continue to get talked about on forums/circlejerks and people encourage it like it's normal (well also given I shitposted a lot on here too). Like I understand if you hate me for me posting "fuck fundraisers" or "dead game" but holy shit what goes through your head to literally attack a person's accent out of all things or their nationality?? Let me guess, it makes it ok to attack those things if you hate that person b/c they a) disagree with your view on the game or b) your fav streamer hates them.

W/e, hope one day you people can focus on someone's skill level and gameplay rather than how they sound/look like or where the fuck they live.

Edit: As for the main topic of discussion in this thread, how do you guys literally hate on a person that pays out of their own pocket to help with production/marketing of this game?
-18 Frags +

Anyone else listening to this song on BLAST while reading this thread?

Anyone else listening to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5m4mTDbGWs]this song[/url] on BLAST while reading this thread?
-5 Frags +
MattCVAdramelekI find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

There is no hypocrisy at all, attacking someone for race/gender/sexuality is on a completely different level than when you triple airshot that dude you don't get on with in your official and type "EZ clap" or "You don't even belong on the same server as me".

You ever watched the build-up to a huge hyped sporting event, say an MMA fight or a boxing match, for the burgers out there think of WWE. Trash talk is part of the entertainment.

Again you are sweeping under the rug because it's "on a completely different level" or so you claim. I don't think it is "entertainment" as you say it is, entertainment to whom? It just comes off as unnecessarily rude, and you and I both know it oftentimes goes well beyond that. And whether or not it is of the same severity does not make it acceptable still.

[quote=MattCV][quote=Adramelek]I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.[/quote]

There is no hypocrisy at all, attacking someone for race/gender/sexuality is on a completely different level than when you triple airshot that dude you don't get on with in your official and type "EZ clap" or "You don't even belong on the same server as me".

You ever watched the build-up to a huge hyped sporting event, say an MMA fight or a boxing match, for the burgers out there think of WWE. Trash talk is part of the entertainment.[/quote]

Again you are sweeping under the rug because it's "on a completely different level" or so you claim. I don't think it is "entertainment" as you say it is, entertainment to whom? It just comes off as unnecessarily rude, and you and I both know it oftentimes goes well beyond that. And whether or not it is of the same severity does not make it acceptable still.
3 Frags +

I am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

I am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.
8 Frags +

Congrats on your first big statement as ozfortress league director:)


Congrats on your first big statement as ozfortress league director:)
-4 Frags +
MattCVI am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.

[quote=MattCV]I am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.[/quote]

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.
4 Frags +
AdramelekMattCVI am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.

Different strokes for different folks, you do not feel anything is added, I do. We are just going around in circles at this point.

You sound like you would enjoy Overwatch a massively sanitized video game where the outrage culture is so up to speed people made Reddit threads about somebody teabagging someone else.

[quote=Adramelek][quote=MattCV]I am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.[/quote]

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.[/quote]

Different strokes for different folks, you do not feel anything is added, I do. We are just going around in circles at this point.

You sound like you would enjoy Overwatch a massively sanitized video game where the outrage culture is so up to speed people made Reddit threads about somebody teabagging someone else.
-5 Frags +
MattCVAdramelekMattCVI am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.

Different strokes for different folks, you do not feel anything is added, I do. We are just going around in circles at this point.

You sound like you would enjoy Overwatch a massively sanitized video game where the outrage culture is so up to speed people made Reddit threads about somebody teabagging someone else.

I like Overwatch's approach to the topic, yes. Insulting is insulting no matter who it is. Being a minority or using a specific term does not automatically make it worse.

[quote=MattCV][quote=Adramelek][quote=MattCV]I am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.[/quote]

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.[/quote]

Different strokes for different folks, you do not feel anything is added, I do. We are just going around in circles at this point.

You sound like you would enjoy Overwatch a massively sanitized video game where the outrage culture is so up to speed people made Reddit threads about somebody teabagging someone else.[/quote]

I like Overwatch's approach to the topic, yes. Insulting is insulting no matter who it is. Being a minority or using a specific term does not automatically make it worse.
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