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Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread
posted in Customization
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the hud linked in this video is not functional, do you guys know if this hud is still out there being updated? if not i would LOVE if someone fixed this hud to work

it does this when i open server browser:


edit: not functional at all :(



the hud linked in this video is not functional, do you guys know if this hud is still out there being updated? if not i would LOVE if someone fixed this hud to work

it does this when i open server browser:

edit: not functional at all :(
4 Frags +


Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.


Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.
0 Frags +

Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.

everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me


Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.[/quote]
everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me
2 Frags +

Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.
everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me


It works for me now, it didnt have the info.vdf file


Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.[/quote]
everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me[/quote]


It works for me now, it didnt have the info.vdf file
0 Frags +

Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.
everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me


It works for me now, it didnt have the info.vdf file

fucking awesome, thanks to both of you!


Most of the ingame stuff is the same, scoreboard was broken so I think I replaced it myself. Haven't used it in a long time.[/quote]
everything besides the actual in-game elements works for me, otherwise, in-game it looks the same as the 2nd screenshot in my last post. i like the position of the chat and the font and basically everything else about this hud, but the main part of the hud isn't there for me[/quote]


It works for me now, it didnt have the info.vdf file[/quote]

fucking awesome, thanks to both of you!
5 Frags +
fucking awesome, thanks to both of you!



fucking awesome, thanks to both of you![/quote]

[img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/universal-crusade/images/0/0f/Meat_Boy.png/revision/latest?cb=20170610212718 [/img]
-1 Frags +
TewritaTewritaTewi recreated arekks hud if anyone needs it :>


ty but is the scoreboard screen supposed to look like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/313994735012282368/476493995569315843/20180807165635_1.jpg
Definetly not buddy, are you on 1920x1080 or a diferent res?
im on 1280x720 is that why?
Most likely

I am on 1920x1080 and the scoreboard is also all white.. could it be a dxtory level issue?

[quote=Tew][quote=rita][quote=Tew][quote=rita][quote=Tew]i recreated arekks hud if anyone needs it :>


ty but is the scoreboard screen supposed to look like this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/313994735012282368/476493995569315843/20180807165635_1.jpg[/quote]
Definetly not buddy, are you on 1920x1080 or a diferent res?[/quote]
im on 1280x720 is that why?[/quote]
Most likely[/quote]

I am on 1920x1080 and the scoreboard is also all white.. could it be a dxtory level issue?
0 Frags +
Clashe could it be a dxtory level issue?

yes, im pretty sure that it's from -dxlevel 81, switch to -dxlevel 90

[quote=Clashe] could it be a dxtory level issue?[/quote]

yes, im pretty sure that it's from -dxlevel 81, switch to -dxlevel 90
0 Frags +


in need of this vtf crosshair, found it on this post
but the post is a month old and the poster was last online 30 days ago.
if anyone could find/recreate this crosshair it would be greatly appreciated

in need of this vtf crosshair, found it on this [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/8247/show-your-hud-modifications/?page=187#5605]post[/url]
but the post is a month old and the poster was last online 30 days ago.
if anyone could find/recreate this crosshair it would be greatly appreciated
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iirc rayshud has that as a hud crosshair called scatterspread or like that


iirc rayshud has that as a hud crosshair called scatterspread or like that
4 Frags +
Rockziirc rayshud has that as a hud crosshair called scatterspread or like that

scatterspread has more of a "rounded square" allignment compared to this one which is a full circle. Though they definitely look similar :)


I might've just wasted my time and someone will post whatever HUD has these as font, but I tried to recreate them as 64x64 VTFs. Keep in mind these do not line up with shotgun pellets like the Scatterspread crosshair would. It's more of a circledot variation than scatterspread.

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6frn7r4vyq1nf5d/AAA277vBb4uyk5bnBVwWBI1ha?dl=0
preview: https://imgur.com/a/6xv5SFa
2 versions included. Small version will probably look best, but I included both versions so you can try both. If you'd rather I modify them a bit to fit your needs, send me a PM on TFTV
(Mahrez posted the HUD modification. Gave them credit for it with the file name in case they made them)

Also I did not test these in game first. It's always possible I messed up a VTF flag or it simply doesn't look good (yet)

[quote=Rockz]iirc rayshud has that as a hud crosshair called scatterspread or like that[/quote]
scatterspread has more of a "rounded square" allignment compared to this one which is a full circle. Though they definitely look similar :)

I might've just wasted my time and someone will post whatever HUD has these as font, but I tried to recreate them as 64x64 VTFs. Keep in mind these do not line up with shotgun pellets like the Scatterspread crosshair would. It's more of a circledot variation than scatterspread.

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6frn7r4vyq1nf5d/AAA277vBb4uyk5bnBVwWBI1ha?dl=0
preview: https://imgur.com/a/6xv5SFa
2 versions included. Small version will probably look best, but I included both versions so you can try both. If you'd rather I modify them a bit to fit your needs, send me a PM on TFTV
(Mahrez posted the HUD modification. Gave them credit for it with the file name in case they made them)

Also I did not test these in game first. It's always possible I messed up a VTF flag or it simply doesn't look good (yet)
0 Frags +


I must acquire this hud, thanks in advance :)


I must acquire this hud, thanks in advance :)
3 Frags +

I must acquire this hud, thanks in advance :)

Credit to Gink for a spot on remake and a sick video.


I must acquire this hud, thanks in advance :)[/quote]

Credit to Gink for a spot on remake and a sick video.
0 Frags +

Anybody know the name of the hud at 2:54?

[url= https://youtu.be/wQlkNJ0EXkA?t=174]https://youtu.be/wQlkNJ0EXkA?t=174[/url]
Anybody know the name of the hud at 2:54?
0 Frags +
Anybody know the name of the hud at 2:54?


[quote=J3NGA][url= https://youtu.be/wQlkNJ0EXkA?t=174]https://youtu.be/wQlkNJ0EXkA?t=174[/url]
Anybody know the name of the hud at 2:54?[/quote]

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Also what cfg\textures at 4:40?

Also what cfg\textures at 4:40?
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1 Frags +
fiestaAlso what cfg\textures at 4:40?

Looks like cowmanglia stability or mastercomfig medium

[quote=fiesta]Also what cfg\textures at 4:40?
https://youtu.be/wQlkNJ0EXkA?t=4m40s[/quote] Looks like cowmanglia stability or mastercomfig medium
0 Frags +


what hud is this ?


what hud is this ?
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hud help


hud help
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hud help



hud help[/quote]

0 Frags +

hud help

you're better off asking hamaham himself.
I think he edited this HUD himself (not 100% sure, but I vaguely recall seeing him post about it long ago)


hud help[/quote]
you're better off asking [url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/hamaham/]hamaham[/url] himself.
I think he edited this HUD himself (not 100% sure, but I vaguely recall seeing him post about it long ago)
7 Frags +

hud help


No. This is the correct thread for this type of question to prevent the dozens of threads called "What is this HUD?"


hud help[/quote]

No. This is the correct thread for this type of question to prevent the dozens of threads called "What is this HUD?"
2 Frags +

what hud is this ?

It's his own edit of PVHUD. I don't have an up to date link though, best to message zesty on here or twitch I suppose.


what hud is this ?[/quote]

It's his own edit of PVHUD. I don't have an up to date link though, best to message zesty on here or twitch I suppose.
0 Frags +

Hello, anyone know that hud ?

Hello, anyone know that hud ?
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what hud is this?


what hud is this?
0 Frags +

what hud is this?

Botmode's edited m0rehud, it's just smaller font with the health cross as far as I know


what hud is this?[/quote]
Botmode's edited m0rehud, it's just smaller font with the health cross as far as I know
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https://clips.twitch.tv/KawaiiCalmOwlMikeHogu what is this font name?

https://clips.twitch.tv/KawaiiCalmOwlMikeHogu what is this font name?
-6 Frags +
Tobyou're better off asking hamaham himself.
I think he edited this HUD himself (not 100% sure, but I vaguely recall seeing him post about it long ago)

got help from a friend but yeah it's mine
don't add me if you're going to be like this person upon being denied a dl link lol


[quote=Tob]you're better off asking [url=https://steamcommunity.com/id/hamaham/]hamaham[/url] himself.
I think he edited this HUD himself (not 100% sure, but I vaguely recall seeing him post about it long ago)[/quote]
got help from a friend but yeah it's mine
don't add me if you're going to be like this person upon being denied a dl link lol
0 Frags +
LukasCZhttps://clips.twitch.tv/KawaiiCalmOwlMikeHogu what is this font name?

HUD uses Product Sans Regular and Product Sans Bold

[quote=LukasCZ]https://clips.twitch.tv/KawaiiCalmOwlMikeHogu what is this font name?[/quote]

HUD uses [url=https://befonts.com/product-sans-font.html]Product Sans Regular and Product Sans Bold[/url]
1 ⋅⋅ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ⋅⋅ 52
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