no human was not expecting acquittal.
However, I was not expecting Romney to be #1 in my heart
However, I was [i]not[/i] expecting Romney to be #1 in my heart
Romney will run for president in 2024 if Trump loses in November. That's the only reason he voted to remove.
Fucking Poggers
Establihsment Shills Destroyed, Once Again, By The G*d Empreror
Establihsment Shills Destroyed, Once Again, By The G*d Empreror
justus_1DeaGCHaMPFucking Poggers
Establihsment Shills Destroyed, Once Again, By The G*d Empreror
i am in awe that u arent a throwaway account
Establihsment Shills Destroyed, Once Again, By The G*d Empreror[/quote]
i am in awe that u arent a throwaway account
TaatWater found to be wet
Water is not wet, water makes things wet. Change my mind.
Water is not wet, water makes things wet. Change my mind.
binders full of (slightly more) respect for Romney
ymRaisinRomney will run for president in 2024 if Trump loses in November. That's the only reason he voted to remove.
or he swoops in as an independent and ends up helping trump win re-election in 2020
or he swoops in as an independent and ends up helping trump win re-election in 2020
mustardoverlordymRaisinRomney will run for president in 2024 if Trump loses in November. That's the only reason he voted to remove.
or he swoops in as an independent and ends up helping trump win re-election in 2020
Romney would split the conservative vote, which would absolutely harm Trump.
[quote=mustardoverlord][quote=ymRaisin]Romney will run for president in 2024 if Trump loses in November. That's the only reason he voted to remove.[/quote]
or he swoops in as an independent and ends up helping trump win re-election in 2020[/quote]
Romney would split the conservative vote, which would absolutely harm Trump.
trump has like 90% approval rating among republicans and a bunch of centrist morons might be fooled into thinking romney would be better than bernie or whoever else wins
realistically I don't think he'd get more than like 5% of the vote anyways so im not super worried but I also think resistance libs are extremely stupid so who knows
realistically I don't think he'd get more than like 5% of the vote anyways so im not super worried but I also think resistance libs are extremely stupid so who knows
not a good look america, why aren't people in the streets? are we just banking on him making it until november without starting a nuclear war?
-protonot a good look america, why aren't people in the streets? are we just banking on him making it until november without starting a nuclear war?
reminder there's a recording of him admitting to sexual assault and he still got elected after that surfaced so
reminder there's a recording of him admitting to sexual assault and he still got elected after that surfaced so
-protonot a good look america, why aren't people in the streets? are we just banking on him making it until november without starting a nuclear war?
Yeah dude he's starting a nuclear war, you nailed it.
Yeah dude he's starting a nuclear war, you nailed it.
alfa-protonot a good look america, why aren't people in the streets? are we just banking on him making it until november without starting a nuclear war?
Yeah dude he's starting a nuclear war, you nailed it.
Yea its definitely so far-fetched that a narcissistic insecure 73 year old with dementia who has access to the worlds greatest nuclear arsenal would be the first to launch a missile in an international spat haha XD
Yeah dude he's starting a nuclear war, you nailed it.[/quote]
Yea its definitely so far-fetched that a narcissistic insecure 73 year old with dementia who has access to the worlds greatest nuclear arsenal would be the first to launch a missile in an international spat haha XD
obama picked a guy with a phd in nuclear physics from stanford to lead the department of energy (who controls americas nuclear program)
trump picked a ford lobbyist
trump picked a ford lobbyist
America is fundamentally broken and average people are too stupid for democracy to work. #changemymind
We're so fucked lol. They argued "you can cheat in elections so long as you were doing it in the best interest of the country," and people are actually buying that shit???
We're soooo fucked lol
I wish I could find a YouTube video of it. It's literally one of the defenses they used. I listened to hours of the trial and can't find the exact moment I'm thinking of but
We're soooo fucked lol
I wish I could find a YouTube video of it. It's literally one of the defenses they used. I listened to hours of the trial and can't find the exact moment I'm thinking of but
warriordragon12obama picked a guy with a phd in nuclear physics from stanford to lead the department of energy (who controls americas nuclear program)
trump picked a ford lobbyist
All government department heads do is make speeches and sign the papers that get put in front of them. You don't need to know what a quark is in order to do that. Not gonna lie, your comment is kinda cringe and gay, because it betrays a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Do better in the future.
trump picked a ford lobbyist[/quote]
All government department heads do is make speeches and sign the papers that get put in front of them. You don't need to know what a quark is in order to do that. Not gonna lie, your comment is kinda cringe and gay, because it betrays a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Do better in the future.
A trial which called no witnesses, where the majority of the jury are members of the cult of the accused. Not much of a shining city on a hill. The constitution so many so-called patriots used to worship is no longer worth the ink it's written on, and the saddest thing is half of those "patriots" are cheering about it because their political sports team won.
As a Brit watching this unfold from the outside, and with no stake in the game, I think the best way to sum up how I feel is this: America used to be a country we respected.
As a Brit watching this unfold from the outside, and with no stake in the game, I think the best way to sum up how I feel is this: America [b]used to be[/b] a country we respected.
scrab your comment is kinda cringe and gay, because it betrays a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Do better in the future.
hard to tell if this is unironic but yikes
hard to tell if this is unironic but yikes
scrabwarriordragon12obama picked a guy with a phd in nuclear physics from stanford to lead the department of energy (who controls americas nuclear program)
trump picked a ford lobbyist
All government department heads do is make speeches and sign the papers that get put in front of them. You don't need to know what a quark is in order to do that. Not gonna lie, your comment is kinda cringe and gay, because it betrays a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Do better in the future.
heres a picture of him (the guy on the left) literally negotiating the Iran nuclear deal in 2015
trump picked a ford lobbyist[/quote]
All government department heads do is make speeches and sign the papers that get put in front of them. You don't need to know what a quark is in order to do that. Not gonna lie, your comment is kinda cringe and gay, because it betrays a lack of knowledge of how the real world works. Do better in the future.[/quote]
heres a picture of him (the guy on the left) literally negotiating the Iran nuclear deal in 2015