This is the discussion thread for the RGL Season 2 Invite division.
Congratulations to the Season 1 champions, froyotech!
RGL Season 2 Invite Standings
RGL Transaction list
You can view last season's Invite discussion thread here.
This is the discussion thread for the RGL Season 2 Invite division.
Congratulations to the Season 1 champions, froyotech!
[url=]RGL Season 2 Invite Standings[/url]
[url=]RGL Transaction list[/url]
You can view last season's Invite discussion thread [url=]here.[/url]
everybody wants to see this happen
everybody wants to see this happen
invite will have 8 teams that are manually picked by the admins to play
invite will have 8 teams that are manually picked by the admins to play
if anybody wants to cast the 100B vs Ford match tonight lmk and i'll set up the server
if anybody wants to cast the 100B vs Ford match tonight lmk and i'll set up the server
[url=]Paddie this season[/url]
ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
you act like hes dodged every lan of his career lmfao
you act like hes dodged every lan of his career lmfao
I'm starting to think we won't get a blaze stream
I'm starting to think we won't get a blaze stream
boxcarppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
blaze has placed top2 at more lan events than you've been around for
[quote=boxcar]ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan[/quote]
blaze has placed top2 at more lan events than you've been around for
Reeroboxcarppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
blaze has placed top2 at more lan events than you've been around for
[quote=Reero][quote=boxcar]ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan[/quote]
blaze has placed top2 at more lan events than you've been around for[/quote]
boxcarppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
hey invite admin, cool post
[quote=boxcar]ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan[/quote]
hey invite admin, cool post
I will have to dig through and get the playoff stats counted in (not sure how I'm exactly going to do that), but I wanted to link the stat sheets that we have been making for the season. Might as well post them as playoffs is (currently as I'm posting this) wrapping up.
Some explanations:
Individual Player Stats folder: This has every teams' players' stats broken down and averaged out, split up by team. 1 time ringers are their own "player" and also has their own tab.
Season Averages folder: This folder has players and the main classes that they played throughout the season. The difference between this and some of the spreadsheets in the Individual Play Stats Folders is that this folder splits up players by their class (since some players may have played another class for a match or changed classed in the latter half of a season). There's also one spreadsheet called "Full Sheet of Averages" that I think is the most important thing to look at when looking at the season as a whole.
RGL S2 Logs Links: Links to all of the logs. There's a key explaining what the colors mean.
Teams Spreadsheet: Every log of each team split up by team.
The Full Logs Spreadsheet: Everything split up by just the week. There is also a full spreadsheet of EVERYTHING that has been the basis of what I used with all of the other spreadsheets. The highlighted green numbers are the top stat of that week.
Note: Some logs are missing because of players not executing their configs properly. Ringers are everyone who rang's stats combined. Hopefully this interesting to dive in to. We shall be using these for the beginning weeks of S3 for casts. Lots of work went into this so I hope y'all enjoy checking this out.
I will have to dig through and get the playoff stats counted in (not sure how I'm exactly going to do that), but I wanted to link the stat sheets that we have been making for the season. Might as well post them as playoffs is (currently as I'm posting this) wrapping up.
[b][u]Some explanations:[/u][/b]
Individual Player Stats folder: This has every teams' players' stats broken down and averaged out, split up by team. 1 time ringers are their own "player" and also has their own tab.
Season Averages folder: This folder has players and the main classes that they played throughout the season. The difference between this and some of the spreadsheets in the Individual Play Stats Folders is that this folder splits up players by their class (since some players may have played another class for a match or changed classed in the latter half of a season). There's also one spreadsheet called "Full Sheet of Averages" that I think is the most important thing to look at when looking at the season as a whole.
RGL S2 Logs Links: Links to all of the logs. There's a key explaining what the colors mean.
Teams Spreadsheet: Every log of each team split up by team.
The Full Logs Spreadsheet: Everything split up by just the week. There is also a full spreadsheet of EVERYTHING that has been the basis of what I used with all of the other spreadsheets. The highlighted green numbers are the top stat of that week.
Note: Some logs are missing because of players not executing their configs properly. Ringers are everyone who rang's stats combined. Hopefully this interesting to dive in to. We shall be using these for the beginning weeks of S3 for casts. Lots of work went into this so I hope y'all enjoy checking this out.
GrapeJuiceIIIboxcarppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan
hey invite admin, cool post
You sure get some quality admins when you just take the first retards to apply :)
[quote=GrapeJuiceIII][quote=boxcar]ppl r still really expecting blaze to show up to a lan[/quote]
hey invite admin, cool post[/quote]
You sure get some quality admins when you just take the first retards to apply :)
if you are the leader of a prospective invite team, please add me on steam if you already have not
if you are the leader of a prospective invite team, please add me on steam if you already have not