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Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted June 22, 2016 at 1:35 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ⋅⋅ 83
#3 Mario Party Pros (ESEA-IM) - Need Pocket/Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Should be a VERY good team with nice people too. It's the best of both worlds.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 any recommendations on parts for a new desktop? in Hardware
Foxhey, i haven't built a computer in over two years, so i figured i should upgrade now

i don't overclock because i'm not willing to risk anything just to get more power, no matter how small the chance of failure is (because shipping to/from hawaii is a pain in the ass)

i'm willing to spend up to $2k on parts, but i'd probably need to buy the OS (because i don't pirate) and maybe a new keyboard too

i haven't been following anything about hardware, but i remember seeing a post about a new CPU thing coming out this summer, but i think it dealt with overclocking so idk

i don't really know what the differences are between sandy bridge and ivy bridge, or i5s or i7s, but i'm looking up everything now and just felt like making a thread in case anyone wanted to help me pick out parts :3

all of my builds usually incorporate intel chipsets and nvidia gpus though, and my only goal is to make a build that can run pso2 smoothly, as well as diablo/bioshock infinite/guild wars 2 since those games currently crash on my current desktop

thanks for any suggestions in advance :3

Can you put the specs that you have now? I think it's a little odd that you're crashing from diablo

posted about 11 years ago
#28 soldier looking esea s13 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Really good guy and a good soldier.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Best song remakes in Off Topic

There is about 10 songs that I think the remakes are better but I will start I will start the one that always makes be cry. As much as I love NIN, I feel that Johnny Cash knew that he had very little time left and the song sings to his mistakes.


I will add more later,but what do you guys/girls think?

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Order your youtube collection while you can in Off Topic

Wait, why is the total amount of DVD's the same amount as betas?

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Bad Timing or April Fool's Joke? in TF2 General Discussion
thorn_Fzerothorn_mthese threads literally take the same path every time

ban issued
-why is he banned?
we have concrete evidence showing him cheating
-ok show us
no, that would be stupid
-omg ac org is biased not being honest

you dont show how you catch a cheater, then other people (who cheat) will look at how he got caught and make sure they dont make the same mistake

this is not a hard concept

Freedom of information is necessary in any trial. Evidence is useless if it is not necessary to ban someone.

I don't even care about this case in particular but your logic is questionable.

I completely agree with your logic when it has to do with a trial, but this isn't a PUBLIC trial. It's a closed door trial that their say is the only say, it's the exact same way that ESEA works

Just to note, I really haven't watched much Euro TF2 so I have no clue about he/she hacking or not.

That's why ESEA doesn't ban people on an opinionated basis, they need client proof.

Correct in the case of hacking, but they can ban you without a care in the world for any other infraction that deem incorrect. You have no say in the matter and neither does anyone else. Both systems, in catching hackers, have their flaws. ESEA needs the client to get someone and it's nowhere near perfect, and some even argue awful at it, while the Euro have to deal with the fallible nature of humans

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Bad Timing or April Fool's Joke? in TF2 General Discussion
thorn_mthese threads literally take the same path every time

ban issued
-why is he banned?
we have concrete evidence showing him cheating
-ok show us
no, that would be stupid
-omg ac org is biased not being honest

you dont show how you catch a cheater, then other people (who cheat) will look at how he got caught and make sure they dont make the same mistake

this is not a hard concept

Freedom of information is necessary in any trial. Evidence is useless if it is not necessary to ban someone.

I don't even care about this case in particular but your logic is questionable.

I completely agree with your logic when it has to do with a trial, but this isn't a PUBLIC trial. It's a closed door trial that their say is the only say, it's the exact same way that ESEA works

Just to note, I really haven't watched much Euro TF2 so I have no clue about he/she hacking or not.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 With all the threads about cable and internet in Off Topic

Since there has been so many threads bitching and asking about the best internet, I stumbled upon this today so I thought I would post it.


posted about 11 years ago
#8 If I were to stream F.E.A.R. in Off Topic

If someone would help me to figure out what's wrong with my stream, the first nice weekend I will stream my wife and I playing Amnesia and Slender outside with the projector :P

Actually, I have the bandwidth but if I were to do that what is the minimum specs for a laptop, it's a lot easier than taking moving my desktop outside

posted about 11 years ago
#57 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion

I think your approach in changing problem areas is great, however, I think removing all coaches on flank will work great except for those on the flank. Having a roamer or scout coach can sometimes be a good thing, especially when the flank is the least experienced. I think the better solution is to find people that you trust that will not try to carry the team with better DM and teach when to move in, when you're being baited, when to bait, etc.

While the combo or demo will know that the flank is down, they will not really completely know HOW the flank went down

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion

A lot of what is being said has been an issue since the second week of doing newbie mixes, just check some of the older threads on this issue. Here is the biggest issues that I have seen and things that make me never want to coach

1) Often people will add up that have been playing esea for quite awhile to either troll, pretend they are the shit, actually I have no idea why. Basically, there needs to be more people that can kick/ban these idiots.

2) 'Coaches' will often spend too much time just trying to roll the other team by themselves. Spend less time DMing and more time teaching and, at the very least, play the same class as the other coach.

3) I have never liked the idea of having more than one coach on a team. If there is more coaches than needed just relax and wait. Better yet, go over some positioning/ general help with the newbies that are waiting.

I have more, but my food is burning, i'll edit later

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion
RoodYbscLast time I coached some other coach just argued with me the whole time when I said sniper was a shitty classHow is sniper a "shitty" class anyway? lol

In Newbie mixes it really can be. It really depends how many times your team has played pugs. I don't think it's a great idea to start off-classing with people when it's the first time pugging, you really just want to start with the basics with really new people. You don't want them to get overwhelmed, or teach bad habits.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion
morningfoxFzeroDrPloxoLet's just say you have to be High-Open or higher and you can coach.
sounds like a good way to put it.

That's not really a good way either. I've been playing this game forever but I haven't taken the game seriously since probably Crack Clan days. Does that mean I can't coach? The half a dozen times that I have coached, I would say that I helped as much as I could and even offered to stay after to talk to those that had more questions.

Obviously there would be some exceptions, I don't know you personally so I can't say, but just from the belief that you don't think you could ever done a better job as a coach,you probably don't have the best attitude for a coach.

Huh? Are you saying that since I helped as much as I could, I am not a good coach? That makes no sense, at all.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoLet's just say you have to be High-Open or higher and you can coach.
sounds like a good way to put it.

That's not really a good way either. I've been playing this game forever but I haven't taken the game seriously since probably Crack Clan days. Does that mean I can't coach? The half a dozen times that I have coached, I would say that I helped as much as I could and even offered to stay after to talk to those that had more questions.

I have said this so many times but I will say it again, having only Fridays and Saturdays really hurt your chances of getting good, mature, and helpful coaches. While this isn't always the case, but a lot of the older players do not play on Friday or Saturdays (at least not very often)

I understand the argument that if you change the day you may not get as many newbies, but there hasn't been too many times where there is more coaches than newbies. I don't see the problem with at least trying to change the day once or twice.

Oh and also don't forget that its a day before easter, I'm sure quite a few people were traveling yesterday

posted about 11 years ago
#211 DDoS Attacks in TF2 General Discussion
PrototypesMany of you probably have dynamic IP's and don't even know. If you are getting attacked just try restarting your modem and your IP would change if you do. Take the precautions to protecting your IP after that and you should be fine. If you have a static IP you should talk to your ISP about the issue and they could give you help with preventing the attacks.

Actually, most users (at least US) have static IP's that are attached to your account. Hell, I even bought my own modem and it was still the same as my rented one

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ⋅⋅ 83