DataBoil, make sure the following convar is set to 0, otherwise hud_reloadscheme won't have any effect:
vgui_cache_res_files 0
CubekolIf you are editing main menu it will not show changes when you type hud_reloadscheme.
The best option for seeing changes without restarting the game is to change antialiasing level.
Correct, toggling mat_antialias between two values should make main menu stuff refresh (if cache res files is 0)
Be aware that it works only for main menu, if you are editing something like backpackpanel you need to restart your game every time you want to see changes.
Wrong, having toggleconsole bound to back tick/tilde ( ` or ~ ) allows you to open console in those panels and then enable vgui_drawtree 1. Having Highlight Selected ticked and selecting the correct parent in the tree with hud elements and clicking 'Reload Scheme (Highlighted)' will reload backpack/store panel stuff.
Reopening lobby panels will also reload them and you can even use a reloadscheme button in most backpack/store/loadout panels so you don't have to enable console and can do it with a press of a button.