Over the course of the last few seasons I've donated to different teams' LAN funds. I follow quite a few player streams on Twitch, and I always watch and comment in them. I am very thankful for our players from all divisions who support the community by mentoring and/or streaming, and I back that up by supporting them with my own money.
And, to sloppily co-opt a tired modern day battle cry, I am the 99 percent. That is, it's people like me (and a whole hell of a lot of other people) that keep this game alive with our financial support. ESEA s10 LAN, s11 LAN, s12 LAN, i46--those events don't happen the way they did without the generosity of Reddit pubbers, UGC highlander players, ESEA-O initiates, He-Whose-Name-I-Am-Not-Worthy-To-Speak, even spectators who don't even play TF2 but love watching Seanbud and Lange and Tagg and Pure and Tyrone and Platinum and Lansky do what they do.
We aren't asking for Big Brother: TF2. We don't need you to stream every scrim every night without interruption. You guys play multiple nights a week and you scrim multiple times a night. If your rig can handle it, one scrim a night, say, two nights a week is a fair compromise, and it's the right thing to do for the people out there who make this all possible.