BurningAlso the FOV is reset when you go through a teleporter, and there are probably some other things that reset it as well. I don't see this as being very useful as it is very hard to do. Oh well.
Anything that pops the camera out from your viewmodel or alters your FOV in any way - going into third person, spectating someone, taunting, using a teleporter, scoping in, probably altering your field of view normally.
BurningI'm pretty sure I know why this happens.
I don't think so. Remember, it happened to me while simply congaing, not using a tele. I think it's very situational and was probably exacerbated by a recent patch. I've played TF2 for years and I've never seen this happen before.
For the record though, Burning, I was able to reproduce it the way you said.
GiraffeI randomly ran into the commands that explain this the other day. It's built into tf2 that after teleporting your fov is increased to 120 and descales back to what you had before over a period of 0.5 second. Maybe alt-tabbing at the exact time causes it to get stuck at 120 fov.
It's not alt tabbing, though that could have caused it too if someone used fullscreen. I run in borderless windowed. It was probably the taunting that messed it up.
I know this is going to be patched within a few days now that we've narrowed it down, but please Valve, at least increase the FOV to 100. I understand the spy argument, and 120 isn't necessary, but at least give us 100, even if only through cvars ;_;
Anyway, I've managed to reproduce it a couple of times with the teleporter taunt. Something interesting to note is that while in this bugged mode, fov_desired does absolutely nothing. You can set your FOV to 75 and everything is still at a high FOV. Taunting does not revert it, but taking a tele, dying, and scoping in do.