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Monthly RGL Thread: July 2021
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how about the players vote for a guy to represent them in the RGL board?? kinda like an union leader??? if you rgl admins really are for transparancy and justice, you should be very open to this idea.

how about the players vote for a guy to represent them in the RGL board?? kinda like an union leader??? if you rgl admins really are for transparancy and justice, you should be very open to this idea.
13 Frags +
b0nes_NARight I got something GOLD. for context we are going into an rgl match in IM both of us are mid IM teams. med is currently on vacation so we need a ringer to play for us. Darty (IM scout main) volunteers to play MEDIC for us. our last ringer was an advanced ringer so he got denied (which is within the rules), however the other team denied this ringer. now for extra context the team lead on the other team is buddies with an rgl admin, and according to him he said the denial was validated by the admins in DM's. now unless admins get into match comms and communicate that shit it doesn't apply to the match. admins never posted that shit 4 days ago.
during the match timing they kept claiming to have a valid argument for why he should not be allowed to play MEDIC ON KOTH BAGEL, so our TL's started DM'ing each other and here's the screenshots for that.
so at around the same time these DM's are happening i decide to take the initiative for my team and contact an admin through a support ticket. NOW keep in mind this entire time DARTY IS PLAYING MEDIC, he is (according to RGL's very own rulebook) allowed to ring for match's in AM on medic.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfp2o6X4m0zdrX50kZ5YNsrvBANqxfDb-nEsRBb1wh0/view#heading=h.p0j0aqcb6ms6
Overall this entire situation is pathetic and stupid. the rule book was thrown at us ignoring the actual rules and we lost because the admin "dm'ed" that player to okay the deny. darty is on a playoffs IM team ringing for an IM match. he falls within the definitions of a "default ringer"

This same person last season spent 20 minutes before our match saying this such as "As per RGL rules...." and would give me exact sections of the rulebook over things such as readying up, reporting scores, etc. Because we wouldn't rup instantly and wanted to ring a low IM player LOL

The same admin you were dming randomly started messaging me about ringer rules 3 weeks after last season ended

[quote=b0nes_NA]Right I got something GOLD. for context we are going into an rgl match in IM both of us are mid IM teams. med is currently on vacation so we need a ringer to play for us. Darty (IM scout main) volunteers to play MEDIC for us. our last ringer was an advanced ringer so he got denied (which is within the rules), however the other team denied this ringer. now for extra context the team lead on the other team is buddies with an rgl admin, and according to him he said the denial was validated by the admins in DM's. now unless admins get into match comms and communicate that shit it doesn't apply to the match. admins never posted that shit 4 days ago.
during the match timing they kept claiming to have a valid argument for why he should not be allowed to play MEDIC ON KOTH BAGEL, so our TL's started DM'ing each other and here's the screenshots for that.
so at around the same time these DM's are happening i decide to take the initiative for my team and contact an admin through a support ticket. NOW keep in mind this entire time DARTY IS PLAYING MEDIC, he is (according to RGL's very own rulebook) allowed to ring for match's in AM on medic.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfp2o6X4m0zdrX50kZ5YNsrvBANqxfDb-nEsRBb1wh0/view#heading=h.p0j0aqcb6ms6
Overall this entire situation is pathetic and stupid. the rule book was thrown at us ignoring the actual rules and we lost because the admin "dm'ed" that player to okay the deny. darty is on a playoffs IM team ringing for an IM match. he falls within the definitions of a "default ringer"[/quote]

This same person last season spent 20 minutes before our match saying this such as "As per RGL rules...." and would give me exact sections of the rulebook over things such as readying up, reporting scores, etc. Because we wouldn't rup instantly and wanted to ring a low IM player LOL

The same admin you were dming randomly started messaging me about ringer rules 3 weeks after last season ended
-8 Frags +

these rgl niggas are smoking dick

these rgl niggas are smoking dick
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9 Frags +

Why don't we all just stop playing and paying for leagues we don't want to play in? That seems like a good start.

Why don't we all just stop playing and paying for leagues we don't want to play in? That seems like a good start.
57 Frags +

I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea that medic is so easy that any scout could play it at at least the same level, or the notion that an IM team is so afraid of an offclassing medic ringer that they have to deny him because he can surf.

I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea that medic is so easy that any scout could play it at at least the same level, or the notion that an IM team is so afraid of an offclassing medic ringer that they have to deny him because [i]he can surf[/i].
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SetsulI'm not sure what's funnier, the idea that medic is so easy that any scout could play it at at least the same level, or the notion that an IM team is so afraid of an offclassing medic ringer that they have to deny him because he can surf.

His surfs are so good the other medic kill binds out of respect

[quote=Setsul]I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea that medic is so easy that any scout could play it at at least the same level, or the notion that an IM team is so afraid of an offclassing medic ringer that they have to deny him because [i]he can surf[/i].[/quote]
His surfs are so good the other medic kill binds out of respect
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this just makes me feel sad

this just makes me feel sad
38 Frags +

Lmao shout-out to mid IM teams actively trying to avoid getting valuable match experience. God forbid you find yourself in an environment where all 12 players want to win.

Lmao shout-out to mid IM teams actively trying to avoid getting valuable match experience. God forbid you find yourself in an environment where all 12 players want to win.
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it happens in advanced too, rang for an adv team's match and watched them exhaust their entire friends lists trying to find a second ringer because the other team just denied everyone fishing for an easier win because 2 ringers wasn't enough of an advantage

it happens in advanced too, rang for an adv team's match and watched them exhaust their entire friends lists trying to find a [i]second[/i] ringer because the other team just denied everyone fishing for an easier win because 2 ringers wasn't enough of an advantage
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Shout-out to current year tf2 community too I guess. Trying their hardest to not name names and shit. Whatever happened to passive aggressively posting "good game team x" in the div thread when you get done dirty like that.

Shout-out to current year tf2 community too I guess. Trying their hardest to not name names and shit. Whatever happened to passive aggressively posting "good game team x" in the div thread when you get done dirty like that.
-14 Frags +

rgl: provides prize pools over 30k in a year.
also rgl: has admins incapable of thinking reasonably in front of literally everyone with a brain.

rgl: provides prize pools over 30k in a year.
also rgl: has admins incapable of thinking reasonably in front of literally everyone with a brain.
-7 Frags +
24Why don't we all just stop playing and paying for leagues we don't want to play in? That seems like a good start.

THIS! FUCKING THIS!!! this is what ive been trying to say for a while now!

[quote=24]Why don't we all just stop playing and paying for leagues we don't want to play in? That seems like a good start.[/quote]
THIS! FUCKING THIS!!! this is what ive been trying to say for a while now!
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The thing is most of the problems have been with the admins (and the website is slower than the muma rollout). The RGL production team is pretty good. Maybe most players don't care about casts and productions but maybe look into ways to fix what's wrong instead of defaulting to just boycotting start over? Starting up a new league is doable but also feels like the hardest solution we can come up with.

The thing is most of the problems have been with the admins (and the website is slower than the muma rollout). The RGL production team is pretty good. Maybe most players don't care about casts and productions but maybe look into ways to fix what's wrong instead of defaulting to just boycotting start over? Starting up a new league is doable but also feels like the hardest solution we can come up with.
23 Frags +

This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?

Like I could understand if it was a player a division higher, or a player banned on that class in their division, but that's kind of insane.

Don't get me wrong, their system is better than ESEAs, where I used Yui for two matches and had to play against stark in open, but I feel like you shouldn't be able to deny someone offclassing within their own division, especially on medic.

This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?

Like I could understand if it was a player a division higher, or a player banned on that class in their division, but that's kind of insane.

Don't get me wrong, their system is better than ESEAs, where I used Yui for two matches and had to play against stark in open, but I feel like you shouldn't be able to deny someone offclassing within their own division, especially on medic.
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walrex and I will analyze the match to finally to deduce if they were trolling on https://www.twitch.tv/walrex

here's the vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1075926636 and the conclusion was that it was a waste of time and they tried hard as they could with the players that they had

walrex and I will analyze the match to finally to deduce if they were trolling on https://www.twitch.tv/walrex

here's the vod https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1075926636 and the conclusion was that it was a waste of time and they tried hard as they could with the players that they had
-3 Frags +
DreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?

Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.

[quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.
22 Frags +
SetsulDreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.

Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/

[quote=Setsul][quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.[/quote]
Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/
7 Frags +
SetsulDreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.

someone on the other team may or may not be the head pug admin for RGL. I'm not saying anything happened though.
edit: the team leader also may or may not be involved with RGL dispatch

[quote=Setsul][quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.[/quote]

someone on the other team may or may not be the head pug admin for RGL. I'm not saying anything happened though.
edit: the team leader also may or may not be involved with RGL dispatch
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19 Frags +

Invite player runs sniper to mid...THROWING
Reece plays full time off class and loses... Nah not throwing

Invite player runs sniper to mid...THROWING
Reece plays full time off class and loses... Nah not throwing
14 Frags +
SetsulDreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.

thier team leader knows an rgl admin they only got approval for the denial in DM's. we were not aware at all. if your gonna get ur admin buddy to support u to bend the rules then you get ur rgl admin buddy to say that shit in match comms

[quote=Setsul][quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.[/quote]
thier team leader knows an rgl admin they only got approval for the denial in DM's. we were not aware at all. if your gonna get ur admin buddy to support u to bend the rules then you get ur rgl admin buddy to say that shit in match comms
18 Frags +
PinhedLarySetsulDreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/


[quote=PinhedLary][quote=Setsul][quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.[/quote]
Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/[/quote]
29 Frags +
b0nes_NAfuck u queequey

fun detail i wanna add is we only needed a ringer cos we let them reschedule to friday when our med is out of town and both of our pocket players were supposed to be busy

i canceled my plans with my gf so we could all play videogames and im rewarded with an hour and a half of sitting in a server with 12 players connected and not playing

i do want to thank scream for being a pretty good admin throughout the season. he was out of town and still got involved and helped us out here, apologized and everything

[quote=b0nes_NA]fuck u queequey[/quote]
fun detail i wanna add is we only needed a ringer cos we let them reschedule to friday when our med is out of town and both of our pocket players were supposed to be busy

i canceled my plans with my gf so we could all play videogames and im rewarded with an [b]hour and a half[/b] of sitting in a server with 12 players connected and not playing

i do want to thank scream for being a pretty good admin throughout the season. he was out of town and still got involved and helped us out here, apologized and everything
35 Frags +

imagine rgl admins at i52 calling sheep sniper throwing

imagine rgl admins at i52 calling sheep sniper throwing
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why would u blur out his name btw expose him for the retard he is

why would u blur out his name btw expose him for the retard he is
21 Frags +

it doesnt get much lower than ire, guy has too much power for anyone's interests beyond his own.

it doesnt get much lower than ire, guy has too much power for anyone's interests beyond his own.
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PinhedLarySetsulDreamboatThis IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/

I already got downfragged because people don't understand sarcasm on the internet.

[quote=PinhedLary][quote=Setsul][quote=Dreamboat]This IM one really confuses me. How is denying a someone who is in the division playing an offclass that they're eligible to play in the division allowed?
Maybe it's because top IM scout mains offclassing to medic are clearly not the same skill level as mid IM medic mains (they're obviously much better), maybe it's because their teamleader knows an RGL admin. Could be either one, really.[/quote]
Nah bro trust me I've played with darty and it's really about an even playing field, I don't think these guys denied darty bc he was too good, I think its just some bs so they can get a ffw which they ultimately got :/[/quote]
I already got downfragged because people don't understand sarcasm on the internet.
12 Frags +

If y'all want to make suggestions for the squares I can throw together a bingo card for the admin post that should be coming soon

If y'all want to make suggestions for the squares I can throw together a bingo card for the admin post that should be coming soon
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THEBILLDOZERIf y'all want to make suggestions for the squares I can throw together a bingo card for the admin post that should be coming soon

Ban reversed without explanation for center square

[quote=THEBILLDOZER]If y'all want to make suggestions for the squares I can throw together a bingo card for the admin post that should be coming soon[/quote]
Ban reversed without explanation for center square
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