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FROYO medic
10 Frags +


36 Frags +

After reading this thread up and down for about 30 minutes and bottling some thoughts knowing this log existed, I wanted to share some thoughts. If I get any concrete information wrong regarding the situation, please let me know so I can appropriately correct myself!

First and foremost, racism and transphobia is not cool. I care a lot about this community and love the game, priority number one is making sure we do our best as a community to not harbor hate. The Match Comm chat logs were disgusting, deplorable and a gross reminder that a living human specifically chose those words to cause harm.

Seeing a response like the one Hubida posted in the Match Comms really breaks my heart. This was over a ringer...in a video game? Just now getting an apology 11 months after the fact is suspect, but I'm happy he's starting to take a tiny step towards getting better.

Hubida, you're very lucky b4nny is giving you a chance as a player to prove yourself in the top of Invite and a platform as a person to demonstrate change. I don't know you very well and my limited reference for how you are as a person currently is that Match Comms page, but I currently have zero respect for you and believe you're still getting off way too easy.

You mentioned in your TwitLonger that you're working on it, which is very good! I can respect a person who is actively trying to get better and can admit fault but please don't stop here. Healing and growing is a process and shouldn't stop after 11 months. Don't stop trying to learn and improve because people aren't watching. Don't stop years later when you're not playing this game anymore.

Show the community in positive, constructive ways that you can act like an adult and demonstrate decency.
Show me and others that you're capable of empathy, understanding, and growing up.
Most importantly, show everyone that you're being sincere and serious about getting better as a person.

After reading this thread up and down for about 30 minutes and bottling some thoughts knowing this log existed, I wanted to share some thoughts. If I get any concrete information wrong regarding the situation, please let me know so I can appropriately correct myself!

First and foremost, [b]racism and transphobia is not cool[/b]. I care a lot about this community and love the game, priority number one is making sure we do our best as a community to not harbor hate. The Match Comm chat logs were disgusting, deplorable and a gross reminder that a living human specifically chose those words to cause harm.

Seeing a response like the one Hubida posted in the Match Comms really breaks my heart. This was over a ringer...in a video game? Just [i]now[/i] getting an apology 11 months after the fact is suspect, but I'm happy he's starting to take a tiny step towards getting better.

Hubida, you're [b]very[/b] lucky b4nny is giving you a chance as a player to prove yourself in the top of Invite and a platform as a person to demonstrate change. I don't know you very well and my limited reference for how you are as a person currently is that Match Comms page, but I currently have zero respect for you and believe you're still getting off way too easy.

You mentioned in your TwitLonger that you're working on it, which is very good! I can respect a person who is actively trying to get better and can admit fault but [b]please[/b] don't stop here. Healing and growing is a process and shouldn't stop after 11 months. Don't stop trying to learn and improve because people aren't watching. Don't stop years later when you're not playing this game anymore.

Show the community in positive, constructive ways that you can act like an adult and demonstrate decency.
Show me and others that you're capable of empathy, understanding, and growing up.
Most importantly, show everyone that you're being sincere and serious about getting better as a person.
-45 Frags +
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at least nursey wasn't racist
[spoiler][b]at least nursey wasn't racist[/b][/spoiler]
11 Frags +

I find it hard to find any apology made under public pressure sincere. If you had truly changed, you would have apologised before you showing remorse became dependent on you furthering your tf2 "career." But I guess any attempt to change and be better, even if for the wrong reasons, is better than none. If anything, the way b4nny has handled it is the most depressing, surely he has a pick of equally capable medics who are not bigoted?

I find it hard to find any apology made under public pressure sincere. If you had truly changed, you would have apologised before you showing remorse became dependent on you furthering your tf2 "career." But I guess any attempt to change and be better, even if for the wrong reasons, is better than none. If anything, the way b4nny has handled it is the most depressing, surely he has a pick of equally capable medics who are not bigoted?
27 Frags +

RGL will let just about anything slide so long as it isn’t pedophilia

RGL will let just about anything slide so long as it isn’t pedophilia
12 Frags +


30 Frags +

First and foremost, racism and transphobia is not cool.

First and foremost, [b]racism and transphobia is not cool.[/b]
6 Frags +

this thread sucks man

this thread sucks man
-15 Frags +


28 Frags +
zheepRGL will let just about anything slide so long as it isn’t pedophilia

They let pedophilia slide alot tho

[quote=zheep]RGL will let just about anything slide so long as it isn’t pedophilia[/quote]
They let pedophilia slide alot tho
7 Frags +

ok you are a cringelord we get it

ok you are a cringelord we get it
-28 Frags +

tf2 comp brazil is a big joke

tf2 comp brazil is a big joke
29 Frags +

bigger than you? I hardly think so

bigger than you? I hardly think so
-32 Frags +

Say hi to daddy pepito shitter

Say hi to daddy pepito shitter
-18 Frags +

witness for tf2 president 2024

witness for tf2 president 2024
16 Frags +

Really interesting to see what a decade of plasma donation does to a man

Really interesting to see what a decade of plasma donation does to a man
-4 Frags +
MarioManzofAwesomewitness for tf2 president 2024

Respectfully, no :)

[quote=MarioManzofAwesome]witness for tf2 president 2024[/quote]

Respectfully, no :)
85 Frags +

I don't think anyone has mentioned it but hub also was on the team that threw a match so shining star's team cat posse wouldn't make playoffs. It's not that the guy made a one off post in match comms, he has a pattern of transphobia and it is deeply disturbing to have that type of player on the most well known team in the game. What message do you think that sends to people about our community?

My own experience with the guy was him stalking my teams for a year looking for any way to fuck us over. He ended up reporting us to rgl for us saying on stream we wouldn't pay a ringer fee until rgl reminded us (we were in the wrong but it was very petty and vindictive). Also I will mention in div 2, me and many others were p convinced he was walling and he also was on the original cheater team with kenai which I believe has connections with the mxr team.

I don't think he has changed, I don't think his intial punishments were harsh enough, and I definitely do not feel his apology is in any way genuine. Disgusting individual.

I don't think anyone has mentioned it but hub also was on the team that threw a match so shining star's team cat posse wouldn't make playoffs. It's not that the guy made a one off post in match comms, he has a pattern of transphobia and it is deeply disturbing to have that type of player on the most well known team in the game. What message do you think that sends to people about our community?

My own experience with the guy was him stalking my teams for a year looking for any way to fuck us over. He ended up reporting us to rgl for us saying on stream we wouldn't pay a ringer fee until rgl reminded us (we were in the wrong but it was very petty and vindictive). Also I will mention in div 2, me and many others were p convinced he was walling and he also was on the original cheater team with kenai which I believe has connections with the mxr team.

I don't think he has changed, I don't think his intial punishments were harsh enough, and I definitely do not feel his apology is in any way genuine. Disgusting individual.
35 Frags +

he poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!

he poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!
-40 Frags +

guys someone was racist in an online video game no they never harassed anyone but they were RACIST and you simply cannot be racist in 2022 in an online video game

guys someone was racist in an online video game no they never harassed anyone but they were RACIST and you simply cannot be racist in 2022 in an online video game
35 Frags +
Mongguys someone was racist in an online video game no they never harassed anyone but they were RACIST and you simply cannot be racist in 2022 in an online video gamemopsyMy own experience with the guy was him stalking my teams for a year looking for any way to fuck us over.
[quote=Mong]guys someone was racist in an online video game no they never harassed anyone but they were RACIST and you simply cannot be racist in 2022 in an online video game[/quote]
My own experience with the guy was him stalking my teams for a year looking for any way to fuck us over. [/quote]
-49 Frags +

youre delusional if you think "racism" or "transphobia" (lol) or whatever in matches/pugs has anything to do with this community shrinking and dying

youre delusional if you think "racism" or "transphobia" (lol) or whatever in matches/pugs has anything to do with this community shrinking and dying
56 Frags +
toads_tfyoure delusional if you think "racism" or "transphobia" (lol) or whatever in matches/pugs has anything to do with this community shrinking and dying

youre delusional if you think that people being disgusting vile pieces of shit to each other doesnt

[quote=toads_tf]youre delusional if you think "racism" or "transphobia" (lol) or whatever in matches/pugs has anything to do with this community shrinking and dying[/quote]
youre delusional if you think that people being disgusting vile pieces of shit to each other doesnt
-21 Frags +

the weirdos and deviants who still play this game can pretend like they have any claim to moral normativity all they want. it's still gonna keep bleeding normal people

the weirdos and deviants who still play this game can pretend like they have any claim to moral normativity all they want. it's still gonna keep bleeding normal people
-30 Frags +

the fact that this thread starts off insinuating some guy is "a horrible and disgusting and vile piece of shit" for having a temper tantrum that looks like a 14 year old wrote it and not associating with a literal pedophile. lol

the fact that this thread starts off insinuating some guy is "a horrible and disgusting and vile piece of shit" for having a temper tantrum that looks like a 14 year old wrote it and not associating with a literal pedophile. lol
69 Frags +

i thought the same guy just posted 4 times in a row

i thought the same guy just posted 4 times in a row
0 Frags +
brodyi thought the same guy just posted 4 times in a row

Considering the timespan for toad I would still consider it a 3k

[quote=brody]i thought the same guy just posted 4 times in a row[/quote]
Considering the timespan for toad I would still consider it a 3k
23 Frags +

I just hop we have a good season ahead of us : )

I just hop we have a good season ahead of us : )
-18 Frags +

So you can get banned for saying slurs in a server that you eventually play a scrim on but not for posting the same slur on the rgl website???

So you can get banned for saying slurs in a server that you eventually play a scrim on but not for posting the same slur on the rgl website???
32 Frags +

This community shouldn’t harbor individuals like this. I’d rather see it just die than have somewhere where this behavior is acceptable

This community shouldn’t harbor individuals like this. I’d rather see it just die than have somewhere where this behavior is acceptable
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