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Jimmy Carter
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39th President Jimmy Carter is possibly on his death bed. Thoughts?

39th President Jimmy Carter is possibly on his [url=https://www.cartercenter.org/news/pr/2023/statement-on-president-carters-health.html]death bed[/url]. Thoughts?
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that's unfortunate but I don't really care to be honest

that's unfortunate but I don't really care to be honest
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dude lived to be almost 100 years old up to this point, man's gotta rest and meet god eventually

dude lived to be almost 100 years old up to this point, man's gotta rest and meet god eventually
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not the best president but very admirable as a post-president, one of the most moral actors to hold that position although that isn't saying a whole lot

not the best president but very admirable as a post-president, one of the most moral actors to hold that position although that isn't saying a whole lot
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that makes me sad

that makes me sad
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jimmy sharter lmao

jimmy sharter lmao
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The only president in US history that was a genuinely good person. Gonna be a sad day when he goes.

The only president in US history that was a genuinely good person. Gonna be a sad day when he goes.
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its still sad to read over his suicide note about his withered peanut farm that went sour

its still sad to read over his suicide note about his withered peanut farm that went sour
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