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Palestinian Genocide
posted in World Events
-6 Frags +
scratchhJwFacts!not only is there video of it happening so you just lied about #3 but theres literally photos of the wreckage at the pentagon matching the exact same plane that was involved within the hijacking so why lie for fun

I publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. If you do, I will happily recant my previous statement. Your claim that plane parts were found at the Pentagon is addressed in the documentary I cited. I also notice that you have ignored the complete absurdity that is the passport being found on the sidewalk far away from the crash site in NYC, Building 7 falling down for no reason, etc.

The only security footage I know of that shows the attack on the Pentagon is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8. As you can see, there's no plane in this footage. I'd be happy to see the footage you claim to know of.

Chris_I’m not Jewish I’m not Israeli, but if you cheerlead Hamas as some kind of freedom fighter you either have a tiny brain, don’t care and like the status quo or you’re an antisemite.

JW I don’t know your age but I suspect you’re going to regret being so naive in hindsight in years to come. You live in a confirmation bias bubble searching and reading easily discredited garbage just to make your echo chamber louder.

I am against terrorism & murder. I am also against theft. It is a simple historical fact that Israeli settlers stole land from Palestinians; this is documented, and many Palestinians still have the deeds of ownership to the land that belongs to them. It is also a fact that the Israeli army is negligently bombing civilians, including women and children, and even targeting civilian centers (e.g., hospitals), as well as preventing humanitarian supplies & aid from entering the Gaza Strip. I'm not pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas, I'm anti-Israel.

It isn't "cheerleading Hamas" to point out (1) the proven record of Israeli land-theft against Palestinians and (2) the disproportionate & mass killing of Palestinian civilians in the current conflict.

not only is there video of it happening so you just lied about #3 but theres literally photos of the wreckage at the pentagon matching the exact same plane that was involved within the hijacking so why lie for fun[/quote]I publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. If you do, I will happily recant my previous statement. Your claim that plane parts were found at the Pentagon is addressed in the documentary I cited. I also notice that you have ignored the complete absurdity that is the passport being found on the sidewalk far away from the crash site in NYC, Building 7 falling down for no reason, etc.

The only security footage I know of that shows the attack on the Pentagon is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8. As you can see, there's no plane in this footage. I'd be happy to see the footage you claim to know of.

[quote=Chris_]I’m not Jewish I’m not Israeli, but if you cheerlead Hamas as some kind of freedom fighter you either have a tiny brain, don’t care and like the status quo or you’re an antisemite.

JW I don’t know your age but I suspect you’re going to regret being so naive in hindsight in years to come. You live in a confirmation bias bubble searching and reading easily discredited garbage just to make your echo chamber louder.[/quote]I am against terrorism & murder. I am also against theft. It is a simple historical fact that Israeli settlers stole land from Palestinians; this is documented, and many Palestinians still have the deeds of ownership to the land that belongs to them. It is also a fact that the Israeli army is negligently bombing civilians, including women and children, and even targeting civilian centers (e.g., hospitals), as well as preventing humanitarian supplies & aid from entering the Gaza Strip. I'm not pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas, I'm anti-Israel.

It isn't "cheerleading Hamas" to point out (1) the proven record of Israeli land-theft against Palestinians and (2) the disproportionate & mass killing of Palestinian civilians in the current conflict.
-17 Frags +

found a video of Jw disrespecting a jewish business in New York https://www.tiktok.com/@ambamelia/video/7426027914006711583?lang=en

Good Job Israel and the IDF keep it up

found a video of Jw disrespecting a jewish business in New York https://www.tiktok.com/@ambamelia/video/7426027914006711583?lang=en

Good Job Israel and the IDF keep it up
1 Frags +

why would i believe that israel orchestrated the oct 7 attacks without any evidence when i could instead believe in the ingenuity, courage, and passion of the palestinian people & their resistance for which there is plenty of evidence

why would i believe that israel orchestrated the oct 7 attacks without any evidence when i could instead believe in the ingenuity, courage, and passion of the palestinian people & their resistance for which there is plenty of evidence
-2 Frags +

Also lol referring to the USS Maine as a false flag. The USA already had enough reasons to enter the war (namely Monroe doctrine but also le imperialism eecks dee)…
They exhumed the wreck and concluded it was a mine that ignited the Maine’s internal fuel storage. War was eminent anyways, especially with public opinion in favor of it. mckinley only conceded to not look weak. The United States had no reason to blow up their own ship. What is this schizo ass thread

Also lol referring to the USS Maine as a false flag. The USA already had enough reasons to enter the war (namely Monroe doctrine but also le imperialism eecks dee)…
They exhumed the wreck and concluded it was a mine that ignited the Maine’s internal fuel storage. War was eminent anyways, especially with public opinion in favor of it. mckinley only conceded to not look weak. The United States had no reason to blow up their own ship. What is this schizo ass thread
2 Frags +

I don't think it's totally unreasonable to think Israel could ALLOW Hamas to attack to give greater justification to invade Palestine but I don't think there's enough conclusive evidence there yet. There are some peculiar aberrations though I'd like to see elaborated on, like Israel knowing about the attack for a year before it was carried out, with additional footage of Hamas fighters doing test runs openly just weeks before, and Israel still deciding to remove 100 troops from the Gaza border just two days before the attack.

I don't think it's totally unreasonable to think Israel could ALLOW Hamas to attack to give greater justification to invade Palestine but I don't think there's enough conclusive evidence there yet. There are some peculiar aberrations though I'd like to see elaborated on, like [url=https://apnews.com/article/new-york-times-hamas-attack-israel-gaza-6088cad78f5e4153d671fe9b5b819308]Israel knowing about the attack for a year before[/url] it was carried out, with [url=https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinian-war-hamas-attack-border-wall-aa0b0f5f3613b6c6882cf37168e8e8ed]additional footage of Hamas fighters doing test runs openly[/url] just weeks before, and [url=https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-commando-companies-said-diverted-from-gaza-border-to-west-bank-days-before-oct-7/]Israel still deciding to remove 100 troops from the Gaza border just two days before the attack[/url].
9 Frags +
GuyehhhhhhhhhhhGood Job Israel and the IDF keep it up

Massive unapologetic racist shameless scamming asshole loves Israel and the IDF.

[quote=Guyehhhhhhhhhhh]Good Job Israel and the IDF keep it up[/quote]
Massive unapologetic racist shameless scamming asshole loves Israel and the IDF.
6 Frags +
JwBrimstoneyou think pearl harbor was an inside job?Yeah, it's obvious.

There are 3 types of inside jobs: The first is where the inside-jobbing country will literally cause the attack/event.

inside job some bitches

[quote=Jw][quote=Brimstone]you think pearl harbor was an inside job?[/quote]Yeah, it's obvious.

There are 3 types of inside jobs: The first is where the inside-jobbing country will literally cause the attack/event.[/quote]

inside job some bitches
17 Frags +


30 Frags +

I hate derailing the thread this hard from it's original topic, but some of things in here are so incredibly misinformed that they should be publicly called out.

JW1. The "hijacked" planes flew wildly off course for over an hour without ever being intercepted by US military aircraft. This is so strange and is beyond any explanation. The US knew that the planes were flying low and wildly off course, knew they were headed towards major population centers, and did not send a single military aircraft to intercept them.

I want to start with this, since you are claiming it as evidence when it's so easily falsifiable by a simple google search. The ATC & Military transcripts from that morning are publicly available and have been for a long time.
Here they are!
Here they are again!
The US did scramble fighters to intercept the planes, but they were confused and too late in their response. You are blatantly lying to everyone here.

JWA third building, Building 7, falling down for no reason on the day of the attack

The building was uncontrollably on fire, so I'm fascinated how you got to "falling down for no reason" from that.

JWthe fact that WTCs 1 and 2 look exactly like controlled demolitions and fall uniformly

Unless you're a physicist, civil engineer, or structural engineer, no one is going to care about your opinion on what a controlled demolition "looks like", because you have no expertise on the subject. Posting like you do have that expertise is laughable. Furthermore, it's strange to me that you find it so absurd that that buildings could collapse after getting hit by a Boeing 767. Your alternative explanation is that a massive amount of explosives were smuggled through downtown Manhattan into the WTC? With no one noticing? Seriously?

JW the fact that the owner of the WTCs took out an absurdly huge insurance plan shortly before the attack

Larry Silverstein signed the lease on the WTC in April 2001. When you purchase real estate, one of the first things you do is get insurance on your new properties. Furthermore, considering that the WTC suffered a terrorist attack in 1993, you would also want the insurance to cover terrorism. The only way you can think that buying insurance on the tallest buildings in the western hemisphere is part of a "conspiracy theory", is if you have no idea how anything works in real life.

JWthe fact that melted steel was found at the crash site (yes, melted)JWI publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11.

Hey I can play this game too! Can you show me this melted steel? I'm emphasizing steel here, not aluminum or some other metal with a much lower melting point. Also, if you think that the steel beams needed to melt into a liquid in order for the WTC collapse, you are once again illustrating that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

JWhow can a passport inside of one of the planes that hit the WTC not only (A) sustain no damage whatsoever from the attack, but also even more incredibly (B) end up blocks away from the crash site on the sidewalk on the day of the attack?

Lots of light items (like passports and paper documents) end up becoming scattered debris after plane crashes.

JWAnd you're telling me a random Arab is skilled enough to fly a passenger aircraft in a descending corkscrew towards the Pentagon

The hijacker/pilot of Flight 77 had experience flying a plane, because the hijackers prepared well in advance for the attack. A basic google search would turn up plenty of evidence about this.

JW there is literally 0 physical evidence that a plane actually hit the Pentagon. No videos, no white-painted metal plane parts, no anything.

Lying again.



Please stop lying and posting disinformation. When you post shit like this, the result is that nobody believe anything you say, because it's clear to see that you have no issues lying and misleading people.

I hate derailing the thread this hard from it's original topic, but some of things in here are so incredibly misinformed that they should be publicly called out.

[quote=JW]1. The "hijacked" planes flew wildly off course for over an hour without ever being intercepted by US military aircraft. This is so strange and is beyond any explanation. The US knew that the planes were flying low and wildly off course, knew they were headed towards major population centers, and did not send a single military aircraft to intercept them.[/quote]
I want to start with this, since you are claiming it as evidence when it's so easily falsifiable by a simple google search. The ATC & Military transcripts from that morning are publicly available and have been for a long time.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYBhgEm3j7A]Here they are! [/url]
[url=https://rutgerslawreview.com/a-new-type-of-war/]Here they are again![/url]
The US did scramble fighters to intercept the planes, but they were confused and too late in their response. You are blatantly lying to everyone here.
[quote=JW]A third building, Building 7, falling down for no reason on the day of the attack[/quote]
The building was uncontrollably on fire, so I'm fascinated how you got to "falling down for no reason" from that.
[quote=JW]the fact that WTCs 1 and 2 look exactly like controlled demolitions and fall uniformly[/quote]
Unless you're a physicist, civil engineer, or structural engineer, no one is going to care about your opinion on what a controlled demolition "looks like", because you have no expertise on the subject. Posting like you do have that expertise is laughable. Furthermore, it's strange to me that you find it so absurd that that buildings could collapse after getting hit by a Boeing 767. Your alternative explanation is that a massive amount of explosives were smuggled through downtown Manhattan into the WTC? With no one noticing? Seriously?
[quote=JW] the fact that the owner of the WTCs took out an absurdly huge insurance plan shortly before the attack[/quote]
Larry Silverstein signed the lease on the WTC in April 2001. When you purchase real estate, one of the first things you do is get insurance on your new properties. Furthermore, considering that the WTC suffered a terrorist attack in 1993, you would also want the insurance to cover terrorism. The only way you can think that buying insurance on the tallest buildings in the western hemisphere is part of a "conspiracy theory", is if you have no idea how anything works in real life.
[quote=JW]the fact that melted steel was found at the crash site (yes, melted)[/quote]
[quote=JW]I publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11.[/quote]
Hey I can play this game too! Can you show me this melted steel? I'm emphasizing steel here, not aluminum or some other metal with a much lower melting point. Also, if you think that the steel beams needed to melt into a liquid in order for the WTC collapse, you are once again illustrating that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
[quote=JW]how can a passport inside of one of the planes that hit the WTC not only (A) sustain no damage whatsoever from the attack, but also even more incredibly (B) end up blocks away from the crash site on the sidewalk on the day of the attack?[/quote]
Lots of light items (like passports and paper documents) end up becoming scattered debris after plane crashes.
[quote=JW]And you're telling me a random Arab is skilled enough to fly a passenger aircraft in a descending corkscrew towards the Pentagon[/quote]
The hijacker/pilot of Flight 77 had experience flying a plane, because the hijackers prepared well in advance for the attack. A basic google search would turn up plenty of evidence about this.
[quote=JW] there is literally 0 physical evidence that a plane actually hit the Pentagon. No videos, no white-painted metal plane parts, no anything.[/quote]
Lying again.
Please stop lying and posting disinformation. When you post shit like this, the result is that nobody believe anything you say, because it's clear to see that you have no issues lying and misleading people.
5 Frags +




7 Frags +

JW went to the airport and tried to get tickets to Agartha

JW went to the airport and tried to get tickets to Agartha
32 Frags +
Jwa random Arab

missed it the first time but this is such an subtle little sneak peek into Jws incredible mind lol. 9/11 had to have been an inside job because brown people could never learn to fly airplanes.

[quote=Jw]a random Arab[/quote]
missed it the first time but this is such an subtle little sneak peek into Jws incredible mind lol. 9/11 had to have been an inside job because brown people could never learn to fly airplanes.
-15 Frags +

I love Israel

I love Israel
-13 Frags +

Great news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.


Great news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.
20 Frags +

they finally killed a handful of figureheads of a political movement it only took 64315 trillions of united states dollars in military aid and five IDF mutinies over the right to sexually assault and mutilate prisoners

they finally killed a handful of figureheads of a political movement it only took 64315 trillions of united states dollars in military aid and five IDF mutinies over the right to sexually assault and mutilate prisoners
-3 Frags +


21 Frags +

It's been 90 years of killing Palestinian resistance leaders but I'm sure THIS is the one that will finally snuff out the movement. Oh, a new generation of orphaned kids who have only known war and toil have replaced them? For the dozenth time? Please bro just another $20bn in arms bro no this time for sure it's a different strain bro this one will stop them for sure bro just need $20bn

It's been 90 years of killing Palestinian resistance leaders but I'm sure THIS is the one that will finally snuff out the movement. Oh, a new generation of orphaned kids who have only known war and toil have replaced them? For the dozenth time? Please bro just another $20bn in arms bro no this time for sure it's a different strain bro this one will stop them for sure bro just need $20bn
-1 Frags +
MongGreat news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.

The deaths of the martyrs will only fuel stronger resistance in the future, so long as Israel continues to be the most evil country post WW2.

Sinwar did die (as a brave soldier, not a coward hiding away like Bibi et al), but another will rise to take his place, and the resistance will never die out.

[quote=Mong]Great news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.

The deaths of the martyrs will only fuel stronger resistance in the future, so long as Israel continues to be the most evil country post WW2.

Sinwar did die (as a brave soldier, not a coward hiding away like Bibi et al), but another will rise to take his place, and the resistance will never die out.
1 Frags +
alex80MongGreat news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.

The deaths of the martyrs will only fuel stronger resistance in the future, so long as Israel continues to be the most evil country post WW2.

Sinwar did die (as a brave soldier, not a coward hiding away like Bibi et al), but another will rise to take his place, and the resistance will never die out.

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!

[quote=alex80][quote=Mong]Great news! All pre-Oct 7th Hamas leaders are now dead.

The deaths of the martyrs will only fuel stronger resistance in the future, so long as Israel continues to be the most evil country post WW2.

Sinwar did die (as a brave soldier, not a coward hiding away like Bibi et al), but another will rise to take his place, and the resistance will never die out.[/quote]
So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!
11 Frags +
JwscratchhJwFacts!not only is there video of it happening so you just lied about #3 but theres literally photos of the wreckage at the pentagon matching the exact same plane that was involved within the hijacking so why lie for funI publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. If you do, I will happily recant my previous statement. Your claim that plane parts were found at the Pentagon is addressed in the documentary I cited. I also notice that you have ignored the complete absurdity that is the passport being found on the sidewalk far away from the crash site in NYC, Building 7 falling down for no reason, etc.

The only security footage I know of that shows the attack on the Pentagon is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8. As you can see, there's no plane in this footage. I'd be happy to see the footage you claim to know of.
Chris_I’m not Jewish I’m not Israeli, but if you cheerlead Hamas as some kind of freedom fighter you either have a tiny brain, don’t care and like the status quo or you’re an antisemite.

JW I don’t know your age but I suspect you’re going to regret being so naive in hindsight in years to come. You live in a confirmation bias bubble searching and reading easily discredited garbage just to make your echo chamber louder.
I am against terrorism & murder. I am also against theft. It is a simple historical fact that Israeli settlers stole land from Palestinians; this is documented, and many Palestinians still have the deeds of ownership to the land that belongs to them. It is also a fact that the Israeli army is negligently bombing civilians, including women and children, and even targeting civilian centers (e.g., hospitals), as well as preventing humanitarian supplies & aid from entering the Gaza Strip. I'm not pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas, I'm anti-Israel.

It isn't "cheerleading Hamas" to point out (1) the proven record of Israeli land-theft against Palestinians and (2) the disproportionate & mass killing of Palestinian civilians in the current conflict.


not only is there video of it happening so you just lied about #3 but theres literally photos of the wreckage at the pentagon matching the exact same plane that was involved within the hijacking so why lie for fun[/quote]I publicly challenge you to link any footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. If you do, I will happily recant my previous statement. Your claim that plane parts were found at the Pentagon is addressed in the documentary I cited. I also notice that you have ignored the complete absurdity that is the passport being found on the sidewalk far away from the crash site in NYC, Building 7 falling down for no reason, etc.

The only security footage I know of that shows the attack on the Pentagon is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SL2PzzOiF8. As you can see, there's no plane in this footage. I'd be happy to see the footage you claim to know of.

[quote=Chris_]I’m not Jewish I’m not Israeli, but if you cheerlead Hamas as some kind of freedom fighter you either have a tiny brain, don’t care and like the status quo or you’re an antisemite.

JW I don’t know your age but I suspect you’re going to regret being so naive in hindsight in years to come. You live in a confirmation bias bubble searching and reading easily discredited garbage just to make your echo chamber louder.[/quote]I am against terrorism & murder. I am also against theft. It is a simple historical fact that Israeli settlers stole land from Palestinians; this is documented, and many Palestinians still have the deeds of ownership to the land that belongs to them. It is also a fact that the Israeli army is negligently bombing civilians, including women and children, and even targeting civilian centers (e.g., hospitals), as well as preventing humanitarian supplies & aid from entering the Gaza Strip. I'm not pro-Palestine or pro-Hamas, I'm anti-Israel.

It isn't "cheerleading Hamas" to point out (1) the proven record of Israeli land-theft against Palestinians and (2) the disproportionate & mass killing of Palestinian civilians in the current conflict.[/quote]

-7 Frags +

Take a break from obsessively replying every few months I grace this website with my presence








Take a break from obsessively replying every few months I grace this website with my presence
7 Frags +
Mongbunch of images

Maybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.

[quote=Mong]bunch of images[/quote]
Maybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.
-9 Frags +
yak404Mongbunch of imagesMaybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.

Why did u say this in here when we're in voice chat?

[quote=yak404][quote=Mong]bunch of images[/quote]
Maybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.[/quote]
Why did u say this in here when we're in voice chat?
8 Frags +
Mongyak404Mongbunch of imagesMaybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.Why did u say this in here when we're in voice chat?

You join a mumble I'm in whilst I'm playing games with someone else to brag about some shitty tftv post you're about to drop just for you to drop it and it actually be worse than anything I could possibly imagine.

[quote=Mong][quote=yak404][quote=Mong]bunch of images[/quote]
Maybe if you weren't a mouthbreather this guy wouldnt be forced to correct the misinformation that you spout on the regular.[/quote]
Why did u say this in here when we're in voice chat?[/quote]
You join a mumble I'm in whilst I'm playing games with someone else to brag about some shitty tftv post you're about to drop just for you to drop it and it actually be worse than anything I could possibly imagine.
19 Frags +
MongTake a break from obsessively replying every few months I grace this website with my presence


[quote=Mong]Take a break from obsessively replying every few months I grace this website with my presence
1 Frags +
malarkeySo brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians![/quote]

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!
-8 Frags +
MakmalarkeySo brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!
dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!

Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians![/quote]

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life![/quote]
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good
-3 Frags +
malarkeyMakmalarkeySo brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!
dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good

no i dont think it was good for them to explode those ravers with drones as well as chase down the stragglers so that they could cry about all the dead ravers and blame hamas for it either, using it as justification to kill 200000~ and displace thousands more in occupied palestine and more recently Lebanon

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians![/quote]

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life![/quote]
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good[/quote]

no i dont think it was good for them to explode those ravers with drones as well as chase down the stragglers so that they could cry about all the dead ravers and blame hamas for it either, using it as justification to kill 200000~ and displace thousands more in occupied palestine and more recently Lebanon
-3 Frags +
malarkeyMakmalarkeySo brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!
dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good

ur such a pussy, everyone (yourself include) knows exactly your position when you act incensed by Hamas but don't say anything about the genocide. its just pathetic when little worms don't say what they mean and instead dance around their words "ermm ackshually i didnt say Israel is good!"

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians![/quote]

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life![/quote]
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good[/quote]
ur such a pussy, everyone (yourself include) knows exactly your position when you act incensed by Hamas but don't say anything about the genocide. its just pathetic when little worms don't say what they mean and instead dance around their words "ermm ackshually i didnt say Israel is good!"
-6 Frags +
pajaromalarkeyMakmalarkeySo brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians!
dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life!
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good
ur such a pussy, everyone (yourself include) knows exactly your position when you act incensed by Hamas but don't say anything about the genocide. its just pathetic when little worms don't say what they mean and instead dance around their words "ermm ackshually i didnt say Israel is good!"

I didn’t say anything else in the thread bcz I generally agree that Israel is going way too far, it pissed me off that that guy said that a child murdering terrorist coward “died like a soldier.”

So brave the way he organized the murder of 300+ civilians![/quote]

dont google hannibal directive and for eyewitness testimonies of IDF and armed settlers firing upon Isr*elis, worst mistake of my life![/quote]
Notice how I didn’t say what Israel is doing is good[/quote]
ur such a pussy, everyone (yourself include) knows exactly your position when you act incensed by Hamas but don't say anything about the genocide. its just pathetic when little worms don't say what they mean and instead dance around their words "ermm ackshually i didnt say Israel is good!"[/quote]
I didn’t say anything else in the thread bcz I generally agree that Israel is going way too far, it pissed me off that that guy said that a child murdering terrorist coward “died like a soldier.”
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This thread has been locked.