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Breaking bad
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4 Frags +
NoonaOn one of the producers twitter (can't seem to find the tweet right now, will edit later), he announced that there we will be prequels or stories based off of supporting characters, but there is no ETA on that.


[quote=Noona]On one of the producers twitter (can't seem to find the tweet right now, will edit later), he announced that there we will be prequels or stories based off of supporting characters, but there is no ETA on that.[/quote]
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Is there any place where I can watch this for free?

Is there any place where I can watch this for free?
8 Frags +
chunkeyyyIs there any place where I can watch this for free?

the internet

[quote=chunkeyyy]Is there any place where I can watch this for free?[/quote]
the internet
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near-perfect finale. wasnt totally satisfied with jesse/walt ending but w/e. i think i wanted a direct walt apology but jesse is happy so im happy.

near-perfect finale. wasnt totally satisfied with jesse/walt ending but w/e. i think i wanted a direct walt apology but jesse is happy so im happy.
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Most satisfied ive been with show ever. Im so sad its over!!!!

Most satisfied ive been with show ever. Im so sad its over!!!!
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How Dexter should have ended :<

How Dexter should have ended :<
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SerotoneflippersI genuinely wonder what happened to jesse, suicide? Thats the only real option i see here. Hes broken to a point of no return.He felt the Need for Speed.

hahaha yes

[quote=Serotone][quote=flippers]I genuinely wonder what happened to jesse, suicide? Thats the only real option i see here. Hes broken to a point of no return.[/quote]
He felt the Need for Speed.[/quote]
hahaha yes
0 Frags +

I'm with a lot of people, would have been nice to get a bit more reconciliation between Walt and Jesse. Still everything else was amazing, and the idea of all of "it" being it between them just like that was good. Jesse actually fought against Walt's manipulation too (didn't shoot Walt to disobey him). And Jesse got the same nod Walt gave Jack over Jesse.

I'm with a lot of people, would have been nice to get a bit more reconciliation between Walt and Jesse. Still everything else was amazing, and the idea of all of "it" being it between them just like that was good. Jesse actually fought against Walt's manipulation too (didn't shoot Walt to disobey him). And Jesse got the same nod Walt gave Jack over Jesse.
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NoonaLionxIt all ends tonight.

Any recommendations for other shows since Breaking Bad is ending tonight?

I've watched the first season of Dexter but I heard after Season 4 it was bad so I'm kind of staying away from it.

Most likely going to get minus fragged for my suggestion, but w/e.

New Girl started last week, and is one of the very few shows that have made me laugh out loud when I'm alone. It's on Fox at 9/8c on Tuesdays.

However it's nothing similar to breaking bad, not as dramatic and is comedy based. It's simply a suggestion of what you can watch until you find a different series.

Side Note:
Also, Breaking Bad may be over, but the people that make it aren't. On one of the producers twitter (can't seem to find the tweet right now, will edit later), he announced that there we will be prequels or stories based off of supporting characters, but there is no ETA on that.

dude i thought new girl was a boring rom com girl show but it's fucking hilarious. Schmidt is amazing. Also, I'd love to see Walter White going through college and making Grey Matter and that whole debacle with Gretchen/Elliot.

[quote=Noona][quote=Lionx]It all ends tonight.

Any recommendations for other shows since Breaking Bad is ending tonight?

I've watched the first season of Dexter but I heard after Season 4 it was bad so I'm kind of staying away from it.[/quote]

Most likely going to get minus fragged for my suggestion, but w/e.

New Girl started last week, and is one of the very few shows that have made me laugh out loud when I'm alone. It's on Fox at 9/8c on Tuesdays.

However it's nothing similar to breaking bad, not as dramatic and is comedy based. It's simply a suggestion of what you can watch until you find a different series.

Side Note:
Also, Breaking Bad may be over, but the people that make it aren't. On one of the producers twitter (can't seem to find the tweet right now, will edit later), he announced that there we will be prequels or stories based off of supporting characters, but there is no ETA on that.[/quote]
dude i thought new girl was a boring rom com girl show but it's fucking hilarious. Schmidt is amazing. Also, I'd love to see Walter White going through college and making Grey Matter and that whole debacle with Gretchen/Elliot.
2 Frags +
Show Content

Goodbye Old Friend.

[spoiler] [img]https://lh3.ggpht.com/-MAOix6BiYCU/UkjfTbdH7LI/AAAAAAAAwoY/5iXRMazGznk/s1600/0.gif[/img]

Goodbye Old Friend.
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It was pretty good. I still think it would've been cooler if they went for the darker tragic ending but that kind of thing doesn't go over well with modern audiences so I guess they pretty much needed to give some Walt some small redemption and let him go out happy. Given the direction they took it I thought it was very well done, they wrapped up the loose ends well.

I did find a couple things confusing maybe you guys noticed the answers to these that I missed:

1) What was Walt's motivation for murdering Lydia? When he brought the ricin to his meeting with her previously it was to tie up loose ends and prevent his exposure right? Or am I remembering that wrong? If that's correct why would he murder her now given that he goes to the gang compound expecting to either die or get arrested?

2) By telling her he poisoned her didn't he effectively just save her? The entire point of that poison was that it was relatively slow acting and just looked like some kind of bad disease right? If she just goes to the hospital and tells them she has ricin poisoning they can save her considering it's been less than a day when she finds out...

3) How did Walt get shot? The exterior shots of the clubhouse show the MG was chewing a perfectly horizontal line like 4 feet above the floor and Walt was lying down on top of Jesse long before the gun started firing.

It was pretty good. I still think it would've been cooler if they went for the darker tragic ending but that kind of thing doesn't go over well with modern audiences so I guess they pretty much needed to give some Walt some small redemption and let him go out happy. Given the direction they took it I thought it was very well done, they wrapped up the loose ends well.

I did find a couple things confusing maybe you guys noticed the answers to these that I missed:

1) What was Walt's motivation for murdering Lydia? When he brought the ricin to his meeting with her previously it was to tie up loose ends and prevent his exposure right? Or am I remembering that wrong? If that's correct why would he murder her now given that he goes to the gang compound expecting to either die or get arrested?

2) By telling her he poisoned her didn't he effectively just save her? The entire point of that poison was that it was relatively slow acting and just looked like some kind of bad disease right? If she just goes to the hospital and tells them she has ricin poisoning they can save her considering it's been less than a day when she finds out...

3) How did Walt get shot? The exterior shots of the clubhouse show the MG was chewing a perfectly horizontal line like 4 feet above the floor and Walt was lying down on top of Jesse long before the gun started firing.
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5 Frags +
ukmIt was pretty good. I still think it would've been cooler if they went for the darker tragic ending but that kind of thing doesn't go over well with modern audiences so I guess they pretty much needed to give some Walt some small redemption and let him go out happy. Given the direction they took it I thought it was very well done, they wrapped up the loose ends well.

I did find a couple things confusing maybe you guys noticed the answers to these that I missed:

1) What was Walt's motivation for murdering Lydia? When he brought the ricin to his meeting with her previously it was to tie up loose ends and prevent his exposure right? Or am I remembering that wrong? If that's correct why would he murder her now given that he goes to the gang compound expecting to either die or get arrested?

2) By telling her he poisoned her didn't he effectively just save her? The entire point of that poison was that it was relatively slow acting and just looked like some kind of bad disease right? If she just goes to the hospital and tells them she has ricin poisoning they can save her considering it's been less than a day when she finds out...

3) How did Walt get shot? The exterior shots of the clubhouse show the MG was chewing a perfectly horizontal line like 4 feet above the floor and Walt was lying down on top of Jesse long before the gun started firing.

1) She's a total bitch and deserved to die.

2) I'm sure he, being a Chemistry genius, knows how big of a dose she had and how much time she has left to live.

3) Maybe a ricochet?

[quote=ukm]It was pretty good. I still think it would've been cooler if they went for the darker tragic ending but that kind of thing doesn't go over well with modern audiences so I guess they pretty much needed to give some Walt some small redemption and let him go out happy. Given the direction they took it I thought it was very well done, they wrapped up the loose ends well.

I did find a couple things confusing maybe you guys noticed the answers to these that I missed:

1) What was Walt's motivation for murdering Lydia? When he brought the ricin to his meeting with her previously it was to tie up loose ends and prevent his exposure right? Or am I remembering that wrong? If that's correct why would he murder her now given that he goes to the gang compound expecting to either die or get arrested?

2) By telling her he poisoned her didn't he effectively just save her? The entire point of that poison was that it was relatively slow acting and just looked like some kind of bad disease right? If she just goes to the hospital and tells them she has ricin poisoning they can save her considering it's been less than a day when she finds out...

3) How did Walt get shot? The exterior shots of the clubhouse show the MG was chewing a perfectly horizontal line like 4 feet above the floor and Walt was lying down on top of Jesse long before the gun started firing.[/quote]
1) She's a total bitch and deserved to die.

2) I'm sure he, being a Chemistry genius, knows how big of a dose she had and how much time she has left to live.

3) Maybe a ricochet?
3 Frags +

1) tying up loose ends? lydia was a threat who wanted skyler dead. walt didnt know this specifically but must have known she could be a problem.

(from a writing standpoint if she was left alive then people would know she would be an issue, because of the skyler threat, and the writers wanted all plotlines finished up)

2) ricin is incurable

3) you've got me with this one, ricochet i guess? :V

1) tying up loose ends? lydia was a threat who wanted skyler dead. walt didnt know this specifically but must have known she could be a problem.

(from a writing standpoint if she was left alive then people would know she would be an issue, because of the skyler threat, and the writers wanted all plotlines finished up)

2) ricin is [url=www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/ricin/qa.asp]incurable[/url]

3) you've got me with this one, ricochet i guess? :V
1 Frags +

Kinda wish Walt had cooked up one last batch. Otherwise, nice conclusion to a great show.
That Need for Speed ending for Jesse was way too uncanny though. Couldn't help but laugh.

Kinda wish Walt had cooked up one last batch. Otherwise, nice conclusion to a great show.
That Need for Speed ending for Jesse was way too uncanny though. Couldn't help but laugh.
2 Frags +


I liked Jesse's ending, it was great to see Todd get his comeuppance.

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I also love that Walt gave Skyler the coordinates for where Hank and Gomie are buried. At least Marie will get some closure from it.

I liked Jesse's ending, it was great to see Todd get his comeuppance.

[spoiler]I also love that Walt gave Skyler the coordinates for where Hank and Gomie are buried. At least Marie will get some closure from it.[/spoiler]
0 Frags +
Jambi1) tying up loose ends? lydia was a threat who wanted skyler dead. walt didnt know this specifically but must have known she could be a problem.

It was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

[quote=Jambi]1) tying up loose ends? lydia was a threat who wanted skyler dead. walt didnt know this specifically but must have known she could be a problem. [/quote]

It was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.
1 Frags +
Mr_OwlIt was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

He learned that after he poisoned Lydia though. Lydia was just a loose end and potential threat he wanted to get rid of, and learning about the threats just make it more justified to him.

[quote=Mr_Owl]It was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.[/quote]
He learned that after he poisoned Lydia though. Lydia was just a loose end and potential threat he wanted to get rid of, and learning about the threats just make it more justified to him.
0 Frags +
brownymasterMr_OwlIt was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.He learned that after he poisoned Lydia though. Lydia was just a loose end and potential threat he wanted to get rid of, and learning about the threats just make it more justified to him.

welp, you're right. I watched the episode before work this morning and some things are a little out of order in my head. Thanks for the correction.

[quote=brownymaster][quote=Mr_Owl]It was after he had gotten the ricin, but Walt knew that Lydia was a threat to Skylar when she told him at her condo that the nazis had broken into the old house and told her not to mention the "lady from the carwash". Either way, he would have known she was a threat that needed to be eliminated.[/quote]
He learned that after he poisoned Lydia though. Lydia was just a loose end and potential threat he wanted to get rid of, and learning about the threats just make it more justified to him.[/quote]

welp, you're right. I watched the episode before work this morning and some things are a little out of order in my head. Thanks for the correction.
1 Frags +

here, breaking bad "felina" can be watched here if any1 else didnt watch it yet...

this is part 1/4, other parts are inside his channel.

here, breaking bad "felina" can be watched here if any1 else didnt watch it yet...

this is part 1/4, other parts are inside his channel.
6 Frags +

Right near the end when he was looking down longingly at something on the table I thought he was eyeing up some of the blue and was gonna take a bump and go out on a high... instead he picked up the gas mask. :/

Right near the end when he was looking down longingly at something on the table I thought he was eyeing up some of the blue and was gonna take a bump and go out on a high... instead he picked up the gas mask. :/
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Poor guy.


Poor guy.

1 Frags +

I thought he was going to do one last batch- it would have been so fitting. What a ride though...it's amazing how a story can feel like a part of you. Now that it's over there's an empty feeling today.

I thought he was going to do one last batch- it would have been so fitting. What a ride though...it's amazing how a story can feel like a part of you. Now that it's over there's an empty feeling today.
3 Frags +

damn over 10 million viewers for the finale. thats absurd. Granite State only got 6.5 or something. damn, that's incredible.

damn over 10 million viewers for the finale. thats absurd. Granite State only got 6.5 or something. damn, that's incredible.
0 Frags +
Rockkkkkkkdamn over 10 million viewers for the finale. thats absurd. Granite State only got 6.5 or something. damn, that's incredible.

Sadly Walking Dead S3 averaged more than that. At least BB ended at its peak.

[quote=Rockkkkkkk]damn over 10 million viewers for the finale. thats absurd. Granite State only got 6.5 or something. damn, that's incredible.[/quote]
Sadly Walking Dead S3 averaged more than that. At least BB ended at its peak.
3 Frags +

Cool thing I noticed while watching -- the song playing in the

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Shwartz's House

was Ballet Faust, by Gounod.
A Faustian bargain is a deal with the devil.

Breaking Bad music choices were amazing, especially in the most recent few episodes.

Cool thing I noticed while watching -- the song playing in the [spoiler]Shwartz's House[/spoiler] was Ballet Faust, by Gounod.
A Faustian bargain is a deal with the devil.

Breaking Bad music choices were amazing, especially in the most recent few episodes.
12 Frags +
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mini sentries are so fucking op
[spoiler]mini sentries are so fucking op[/spoiler]
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