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Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy.
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So a few days ago I was watching a stream and tojo made a comment about being able to change the spy cloak and decloak sound and I said something about it being blocked by sv_pure 2, not an issue in leagues.

I was wrong.

Reflecto messaged me linking me this thread: https://www.teamfortress.tv/post/903369/stock-rl-sounds-for-original
You can basically just cheat your ass off with this stuff.

SO I'm posting this so that Valve is either 1. going to fix it or 2. really just sit on their asses all day
Honestly by the time an exploit like this gets to me, they've likely received emails about it and thought nothing of them.

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Also word on the street is people are already doing this and some of them are doing it in invite, if you are you're literally just a cheater lmfao



1. Download GCFScape

2. Go to your tf folder and open tf2_misc_dir.vpk in GCFScape

3. Go to the resources folder, and grab the file called 'game_sounds_player.txt'

4. Put this in your custom folder under this structure: tf/custom/LiterallyCheats/scripts/game_sounds_player.txt

5. Open this file in any text editor and find "Player.Spy_Cloak"
This is what I set mine to:
"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "0.5"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_40dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

6. Literally never die to a spy ever again.

So a few days ago I was watching a stream and tojo made a comment about being able to change the spy cloak and decloak sound and I said something about it being blocked by sv_pure 2, not an issue in leagues.

I was wrong.

Reflecto messaged me linking me this thread: https://www.teamfortress.tv/post/903369/stock-rl-sounds-for-original
You can basically just cheat your ass off with this stuff.

SO I'm posting this so that Valve is either 1. going to fix it or 2. really just sit on their asses all day
Honestly by the time an exploit like this gets to me, they've likely received emails about it and thought nothing of them.

[spoiler]Also word on the street is people are already doing this and some of them are doing it in invite, if you are you're literally just a cheater lmfao[/spoiler]



1. Download [url=https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/GCFScape]GCFScape[/url]

2. Go to your tf folder and open tf2_misc_dir.vpk in GCFScape

3. Go to the resources folder, and grab the file called 'game_sounds_player.txt'

4. Put this in your custom folder under this structure: tf/custom/LiterallyCheats/scripts/game_sounds_player.txt

5. Open this file in any text editor and find "Player.Spy_Cloak"
This is what I set mine to:
"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "0.5"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_40dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB"
"wave" "ui/killsound_note.wav"

6. Literally never die to a spy ever again.
62 Frags +

this has been a problem in highlander for like 2 years, several people have been banned for using it but i imagine it could be hard to detect.

this has been a problem in highlander for like 2 years, several people have been banned for using it but i imagine it could be hard to detect.
90 Frags +

im sure valve will patch this

just like they patched the uber building glitch months ago xD

im sure valve will patch this

just like they patched the uber building glitch months ago xD
52 Frags +

Comanglia made a video on this recently, it's more than just hearing spies. You quiet/louden any game sound you want, so you can make footsteps, decloaks, and the uber crackling noise really loud and everything else quiet. It's really really dumb

Comanglia made a video on this recently, it's more than just hearing spies. You quiet/louden any game sound you want, so you can make footsteps, decloaks, and the uber crackling noise really loud and everything else quiet. It's really really dumb
21 Frags +

We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.

We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.
37 Frags +
exa_We have sent emails to valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.

It negates the class entirely in 6s. Maybe a less common occurrence, but once you know there is a spy in 6s they're worthless.

[quote=exa_]We have sent emails to valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.[/quote]

It negates the class entirely in 6s. Maybe a less common occurrence, but once you know there is a spy in 6s they're worthless.
30 Frags +
exa_We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.

banning this is meaningless. theres no way to detect this unless someone is dumb enough to stream themselves cheating is there? Esea client might actually be able to detect it, but i highly doubt they would care enough to

edit: i believe mustardoverlord was accusing reimu of using this

[quote=exa_]We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.[/quote]

banning this is meaningless. theres no way to detect this unless someone is dumb enough to stream themselves cheating is there? Esea client might actually be able to detect it, but i highly doubt they would care enough to

edit: i believe mustardoverlord was accusing reimu of using this
6 Frags +

I understand trying to get awareness of a specific cheat existing so that people can look for it and ban it, but why the hell would you tell people how to do it.

I understand trying to get awareness of a specific cheat existing so that people can look for it and ban it, but why the hell would you tell people how to do it.
-29 Frags +

also knuckles this is against tf.tv rules, you're not allowed to post cheats

also knuckles this is against tf.tv rules, you're not allowed to post cheats
-21 Frags +


-6 Frags +

i mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to disable enable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously

i mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to [s]disable [/s] enable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously
28 Frags +
Reeroi mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to disable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously

i think ur thinking sv_pure 0 chief since sv_pure 2 actually blocks all of that

[quote=Reero]i mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to disable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously[/quote]

i think ur thinking sv_pure 0 chief since sv_pure 2 actually blocks all of that
13 Frags +
Reeroi mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to disable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously

disabling sv_pure 2 lets literally any tf2 file get loaded from a client's custom folder.

Custom textures don't work on sv_pure 2
Those giant ass healing particles don't work on sv_pure 2
you can only replace one in game sound with another in game sound (what this thread is about)

[quote=Reero]i mean its insanely easy to do a lot of borderline cheating shit with sv pure 2.
custom textures (for walls and shit)
those giant ass healing particles
any sound in the game
custom projectile models

i think the solution is just to disable sv pure 2 when trying to play this game seriously[/quote]

disabling sv_pure 2 lets literally any tf2 file get loaded from a client's custom folder.

Custom textures don't work on sv_pure 2
Those giant ass healing particles don't work on sv_pure 2
you can only replace one in game sound with another in game sound (what this thread is about)
11 Frags +

my bad i misunderstood

my bad i misunderstood
4 Frags +

sv_pure 2 is enabled by league configs by default but we all know those pubs that have sv_pure 0 that have snipers prefiring people that turn corners

sv_pure 2 is enabled by league configs by default but we all know those pubs that have sv_pure 0 that have snipers prefiring people that turn corners
5 Frags +

cant this also be done with just about any sound in the game? like shutter noises, stickies being shot, etc.

cant this also be done with just about any sound in the game? like shutter noises, stickies being shot, etc.
4 Frags +
dippidycant this also be done with just about any sound in the game? like shutter noises, stickies being shot, etc.

yeah, though most of the people do it with a completely differently file which you can change the sound levels for every sound in the game

[quote=dippidy]cant this also be done with just about any sound in the game? like shutter noises, stickies being shot, etc.[/quote]

yeah, though most of the people do it with a completely differently file which you can change the sound levels for every sound in the game
-4 Frags +

why did you post how to do this

why did you post how to do this
9 Frags +

all you need is to spam 1 command: bind key “record x; stop”

all you need is to spam 1 command: bind key “record x; stop”
7 Frags +


-16 Frags +
exa_We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.

Oh no think of all the poor spy mains who have nothing else to live for but highlander! I'm sure they're furiously jacking off to hentai in anger.

[quote=exa_]We have sent emails to Valve regarding the use of spy scripts last year and they haven't done anything about it. Regardless, this likely doesn't have as high of a benefit in 6v6 compared to HL as you always have a spy on the field in the latter format. This is banned in all HL leagues as far as I am aware though.[/quote]
Oh no think of all the poor spy mains who have nothing else to live for but highlander! I'm sure they're furiously jacking off to hentai in anger.
12 Frags +

spam here https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/contact?recipient=TF+Team

spam here https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/contact?recipient=TF+Team
12 Frags +
ProSkeezim sure valve will patch this

They do intend for sv_pure to blacklist these; cfg/pure_server_full.txt specifically puts all the game_sounds files as 'trusted_source' so they should be blocked in sv_pure. I'm sure if enough people emailed valve to say "hey these blacklisted files aren't getting blocked, and it can be abused" they'll be more likely to deal with it than most things.

ninjaxwhat makes you think valve will fix it when scripts like these have been around for way too much time and you can still use them with no problems on sv_pure 2 lmao

That can only remove ambient map sounds, which is basically nothing and doesn't give you an advantage. There's a lot of minor quality-of-life things you can customize (surfaceproperties.txt, extra_models.txt, stuff like nohats, arguably even huds and cfgs) that aren't really a problem if they're allowed and are definitely not comparable to actual cheats like making spy decloaks super loud.

[quote=ProSkeez]im sure valve will patch this [/quote]
They do intend for sv_pure to blacklist these; cfg/pure_server_full.txt specifically puts all the game_sounds files as 'trusted_source' so they should be blocked in sv_pure. I'm sure if enough people emailed valve to say "hey these blacklisted files aren't getting blocked, and it can be abused" they'll be more likely to deal with it than most things.

[quote=ninjax]what makes you think valve will fix it when [url=http://etf2l.org/forum/customise/topic-27511/]scripts like these[/url] have been around for way too much time and you can still use them with no problems on sv_pure 2 lmao[/quote]
That can only remove ambient map sounds, which is basically nothing and doesn't give you an advantage. There's a lot of minor quality-of-life things you can customize (surfaceproperties.txt, extra_models.txt, stuff like nohats, arguably even huds and cfgs) that aren't really a problem if they're allowed and are definitely not comparable to actual cheats like making spy decloaks super loud.
6 Frags +


7 Frags +
ninjaxwhether it's a bird tweeting or a spy decloaking don't you think valve should've at least tried to prevent people from outright playing with the sound files all this time, i actually know the soundscapes thing is pretty useless but it's been around for a long time now and i never saw it getting disabled on sv_pure 2

That's because it was never in the sv_pure blacklist in the first place. The majority of script files are not blocked (whether they relate to sound or not) because most script files are not abusable (or at least not as obviously and as blatantly as being able to change the volume of every sound in the game). In fact the entire blacklist is:


The issue is that game_sounds files are in the blacklist and should be blocked, but aren't. I don't know the details - might be some load order shenanigans - but it's down to the blacklist not working right, not valve neglecting what should and shouldn't be blacklisted.

ninjaxi can also argue on how many of the things you listed wouldn't be needed if valve added customization settings and properly optimized the game

I can second that, the ideal solution would be to add a cvar for enabling/disabling soundscapes. But it's not really a big problem having to edit a file for soundscapes either, it's just a bit less accessible than a cvar.

[quote=ninjax]whether it's a bird tweeting or a spy decloaking don't you think valve should've at least tried to prevent people from outright playing with the sound files all this time, i actually know the soundscapes thing is pretty useless but it's been around for a long time now and i never saw it getting disabled on sv_pure 2[/quote]
That's because it was never in the sv_pure blacklist in the first place. The majority of script files are not blocked (whether they relate to sound or not) because most script files are not abusable (or at least not as obviously and as blatantly as being able to change the volume of every sound in the game). In fact the entire blacklist is:[code]sound\...
scripts\soundmixers.txt[/code]The issue is that game_sounds files are in the blacklist and should be blocked, but aren't. I don't know the details - might be some load order shenanigans - but it's down to the blacklist not working right, not valve neglecting what should and shouldn't be blacklisted.[quote=ninjax]i can also argue on how many of the things you listed wouldn't be needed if valve added customization settings and properly optimized the game[/quote]
I can second that, the ideal solution would be to add a cvar for enabling/disabling soundscapes. But it's not really a big problem having to edit a file for soundscapes either, it's just a bit less accessible than a cvar.
47 Frags +
edit: i believe mustardoverlord was accusing reimu of using this

to be clear: someone sat at her pc at lan and it was literally obvious

I also know some other players who have outright admitted to it (like yuki)

edit: i believe mustardoverlord was accusing reimu of using this[/quote]

to be clear: someone sat at her pc at lan and it was literally obvious

I also know some other players who have outright admitted to it (like yuki)
11 Frags +

I've always wondered how much of the stuff people have used to legitimately mod the game (e.g. the explosion particle/crosshair replacement mod) is also capable of being used for sketchy backdoor stuff. I remember when the fullbright part of the clean tf2 mod would make spies become completely visible instead of just flickering.

Also, do leagues actually have a stance on this? There's certain things like this and the big box shadows which I really think shouldn't be allowed (although shadows showing through walls in general is a problem).

I've always wondered how much of the stuff people have used to legitimately mod the game (e.g. the explosion particle/crosshair replacement mod) is also capable of being used for sketchy backdoor stuff. I remember when the fullbright part of the clean tf2 mod would make spies become completely visible instead of just flickering.

Also, do leagues actually have a stance on this? There's certain things like this and the big box shadows which I really think shouldn't be allowed (although shadows showing through walls in general is a problem).
13 Frags +
ZestyAlso, do leagues actually have a stance on this? There's certain things like this and the big box shadows which I really think shouldn't be allowed (although shadows showing through walls in general is a problem).

obviously it's not a league but you will be banned from pugchamp for cheating if you are caught using this exploit

[quote=Zesty]Also, do leagues actually have a stance on this? There's certain things like this and the big box shadows which I really think shouldn't be allowed (although shadows showing through walls in general is a problem).[/quote]
obviously it's not a league but you will be banned from pugchamp for cheating if you are caught using this exploit
8 Frags +

uni uses it

uni uses it
30 Frags +

playoffs are right around the corner everybody!

playoffs are right around the corner everybody!
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 6
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