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Signed Up April 1, 2014
Last Posted July 5, 2024 at 6:46 PM
Posts 2137 (0.5 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6.0
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech MX Master
Keyboard Ducky 9008G2 Pro Limited Edition (PBT, MX Greens)
Mousepad Razer Sphex
Headphones Philips SHP9500
Monitor HP L1925 (vert), BenQ XL2420Z, Apple Monitor II
1 ⋅⋅ 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 ⋅⋅ 142
#12 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help

Oh another thing that I've noticed when I was having this issue was that cl_showfps showed a frame rate far above 144, even when it looked more like 50 to my eyes. That's what told me it was something with how the window was being displayed that caused the issue.

I actually contacted NVIDIA about this to see if they knew anything but they weren't helpful at all.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help
flamealso im pretty sure theres a lauch option you can add to tf2 to set the refresh rate

pretty sure you just do -refresh 144

try that too

won't do anything if running in a window

posted about 9 years ago
#10 A quick word on newbie mixes this Friday in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not the nerd dragger this game needs, but I'm the nerd dragger this game deserves

Sorry I just had to say that. Sign me up to coach. I've also donated a server to Kevin because just having 4 servers isn't gunna work.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help
flamedisabling aero would make me feel like a pleb, if when he starts the game it' at 144hz and only changes when the game comes in and out of focus maybe disallowing it from leaving focus could be a workaround

Isn't it worth testing, just to see if it works?

posted about 9 years ago
#7 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help
flametry engine_focus_nosleep and see if that fixes it, now im curious, it might have something to do with alt tabbing to a monitor not running at 144hz and tf2 getting confused when it goes in and out of focus.

The thing is, I don't think it's TF2. I think it's actually DWM causing this issue, and I've experienced it myself. Some kind of bug with hardware acceleration. In 7, you can disable Aero and it'll fix the issue, but that isn't an option in 8.1 I guess...

posted about 9 years ago
#5 144hz Not Constant in Q/A Help

Is Aero enabled and do you have multiple monitors, with at least one of them that isn't running at 144?

If so, try disabling Aero.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Muselk shouts out competitive in TF2 General Discussion
BloodisI want to say how I'm happy of you for saying that running full-time pyro in 6v6 is not viable.

Since I've never seen it being viable no matter what do those shitters think lol

I casted a match with budsquad where they ran a full time combat medic

fucking steven

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Muselk shouts out competitive in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnFor anyone curious, the newbie mixes group has acquired over 300 new members since this video was posted. While this is very exciting... PLEASE COME COACH ON FRIDAY. ALL OF YOU.

Willing to coach and donate a server for the night, if it would help you guys. You only have like 4 servers right?

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
_In_SanitySurprisingly that was more difficult to do than I expected. So much of our language surrounding currently overpower weapons centers around how we believe that they could be fixed. To the point where a lot of the core issues with the weapons are only ever described by ways that we would go about changing them.

I can understand why valve has always resisted suggestions for weapon improvements/fixes. It is easy to convince yourself that you know what is actually broken about a weapon, and that you have a real solution to that problem, and completely miss the mark.

Not sure why you got downvoted, you're blatantly right. There are a few instances where it really is a binary thing (Caber, Pomson), but in most cases, it's possible to detach solutions from the original problem, and it should always be done.

Rebalancing isn't done by just changing it to what sounds cool. Rebalancing is done by pointing out an unbiased problematic stat and coming up with a bunch of solutions to fix it, playtesting those, and then picking the best one. There are a lot of possible solutions to the BFB in this thread and I love almost every single one of them. Valve should reopen the Beta and make BFB1, BFB2, and BFB3 and see how they work out, similar to the Equalizer (Beta Equalizer 1&2, which both got accepted, becoming the Equalizer and Escape Plan).

posted about 9 years ago
#109 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

just some points about a few weapons. everything is just technical, nothing here is opinion

_In_SanityFlying Guillotine: (in my opinion) the burst damage from use in conjunction with the sandman stun is too high. Stats from use without the sandman seem alright to me (but admittedly I rarely play with or against this weapon when it is used alone)

does 150 damage to anyone "stunned". explosive knockback, natascha slow, and airblast count as being stunned. scouts can toss the cleaver and 1shot a medic who got airblasted or knocked into the air.

_In_SanityBattalion's Backup: Buff feels acceptable, not certain how 'spammable' the buff is in practice though - potentially an area of issue. The increase health coupled with the increased resistances when the buff is used give massive advantages to fights/bombs/1v1s. No obvious downsides beyond the lack of shotgun/gunboats. This weapon feels more balanced that others on this list.

i believe the main issue here is that a soldier who spams can completely negate a kritz uber, since it makes those affected immune to crits. if it's a 5v6 situation, with 6 defending last and the 5 missing their medic, and they've built a Backup with spam damage, if the defending team has a kritz uber, the offensive team can just push in with the backup popped and the uber is negated, and with 30% resistance, they'll probably win the fight anyway unless their DM is shit. if it's a stock uber, the resistance is still really strong and they might win anyway.

_In_SanityDisciplinary Action: Utility, specifically around mid fight timing, forces a team to run it or risk losing mid. Beyond mid fights I don't think it is overpowered, maybe in certain transition situations (or for making other classes more viable in transition). No serious drawbacks compared to stock.

competitive 6s tends to ban any weapons that, when used, force the other team to either run them or be at a disadvantage. this is why the vitasaw is banned.

_In_SanityUllapool Caber: maybe it is because of my time in HL, but this weapon doesn't bother me. Maybe the negatives do not offset the potential to burst in a small AoE. Point blank burst damage might be too high (though you are trading your demo for a low change of killing their medic, provided their medic is paying attention)

the main argument against the caber is that it can be crit boosted

_In_SanityNatascha: I actually don't mind the movement penalty. Value tweaks around this and damage reduction. Current damage reduction is easily negated by coordinated play.

if the duration/intensity falloff was a bit more aggressive, i think this would be okay

_In_SanitySandvich: An additional source of health on demand. Hard counter to any trade/suicide play that only damages the medic. Health can be given to any class, or used to self heal to full health. When used with good positioning or team support the temporary vulnerability is negated

generally banned in 6s because it can heal a med. if you couldn't drop it as often or could only drop it once, or if it didn't heal as much, i think it would be accepted more often

posted about 9 years ago
#104 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowJust a quick note on disciplinary action and highlander, the weapon forces you to use it on both teams in order to not lose in midfight. What team genuinely does finewithout whip at a midfight while the other team uses it?

EDIT just thought of a solution, make the gloves of running urgently give the whip effect instead of just being a speed boost

I know you're not saying this for 6s but

speed boosted heavy and medic to mid

oh god

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
botmodecan we get a long list of items that
a - need tweaking - items that are a little off balance but not a game breaking concept -> pomson
b - need reworks - items that are badly designed / game breaking -> soda popper / quick fix

just so people looking at suggestions have a place to start

Sure. Here's a list of every banned weapon in ESEA that could be reasonably tweaked and allowed. Remember, I'm not saying any of these should be unbanned as they currently stand, just that they could be modified to the point that they're each a sidegrade that doesn't alter the game in ways 6v6 wouldn't like. Entries with a question mark are ones that might actually be possible to unban as they currently stand, because they've either been tweaked or nerfed and aren't as broken anymore.


  • Baby Face's Blaster
  • Soda Popper
  • Flying Guillotine
  • Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
  • The Atomizer
  • Wrap Assassin


  • Beggar's Bazooka
  • Liberty Launcher?
  • Battalion's Backup
  • Reserve Shooter
  • Disciplinary Action


  • Rainblower (with new server cvar to disable pyrovision)
  • Powerjack
  • Lollichop (with new server cvar to disable pyrovision) (banned in all other 6s but not ESEA?)


  • Ali Baba's Wee Booties
  • Bootlegger
  • Loch-n-Load
  • Persian Persuader
  • Ullapool Caber


  • Brass Beast
  • Natascha
  • Dalokohs Bar
  • Sandvich


  • Frontier Justice
  • Pomson 6000
  • Widowmaker
  • Short Circuit
  • Gunslinger/Minisentry


  • Quick-Fix
  • Vaccinator
  • Solemn Vow


  • Sydney Sleeper
  • Cleaner's Carbine
  • Darwin's Danger Shield
  • Jarate


  • Enforcer
  • Spy-cicle
posted about 9 years ago
#2 Cool Stuff to do during summer? in Off Topic

get a job

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
KhanCorrect me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the change you proposed for the Wrangler complete negate the nerf to the rescue ranger since the shield would instantly fade upon switching weapons?

Pubs with multiple engineers hanging back using the RR on a wrangled sentry, I guess. Irrelevant in competitive play because both HL and 6v6 only allow a max of 1 engie.

posted about 9 years ago
#63 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Just going to add my two cents to the BFB.

Baby Face's Blaster
Current stats with the following changes:

  • Max boost acquired after 140 damage, up from 100 damage

100 damage is a little low. It allows a single meatshot to almost fully charge the boost meter. This change would require at least two meatshots, or around 3.5 medium range shots. Additionally, a full pistol clip deals around 180 damage at medium range, and 96 damage at long range, assuming no shots miss (lol). Assuming you only hit 50% of your shots (thanks to spread, and it's probably a lower percentage than this), you would now need around two clips at medium range to get to full boost.

  • 20% boost removed on air jumps, down from 25%

Important when considering how gameplay changes with the next change, but it also means that the 140 damage you spent goes to waste a lot less easily. Boost is harder to obtain, and should fall slower. One of the biggest issues with the BFB is how often your speed can change, and how much it can change in those bursts. From a pub focus, it's a little confusing for newer players when their speed keeps drastically changing, and while not a subtle effect by design, it should have a more gradual transition in both ways. From a comp focus, it's really fucking hard to track someone whose speed keeps changing so drastically. Gradual transitions are good in both cases, as long as they aren't too extreme.

  • Jump height reduced by 40%

This is the biggest change that I feel really balances the weapon. This makes it so that Scouts that grab the BFB trade vertical maneuverability and positioning for horizontal speed. It's a playstyle change, more of a sidegrade. What 40% does is make it so that a Scout with the BFB can only jump a little higher than a standard class while using up both double jumps and losing 20% of their speed. They can perform small jumps that allow them to get over ledges, which are very big issues on certain maps like Upward (defense spawns), without losing any boost. However, in order to take certain paths that require a full crouch jump, they now need to spend 20% of their boost, and they have to take those jumps slower. It stops them from going to places that only full double jump scouts can accomplish if it's a vertical location, which is part of the downside of the weapon, but they can still cross double jump gaps if they have full boost, which is part of the horizontal improvement that they should have in the first place. The number can be fine tuned after playtesting on major maps, of course, so that all jumps that should be achievable are achievable, but I figured 40% is a nice number because it gives a little wiggle room for you to mess up and still achieve what any class can in terms of single jump height.

Another idea that I had, but had issues:

  • Just removing double jump

The Scout's double jump isn't only for climbing over obstacles and ascending to other floors, it's also part of what makes the Scout able to dodge in midair - performing an air jump will completely reset their momentum and change their direction in any way they want. It's too core to the class to remove. The jump height nerf allows them to keep that maneuverability without having the standard height advantage that double jumping gives.

I want to contribute to a couple of other ideas here but I don't have enough time to write any more. I'll definitely check in with this thread later tonight and write up some changes for currently banned weapons.

posted about 9 years ago
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