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Last Posted July 5, 2024 at 6:46 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 ⋅⋅ 142
#31 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
aieraYou shouldn't spawn people on top of rocks or weird props, it just feels weird when you spawn in a place that is annoying

Is the rock spawn that awkward? I can move it if so, I just see a lot of soldiers actually standing on that one for both defense and offense, and figured that one was safe. Same with the shack.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion

pushed cp_steel, cp_granary_pro_b4, pl_borneo_rc4, cp_glassworks_rc4a, and koth_sandstone_pro_rc1. If there are any others you want done please let me know. I want to make sure every league map this season has support.

edit: accepted, update your soap

posted about 9 years ago
#26 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
HyceThanks for doing Logjam, I really appreciate it. I don't have to force my buddy Thintri to do it for me now! Haha.

I didn't do Logjam, that would be LaMqTa.

posted about 9 years ago
#78 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic
AvastLikes to jam with Jimmy
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posted about 9 years ago
#22 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion

Does Croissant really need Soap support? It's a cool map, but does anyone actually play it competitively?

posted about 9 years ago
#27 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

describes what he thought about his childhood

posted about 9 years ago
#21 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
smoboNot trying to talk trash, but when you barely have any HL experience, most maps are probably going to seem like that.

I don't barely have any HL experience. I've only been rostered for two seasons but that's because I haven't had time to devote to a regular team. I also casted quite a bit, including far more Steel than I'd care to have casted.

The biggest issue with Steel over other maps is that if you get caught off guard, you're literally fucked. If, for instance, your Engie sets up on A but offense does an E push, there's nothing you can do to pull back - you'll have to ditch all of your buildings and try to set up on E or B. Higher level teams will often just forfeit A and have their Engie set up on B, but even then, Blu can still push through the A-E connector and then most of Red will have to pull back.

One of the strengths of HL is that the Engie determines how strong you can hold something, but when the Engie can be made null (unless he sets up on E in which case E is incredibly tough to push without taking D) by simply rotating, it leads to cheesy strategies. It's one of the reasons why Viaduct's mid fence was shortened to deal with snipers - being able to slightly tweak where you are in order to force the enemy to entirely rotate is just bad map design.

posted about 9 years ago
#57 cp_glassworks (5cp) in Map Discussion

There's some kind of invisible ledge on the left side of the sewer dropdown

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These hanging pots shouldn't clip with players or projectiles

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Because every single ammo pack surrounding second is small, and there isn't one on the field itself, I feel like there should either be another small ammo pack here, or the one under the point should be upgraded to a medium pack. Not as big of a deal in HL when there are dispensers, but in 6s, having to fall back to lobby or mid just to pick up a small ammo pack from there, and then having to fall back further for more ammo is a big deal. Would also help pushing out of second if you can't take lobby.

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Perhaps also a small ammo pack here for spamming into lobby, in case they're doing a defensive lobby hold

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What is this thing? It isn't mirrored, and it looks like a malformed chunk of Australium with a missing texture

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Garage should also use RED's theme on their side, instead it's mirrored across both sides except it uses red signs on RED's side

Other than that, love the map, would love to see it get played more. ESEA or UGC needs to pick it up.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion

glassworks done, making the sfm is a bitch so I won't bother

Do you guys think if it's okay that RED spawns on the BLU side on top of their own? Right now I've got it set so that BLU only spawns on the BLU side, and RED on the equivalent RED side spot, but other maps like Process have them all share.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
ManSkirtDude101I like it because the amount of teamwork needed I guess I'm the only one who likes this map.

I think the A/D format in HL is definitely interesting, but Steel is prone to ridiculously stupid strategies. Teams are often left guessing what the other team is going to do, and they're forced to play off of that.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion

thoughts on borneo spawns?

apologies for shit quality, bloom, and motion blur - i placed a bunch of resist shield props on top of the spawn locations in SFM and then recorded the video with SFM's built-in TF2 instance, which is from 2008 and has forced bloom and motion blur

glassworks is up next

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Behind the Scenes: TF2 Production in News

Thanks for bringing to light the kind of work we do, tsc! Fantastic writeup.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
omnificI think they're poking fun at HL players, and I think that the "won't have fun during the match" thing is a reference to how horribly retarded cp_steel is.

Pretty much. Steel is the worst map in HL and I don't hate HL but I still like to poke fun now and then.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion
omnificNo I'm not talking about MGE. I mean the servers only really run a rotation of those maps, I've never seen logjam or any other maps like it on a soapdm server

Logjam hasn't been supported for very long. Once the support is added to SoapDM, it's up to the server owners to update their installations of Soap and to add those maps to the rotation. That can't be enforced.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 SoapDM Map Support in TF2 General Discussion

lol apparently LaMqTa beat me to adding some of these but I'll still commit what new ones I have

parkWhere would the spawns even be?


omnificSeconding these + where would you dm on borneo?

first and second

kounterpartsLogjam boysss

cp_logjam_b20_pre2 is supported as of 21 hours ago

omnificJust another thing, does anyone know dm servers that run anything beyond the usual cp_badlands, cp_freight, cp_granary, cp_gravelpit, cp_gullywash, cp_metalworks, cp_process, cp_snakewater, cp_sunshine, koth_pro_viaduct, and koth_coalplant? I always join off of the servers in the server section on, are those the only dm servers out there?

if you're talking about MGE, MGE actually has a custom map that has chunks of other maps pasted into it, and that's how it achieves multiple maps. The custom map would have to be updated to support other locations.


oh and also, because that way HL scrubs can have a little bit of fun on that map during the pregame. they sure as fuck won't be having fun during the match

posted about 9 years ago
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