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Show your HUD modifications!
posted in Customization
-8 Frags +
-9 Frags +
Making hud with some help(by copypasting some things) from knhud/bxhud/gmanghud

ebat' ti cho s hudom sdelal?) ti s nim na Pixling Cup igral?

Making hud with some help(by copypasting some things) from knhud/bxhud/gmanghud[/quote]
ebat' ti cho s hudom sdelal?) ti s nim na Pixling Cup igral?
-2 Frags +
Making hud with some help(by copypasting some things) from knhud/bxhud/gmanghud

Nice, but that box, whatever it is for, it shouldnt be right there, and the ammoinreserve should have a higher alpha. Other than that, great copy/pasting!

Making hud with some help(by copypasting some things) from knhud/bxhud/gmanghud[/quote]

Nice, but that box, whatever it is for, it shouldnt be right there, and the ammoinreserve should have a higher alpha. Other than that, great copy/pasting!
-2 Frags +
Nice, but that box, whatever it is for, it shouldnt be right there, and the ammoinreserve should have a higher alpha. Other than that, great copy/pasting!

Thanks. About box: i made picture first for some dyingpulse animations and after that i've decided to add team indicator and background, which used in dyingpulse animation too. I think about ammoinrevere, don't want it to look as the ammoinclip >.<


Nice, but that box, whatever it is for, it shouldnt be right there, and the ammoinreserve should have a higher alpha. Other than that, great copy/pasting![/quote]
Thanks. About box: i made picture first for some dyingpulse animations and after that i've decided to add team indicator and background, which used in dyingpulse animation too. I think about ammoinrevere, don't want it to look as the ammoinclip >.<
7 Frags +

I had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a video of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)

I had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zadw4oQYt0&feature=youtu.be]video[/url] of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)
0 Frags +
collycatI had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a video of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)

That looks sweet

[quote=collycat]I had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zadw4oQYt0&feature=youtu.be]video[/url] of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)[/quote]
That looks sweet
5 Frags +

reworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff


reworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
0 Frags +
mousiopereworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff

can you upload that please?

[quote=mousiope]reworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
can you upload that please?
-1 Frags +
collycatI had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a video of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)

Amazing <333

[quote=collycat]I had an idea for the quickplay menu, here's a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zadw4oQYt0&feature=youtu.be]video[/url] of it. (sorry about the messed up colors)[/quote]

Amazing <333
7 Frags +


something i've been working on.


something i've been working on.
-2 Frags +

something i've been working on.

reminds me of delihud/yahud, i like it


something i've been working on.[/quote]
reminds me of delihud/yahud, i like it
-1 Frags +

something i've been working on.



something i've been working on.[/quote]

-1 Frags +

something i've been working on.

Nice one.


something i've been working on.[/quote]
Nice one.
-1 Frags +

something i've been working on.

That's awesome man !!!! DL LINK PLEASEE !


something i've been working on.[/quote]

That's awesome man !!!! DL LINK PLEASEE !
18 Frags +

something i've been working on.

why is demo's hands white?


something i've been working on.[/quote]

why is demo's hands white?
8 Frags +

This actually isn't my screenshot. i gave the hud to my friend so he could test it and because his resolution is bigger than mine, and asked for a screenshot and he sent me this. i didn't notice that skin until someone pointed it out in the comments. i have yet to ask him about it, but i don't think he's racist lol

i guess he just likes demo that way, iduno....

This actually isn't my screenshot. i gave the hud to my friend so he could test it and because his resolution is bigger than mine, and asked for a screenshot and he sent me this. i didn't notice that skin until someone pointed it out in the comments. i have yet to ask him about it, but i don't think he's racist lol

i guess he just likes demo that way, iduno....
0 Frags +
Menth_This actually isn't my screenshot. i gave the hud to my friend so he could test it and because his resolution is bigger than mine, and asked for a screenshot and he sent me this. i didn't notice that skin until someone pointed it out in the comments. i have yet to ask him about it, but i don't think he's racist lol

i guess he just likes demo that way, iduno....

Lol. Any chance for DL?

[quote=Menth_]This actually isn't my screenshot. i gave the hud to my friend so he could test it and because his resolution is bigger than mine, and asked for a screenshot and he sent me this. i didn't notice that skin until someone pointed it out in the comments. i have yet to ask him about it, but i don't think he's racist lol

i guess he just likes demo that way, iduno....[/quote]
Lol. Any chance for DL?
1 Frags +

not right now, it's not even half done.

not right now, it's not even half done.
-2 Frags +
T0mmousiopereworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
can you upload that please?

please :v ?

[quote=T0m][quote=mousiope]reworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
can you upload that please?[/quote]

please :v ?
-2 Frags +


10 Frags +

Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.

Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.
1 Frags +
FlappiNothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.

looks awesome, would definitely use

[quote=Flappi]Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.
looks awesome, would definitely use
0 Frags +
FlappiNothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.

really smooth & clean

Show Content
i need this
[quote=Flappi]Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated. [/quote]
really smooth & clean
[spoiler]i need this[/spoiler]
-3 Frags +
FlappiNothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.

looks great, only thing i´d do is changing the dmg numbers to a smaller size as i find these to be very distracting other than that great job!

[quote=Flappi]Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.
looks great, only thing i´d do is changing the dmg numbers to a smaller size as i find these to be very distracting other than that great job!
-1 Frags +
CamusT0mmousiopereworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
can you upload that please?

please :v ?


[quote=Camus][quote=T0m][quote=mousiope]reworked hp and ammo position and minimalistic target ids and medic hud changed
just small stuff
can you upload that please?[/quote]

please :v ?[/quote]

2 Frags +
FlappiNothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.


[quote=Flappi]Nothing special but here is something I've been working on.
Feedback is appreciated.
0 Frags +

just a really small m0rehud edit i did for myself. Love it and love gunblade for updating old m0re's stuff :D


just a really small m0rehud edit i did for myself. Love it and love gunblade for updating old m0re's stuff :D
-1 Frags +

A hud I'm making from scratch, I've still got a lot to do before I can call it anywhere near finished.


A hud I'm making from scratch, I've still got a lot to do before I can call it anywhere near finished.
-4 Frags +
SpannzerA hud I'm making from scratch, I've still got a lot to do before I can call it anywhere near finished.

this font is ugly

[quote=Spannzer]A hud I'm making from scratch, I've still got a lot to do before I can call it anywhere near finished.
this font is ugly
-2 Frags +

How call this hud?

How call this hud?
1 ⋅⋅ 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 ⋅⋅ 200
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