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Nerf Sniper on Product
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Sniper has become increasingly popular on Product in the past few years, and in my opinion completely ruins the flow of the map. Sometimes the sniper does not even need to have exceptional aim as their mere presence and the occasional bodyshot can provide massive impact. It's also really hard to shut him down as they can sit at the back of the map and force the other team to risk running through their sightline.

One simple suggestion I have is to extend the fence to block china, and extend the sheet metal on cliff to block the cliff sightline. Something like this:


Sniper has become increasingly popular on Product in the past few years, and in my opinion completely ruins the flow of the map. Sometimes the sniper does not even need to have exceptional aim as their mere presence and the occasional bodyshot can provide massive impact. It's also really hard to shut him down as they can sit at the back of the map and force the other team to risk running through their sightline.

One simple suggestion I have is to extend the fence to block china, and extend the sheet metal on cliff to block the cliff sightline. Something like this:

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3 Frags +

the risk reward for sniper has always been an insanely good deal on this map, something that would force the sniper to play riskier positions would make it feel less oppressive

the risk reward for sniper has always been an insanely good deal on this map, something that would force the sniper to play riskier positions would make it feel less oppressive
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58 Frags +

there's actually an extremely simple, unobtrusive, and easy way to fix sniper on every map including product...

there's actually an extremely simple, unobtrusive, and easy way to fix sniper on every map including product...
-7 Frags +

i think sniper is worse than an optimal cookie cutter on product, but i also know the game is instantly less fun the minute a sniper exists on this map specifically (even when i have the sniper and they're hitting all their shots, it limits how far deep u can go and the way u fight). only compounds if they have the sniper hitting everything, or if both teams are running sniper waiting for one to hit a shot b4 doing anything

i think sniper is worse than an optimal cookie cutter on product, but i also know the game is instantly less fun the minute a sniper exists on this map specifically (even when i have the sniper and they're hitting all their shots, it limits how far deep u can go and the way u fight). only compounds if they have the sniper hitting everything, or if both teams are running sniper waiting for one to hit a shot b4 doing anything
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What about Engineer?

What about Engineer?
18 Frags +

started a project with someone to do this, ended up doing more but a version with the specific changes ur asking for was made

https://imgur.com/a/product-rcm-2kvW2dP heres an imgurs with ALL the changes that were made (one of them has minor ones, not the extreme ones like the wooden fence on rock or the extended fence covering the point)
drive file has 3 versions, 1 is about what ur asking for in ur example with some other minor changes. it's not exactly what u want but it's something we thought of without making the changes too annoying (mainly cuz a lot of people would've complained about china being blocked off, the sign on china can't be shot through but can be jumped through) pretty much every change has been made with sniper in mind, other than the obvious bridge removal which we thought would make soldier more fun

keep in mind this was started like over half a year ago lol. i was planning on testing these and making changes where people would/wouldn't like stuff but my lifes become quite busy so i don't have time. i won't be making any changes so if ya'll like these/don't like something and want something changed please don't ask me to change anything cuz that won't happen (plus i'm not the one that actually MADE these changes, just the megamind behind the ideas) but you're free to use these in whatever way you like

also if i remember correctly most if not all of these should have some optimization to the rendering of the map so they SHOULD be more performance friendly, but i really can't remember which ones do/don't have those

started a project with someone to do this, ended up doing more but a version with the specific changes ur asking for was made

https://imgur.com/a/product-rcm-2kvW2dP heres an imgurs with ALL the changes that were made (one of them has minor ones, not the extreme ones like the wooden fence on rock or the extended fence covering the point)
drive file has 3 versions, 1 is about what ur asking for in ur example with some other minor changes. it's not exactly what u want but it's something we thought of without making the changes too annoying (mainly cuz a lot of people would've complained about china being blocked off, the sign on china can't be shot through but can be jumped through) pretty much every change has been made with sniper in mind, other than the obvious bridge removal which we thought would make soldier more fun

keep in mind this was started like over half a year ago lol. i was planning on testing these and making changes where people would/wouldn't like stuff but my lifes become quite busy so i don't have time. i won't be making any changes so if ya'll like these/don't like something and want something changed please don't ask me to change anything cuz that won't happen (plus i'm not the one that actually MADE these changes, just the megamind behind the ideas) but you're free to use these in whatever way you like

also if i remember correctly most if not all of these should have some optimization to the rendering of the map so they SHOULD be more performance friendly, but i really can't remember which ones do/don't have those
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fuck u

fuck u
33 Frags +
Wild_Rumpusthere's actually an extremely simple, unobtrusive, and easy way to fix sniper on every map including product...
[quote=Wild_Rumpus]there's actually an extremely simple, unobtrusive, and easy way to fix sniper on every map including product...[/quote]
11 Frags +

if we're changing product let's remove the crack shot into the cliff entrance too thanks

if we're changing product let's remove the crack shot into the cliff entrance too thanks
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the world is healing

the world is healing
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Sniper limit 0 on product is the way to go tbh.

Sniper limit 0 on product is the way to go tbh.
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what if there's another koth map out there like bagel that people don't hate that could just replace product outright

what if there's another koth map out there like bagel that people don't hate that could just replace product outright
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just counter snipe ez fix

just counter snipe ez fix
-12 Frags +

The bell dosent work on noduct ;-;

The bell dosent work on noduct ;-;
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